Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spherical Reduction

It is not
A reducing Sphere of Influence
Compounded by even more things to know, which many do not
Nor have any hope thereof
It is not
No longer waiting
To be laid waste by time
Painfully relating to the truth
It is not
That love’s path is stonier still
To another generation
Singing while springing to life
It is not
That they will live within a summer
That we will never know
We are alive, and then we are not
It is not
A compulsory return to the tesseract field
Someone else will live in our houses
Someone else will see and hear your art
It is not
A question of will anyone hear me after I am no more
Sad that the only part of this journey
That we can not see or perceive from here
Is not it
The horizon has always been synclastic
Any curve expanded to infinity appears straight edged
It is not

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Category: Life

Upon closer inspection, I realize that the last thing I really want to do is actually look closer and inspect the bizarre internal torrent that passes for thought inside of my pointed little head.

But sometimes you just have to turn over the rocks inside your head and after the willies pass, that result directly from the revulsion that you feel from all the bugs that you found crawling around inside that reassuringly warm yet frighteningly cold spot of your very own creation

Then you can relax and enjoy the warm, reassuring and truly heartfelt joy that is your just reward when you realize you are in the least bit capable of recognizing any of that feculent mess as being in the least bit bug like in the first place

To say nothing of the paralyzing need to shake the paralysis out of your already overworked procrastination skills and apply them directly, or else that badly needed denial capacity just may suffer from your lack of vision and motivation

My fondness for self analysis occurs as a direct inverse to proximity. The farther away from it I can get the more I like it. This is the kind of stuff you just have to buckle down and focus upon if you ever want to have any hope what so ever of making any real progress towards not having to ever buckle down and focus upon any such internal dialogue, monologue or dichotomy that you might be contemplating thinking about, but know you can get away with not doing so if you just show a little back bone and abandon it as the sorry assed little thought experiment you already know it for in the first place, But I digress.

Teenage angst is in no way, shape or form a very plausible explanation or description for the free floating riot club of a maelstrom that periodically reaches beyond the usual dull roar

(a self imposed tolerance limit) permissible in order to maintain what seems to be an increasingly fragile grasp on reality which is tenuous at best even during the much preferred manic phase of my rock & roller cola war of a bi-polar aphasic episodic life But again, I digress

Please be advised Bullshit alert, the following is complete bullshit.

Awaken more fully into the substance that dreams you. So that you may come to a different understanding about that which you think, while understanding that truth is only true to the moment during which it was a thought, and thereafter serves only itself. It's very existence becomes dependent upon your mindless and unquestioning acceptance of what you yourself conceived of and accepted as truth, And therein lies the fallacy for it may very well have been truth during its conception but ceased to be so the very millisecond you chose to cease pursuing it as a thought form and tried clothing it the raiment of a belief, which as you know is the true root of all evil. Systemic beliefs these are how you can turn you're abject and impoverished depression into an otherwise joyous experience.