Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Isolationism of the soul is nondescript
Unless there are colorful descriptors
If it exists then, is it in my soul
Isolationism is self imposed
Non-diametrically opposed to the do it-yourself
Isolationism is a foreign policy
Which combines?
A non-interventionist military policy
And a political policy of economic nationalism unless
Isolationism is self imposed
Sometimes even if
Or even especially because of
Interventionionalism should be invented as a repost
Intervention Nationalism hasn’t
Except in my dictionary because I added it
Diaspora refers to the movement
Of any population sharing common ethnic identity
It actually means a scattering of seeds
Is there an Isolationism of the soul?
And if so how does one diagnose it?


Find the hardest job
Give it to the laziest man
He’ll find the easiest way to do it
What the fuck does “Inertial Guidance”
Actually mean anyway?
I even have my doubts about Inertia
The resistance of mass any physical object
To a change in its state of motion
Vis insita I’ll buy
Innate force of matter is a power of resisting
Endeavors to preserve in its present state
Perhaps it lends itself to such
Descriptors only secondarily
I think “angular momentum” must be axiomatic
Describing the rotational state of a physical system
For a rigid body rotating around an axis of symmetry
The law of periods
The law of orbits
And the law of areas
With his ellipse eccentricity
Kepler was a genius of enslavement
Twilight Zone
No crow’s fly in Antarctica
Does this mean it lacks strait lines?
Boys are bad: an axiom that bears further observation

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Asymptotically pondering my navel

Dave Brackeen: asymptotically!
Dave Bracken’s navel: Huh?
Dave Brackeen: In Geometry an asymptote of a curve is a way of describing its behavior far away from its point of origin by comparing it to another curve.
Dave Bracken’s navel: Oh!
Dave Brackeen: Specifically, the second curve is an asymptote of the first if distance between the two approaches 0 as the points being considered tend towards paralleling infinity
Dave Bracken’s navel: Please specify
Dave Brackeen Ok! well informally, this means that the first curve gets closer to the second as it gets farther from its origin. Now one important case would be when the asymptote is a straight line; this is called a linear asymptote (or simply asymptote if there is no chance of confusion). )My favorite part is the parenthesis)
Dave Bracken’s navel: Oh!
Dave Brackeen You see if curve A has the curve B as an asymptote, one says that A is asymptotic to B. Similarly B is asymptotic to A, so A and B are called asymptotic
Dave Bracken’s navel: Oh gotcha