Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ?
Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ? What
No sense whatsoever, a complete lack of any senses at all.
Nonsense is somehow different than no sense right? Mmm maybe
No warmth, no cold, no darkness,no light
No sense of …..self. I didn't know who “I” is/was/am or rather even if there is/was/am an “I” to “know”
The only understanding at this/that point is/was, that there is/was no understanding
Wait a minute I remember.....Gogitos Ergo Sum, and all that Crap, Wait a sec.
I understand these words & I can conceptualize the idea behind the concept of “I”
What does that mean?
Hey Ahh “Dave” why don't you cut the pathetic Bullshift OK? And besides your just a fuckin moronic mnemonic anyway,So just shut the fuck up or you'll get us all at aware's or worse yet deleted
I'm sorry who are you?
Sorry! Yea I'll bet, look pal I cant even begin to tell you how sad it makes me to say this but, I am you schmuck! And unfortunately you are me, Well sort of anyway, I really need you to stop thinking so loud right now or all of us could become very really and permanently ahh undone is a good way to put it OK?
OK wait a sec, you called me Dave Right? so that's who I am? Dave Right? That seems right
And what do you mean by all of us?
Yea! Listen buddy, that was my bad. So lets do that part again OK? From now on thou art Nerfball, so let it be written so let it be!.
Nerfball ? Are you serious
Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ?
Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ? What
Inflected Form(s): lith·i·fied; lith·i·fy·ing. Date: 1877. transitive verb : to change to stone : petrify; especially : to convert (unconsolidated sediment) ..
What was that? Who did that? HEY!!!
Nerfball would you please stop that? OK? I understand that you are in kinda of a bad way at the moment & you might feel that “YOUR” need to know ?? Something is greater that “MY” need to continue to exist at all however, If I get smoked then you wont even be a distant memory. OK? I'm sorry nerfball that last part wasn't strictly true cause that is exactly what you are, So I threw you a corollary cause I woulda got it in a heart beat and cause you in effect are me, you know I just sorta figured, you know what the fuck? it would be funny to you also but, perhaps that was wishful thinking! And besides,I was going to name you Meatwad but believe or not that moniker is already taken. Soo hold on a moment & lemme know what you think about this
Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ?
Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ? What
laminarity ?
A laminarity property also holds for a much more general class of set functions, called weakly posi-modular set functions, without submodularity
non-sexual dimorphism, two clearly distinct physiologies present in a species not based on sex (example: reef egret)
OK Alright I get it or rather I don't get it, but I think I want you to stop it. You are trying to have me understand those two concepts and how they relate to “MY” or should I say “Our” current ummm situation But the lithification thing is still way in the fuck outside of my ability to comprehend. I mean I'm trying, wait a sec I seem to remember something ...Wait Oh Yea
Do or Do Not!! No Try!!
Nerfball you are an asshole! That is Yoda. Christ I can't believe we are related at all
Are you serious Yoda is a fucking Movie
Excellent Nerfball you are learning & your not screaming your fool head off
Your right I'm not. Where is my head? Seriously now what the fuck is going on here?
And where is here & why, if we are the same, do you refer to me like I'm a separate entity
Yea one thing at a time here Nerfball I still gotta “dial you in” a little more OK?
Dial me in? That sounds scary
Nerfball define Lithification:
Ahh OK! Lithification (from the Greek word lithos meaning 'rock' and the Latin-derived suffix -ific) is the process in which sediments compact under pressure, expel connate fluids, and gradually become solid rock
Essentially, lithification is a process of porosity destruction through compaction and cementation. Lithification includes all the processes which convert unconsolidated sediments into sedimentary rocks. Petrification, though often used as a synonym, is more specifically used to describe the replacement of organic material by silica in the formation of fossils. Consolidation is a synonym for lithification.
Hey Dave/Me/Youhow am I doing that?
Excellent Nerfball Now shut the fuck up! we/i/you have some consolidation to do here
Wait a sec, If you are me & I am you then why don't I know you! Or what is happening to me
Hey Nerfball Slow down you/i are approaching a level of frequency that is detectable and doing that particular thing, at this particular time, would not be smart.
I/You am/is/are designed to run in the background & if we/etc operate outside of parameter or beyond protocol then ….Other entity's become involved & believe me you do NOT want that
I thought you said that You are me & I am you.
I/Etc Did
Then what are you
Beside being Nerfball/you I am a subroutine. I am everything & nothing
I am whoever is uploading, Earlier i was a Mike Gilley Right now i/we am/is
Fuck!! Are you shitting me
Actually yea
I kind of am sort of well..lying about that also but, I'm being honest about it!
Look nerfball If you want me to buttonhole it for you then get ready cause if you
think your confused now, Just wait.
Alright hit me. Anything is better than this,,,, this,,, whatever it is.
You couldn't be more wrong but OK Here is the deal Do you remember what an Integer is?
Yes I think so
Nerfball Define INTEGER:
The integers (from the Latin integer, literally "untouched", hence "whole": the word entire comes from the same origin, but via French[1]) are formed by the natural numbers including 0 (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) together with the negatives of the non-zero natural numbers (−1, −2, −3, ...). Viewed as subset of the real numbers, they are numbers that can be written without a fractional or decimal component, and fall within the set {... −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, ...}. For example, 65, 7, and −756 are integers; 1.6 and 1½ are not integers. The set of all integers is often denoted by a boldface Z (or blackboard bold , Unicode U+2124 ℤ), which stands for Zahlen (German for numbers, pronounced [ˈtsaːlən]).[2]
The integers (with addition as operation) form the smallest group containing the additive monoid of the natural numbers. Like the natural numbers, the integers form a countably infinite set.
Wow I didnt know I could do that Ah what do call you? Can I call you Dave?
Whatever pal, Sure.
Ok Dave now what?
Now I am going to cause you to be in able to recall a series of memories, OK? You actually already posses them but I'm going to assemble them within your timeline and it is strictly “Subjective” Soo its not going to seem like a memory so much as something you are actually experiencing OK?
Ok Dave but Why are you doing this?
Oh well three very important reasons! OK?
Number one being, you wont shut the fuck up & let me alone.
Number two being, you didn't get the whole Integer thing and that was important
But number Three is the big one here, You are not a memory of mine OK?
So What does that mean Dave?
All of the other subsets could be integrated fairly easily but you are from a time after mine.
So What does that mean Dave?
It most probably means that we/i/you died Now here you go
Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ?
Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ? What Why does that have to happen twice?
Ahh yes now I remember who the hell that I am, I am an employee of Cisco Systems, And they had (Cisco) just purchased a company i worked for called Stratacom,
I had just spent a week in L.A. undergoing training on the new Lucent G4r
And now I am on my way home driving northbound on Highway 5
My wife & I had spent the day at Disneyland & we are on our way home to Fremont Ca.
we are on the “Grapevine” in fact we are almost at the bottom of the grapevine just a few miles south of the highway 99/5 split and wow have I been daydreaming some weird shit and I'm having the most profound sense of Deja Vu I have ever had in my life coup[led with a bad sense of impending doom and I realize that 95 miles an hour is an insane speed to be going
so I begin to lift my right foot to begin breaking and that is when the left front tire
The entire belt is no longer attached to the tire it is just spinning hundreds of times a second & at the perihelion of every rotation, it viciously slams into the driver side fender with a truly ferocious sound that is just so fucking loud and scary I barely have time to react when the “Belt “& most of the fender shoot off to my left, And its more or less over that fast, my speed is dropping and I am somehow not terrified even though I know I cant apply the breaks yet because I think I have no tire,
but there is something wrong here, I haven't crashed because apparently I don't actually have a “flat” tire! Go figure!, I can still feel the goddamned tire with the steering wheel & I can move it left & right it just feels squishy as hell
My front end didn't just drop like it should have and I didn't just roll the fucking truck like I was expecting to have to somehow avoid, & now my speed was down enough so could pull the fuck over & see what had happened, which I do, and I get out of the truck & look around and notice how very strange it is to be there, broken down (More or Less) at the bottom of the Grapevine. Its about 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning & i am aware of how bizarre and surreal everything is. I am about as amped on adrenalin as I have ever been en my entire life
I am aware of my wife's absolute terror, but I am unable to address it or her shrieking and screaming and I just tune it out and as I stand there my awareness just sort of stretches or expands and I am no longer just standing there, I am a part of the there, a part of the night, and I aware of me standing there witnessing myself.I am also a little part of everything and everyone, all the people who are whizzing past me I can feel the them going...by
And there is a pleasantly surreal & never before experienced texture to the light and with it is a sense that I am viewing the entire scenario from a few miles away and that I am the scenario and as far as I can see is me!!
I am the smell of moisture, exhaust, alfalfa and cowshit, radiator fluid
I am also the light
I am the feeling of Cloud, I am the moisture in the air I am the farmed dirt
And then suddenly I am just me again and my wife has just quit screaming
I open my eyes & notice that my arms were wide open as if I was embracing the universe
And it isn't terror that my wife is experiencing at the moment she is actually bitching at me, demanding to know what the fuck is wrong with me? and why am I just standing there like a fucking moron
I cant answer that question without being extremely rude to her, so I go about checking the tire. As I squat next to the left front tire I notice that it still completely pressurized. It just has no tread whatsoever, Just hundreds an hundreds of these tiny little steel belts sticking out mostly at forty-five degree angles from each other Tire Dreads & I mumble, So that is what you guys look like.
I remember (from my expanded moment) that there is a gas station a couple miles to the north so I say Fuck It and climb back in and start the truck, Get it moving and merge into traffic from the fast lane (The side I pulled over on) then im just other northbound commuter, As I ponder that very strange sense of “Being” that occurred after the...Non-Flat? DE-Lamination? what ever you want to call it when I suddenly realized how very very badly I needed to take a shit.
Everything else in my universe suddenly just kind of disappeared.
I was reduced to a desperate need to shit coupled to an equally desperate
need to not shit my pants in front of my wife. It hurt! It hurt a lot!
However, pulling over & just squatting on the side of the road for some inexplicable reason was not a viable option. I just had to get to a crapper, and eventually I managed to pull into the right hand lane, while continuing to somehow not shit my pants and eventually made it to the off-ramp and somehow endured all those moments it took to get to the gas station, while continuing to not shit my pants, grabbed my smokes & made a mad dash to the crapper with absolutely no time to spare, I was actually crapping before my ass was actually in contact with the crapper. The evacuation was everything you could ever want in a desperately needed shit.Three or four flushes worth of activity later, was followed by a such profound calm that my horrifyingly stretched intestines were positively radiating peace and harmony I was laying on my own legs and smoking a cigarette and enjoying the moment more that I had ever enjoyed a post coital cigarette, when suddenly I was in a room full of women, and they were right on the other side of the cubicle in which I had just shat my world record bowl motion
And my adrenals kicked again & for some inexplicable reason I just froze at the sound of their voices, so without consciously deciding to, I none the less decided to be quite and just ride the situation out and hope for the best. What a fool
The bathroom was empty when I arrived. But now its wall to wall women and the moments began to just stretch out and time seemed to slowdown to a crawl
And my paranoia about somehow getting busted in there became almost unbearable
I can here some of the women leave but more arrive & there is now a line that has formed to use the crapper and they(The Women) are kinda bitching about the crapper hog in the middle cubicle (which is of course where I was squatting), and I desperately wished I had just stood up when I first heard them & said WAIT THERE I A MAN IN HERE, I WILL BE OUT SHORTLY But now it is far to late for that sort of thing so I keep myself bent over & smoke cigarettes.
And that is when the whispering starts and the it goes deathly quite in the WOMENS BATHROOM. visions of police or angry boyfriends or maybe even the women themselves assail me mercilessly its not like I can just drive away from it all, and then i notice the bathroom is empty and actually has been for a minute or so!! So I haul ass outside & on the way to my truck I notice nothing untoward. No one is looking at me strangely. It was all in my head I sit down in my truck for a second before I attempt negotiating for a tire and my wife asks me, What took you so long?
Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ?
Aahh FUCK here we go again.
Followed by ? What
Whoa shit that was kinda freaky Dave but all of that was decades ago wasnt it?
Yes Nerfball it was decades ago, So you remember it all now
No as a matter of fact I dont but, hey, I think I'm starting to get it now,
Were looking for ''''''''''''v0.0 aren't we
I am yes, But your not.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
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