Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just In BasketCase

I think about what it might mean when I talk to myself
And about all of those basket people in the parks
And downtown
Busily chatting away in animated conversations all alone
Is it just that we are loquacious and garrulous primates?
Or is it something else

Empty stares returning the silence of forever
Emptiness and lonely souls keep in tune and fill the holes
Returning what only they can see
I hope it hasn’t happened to me

Expressing all possible human emotions to no one I can see
It gave me the creeps when I realized that I do it also
It’s not confusing that there is a “We / They” thing
But it’s embarrassing that I think that I want there to be

Is it horrible of me to be glad that I am not in their shoes?
I think I need them to be isolated so I can feel insulated
From them
And how far am I from needing to pour out my life like that
Blurting out unanswered questions and convictions all alone

Vomitus Cerebellum

More cerebral vomit and I want it not
This standing waveform that is human thought
Control is an illusion like a very cruel joke
A surprise to me and my mind nearly broke

Questioning thoughts and wild speculations
Mindless acceptance and low expectations
No off button in sight and i despair what to do
A product of my environment how sad but how true

Forget fate falling like a foregone conclusion
In the web that you spun for your very own delusion
I hope you don't hope that I hope it is true
But I do know you didn't know if I knew what to do

It doesn't matter now and I guess it never did
You have all the horror one expects from an id
At least as described by the things you have done
And my main question and fear is, am I also one?
Dave Brackeen
Copyright ©2009 Dave Brackeen

Sunday, June 28, 2009

There Is No Death By John Luckey McCreery (1835 – 1936)

There is no death! The stars go down
To rise upon some other shore,
And bright in heaven's jeweled crown
They shine for evermore.

There is no death! The dust we tread
Shall change beneath the summer showers
To golden grain or mellow fruit
Or rainbow-tinted flowers.

The granite rocks disorganize
To feed the hungry moss they bear;
The forest leaves drink daily life
From out the viewless air.

There is no death! The leaves may fall,
And flowers may fade and pass away --
They only wait, through wintry hours,
The coming of the May.

There is no death! An angel form
Walks o’er the earth with silent tread;
He bears our best-loved things away,
And then we call them “dead.”

He leaves our hearts all desolate --
He plucks our fairest, sweetest flowers;
Transplanted into bliss, they now
Adorn immortal bowers.

The bird-like voice, whose joyous tones
Made glad this scene of sin and strife,
Sings now an everlasting song
Amid the tree of life.

Where’er He sees a smile too bright,
Or soul too pure for taint of vice,
He bears it to that world of light,
To dwell in Paradise.

Born unto that undying life,
They leave us but to come again;
With joy we welcome them -- the same
Except in sin and pain.

And ever near us, though unseen,
The dear immortal spirits tread;
For all the boundless universe
Is Life -- there is no dead!


Never Never land; Severed hand; Tethered to the nowhere man
To never never land you go,
Sans sequined glove for the solo show
Neverland concert on the Neverland stage
In the new midst of nowhere as your silent fans rage
Never Never land; Severed hand; Tethered to the nowhere man
Michael you really must have known
As your song of morphine has clearly shown
An off hand truism about of living in fright
It doesn't matter if your black or white
Never Never land; Severed hand; Tethered to the nowhere man

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Impostore….or Retrospective introspection

I know now that I didn’t know then but then I was so sure
I didn’t give a rat’s ass then but learning was the cure
Retro collage is the infinite
Retro collage of the incorporeal
Retro collage will set you free
Of what you’ve taught yourself to feel

You can never know it now though I know he knew it then
In the time it took to die I think my dad was born again
Comprehending now what you knew long ago
It might not be an aha moment,
It might be that you’re kind of slow
It might be that you really need to retrofit. You Know?

I don’t think he ever thought a thing like retro born
They locked Mike up and took his life, an empty body shorn
Retro collage is the infinite
Retro collage of the incorporeal
Retro collage will set you free
Of what you’ve taught yourself to feel

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Self sustaining feedback loops

Self sustaining feedback loops
I could never have been George W ….But
That selfish ass with the god complex
Could never have been me ….But
Self sustaining feedback loops
How do i know what I believe I know
Self sustaining feedback loops?
Through the offices of other people?... or
Opinions aren’t self forming right? or are they?
I like to think that they are not…..But
Self sustaining feedback loops
Don't equate the standing waveform that is human thought
I mean Right?
Self sustaining feedback loops
Are not the exclusive property of republicans are they?
Self image & world views were so easy to maintain in 1970
Perhaps I lend myself to such descriptors only secondarily

Do you love it? Do you Hate it? Here it is the Way You made it

From: davembrackeen@hotmail.com
To: karmicgrace@gmail.com
Subject: Do You Love It Do You Hate It Here It Is The Way You Made It
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 23:59:05 -0700

I don’t want this to seem crass or uncaring But, There are some things I have to tell you that I don’t think you are going to like very much. So any appearance of brevity herein is a direct result of nothing more that this, There are times when you just have to get in there, say a thing, and get out.

The answer to how do I live without you is quite simply to live without you. I don’t want you to feel that I bear you any ill will or at least lasting animus because for the most part

I don’t. I have allowed myself to finally get angry at you for the choices you had made, but I no longer begrudge you those choices

I absolutely hated what I had become for a while and still loathe and detest the fact that I was laid so low by the contents of my very own heart

I should be grateful that you demonstrated how easy I was to manipulate because you were right! I really was, and have since been working on that, so thanks for force-feeding reality into my un-accepting mind. I am very tired of these silly games as regards whatever stuff of mine that you may or may not still have.

In regards to that, Please observe the following request.

Whatever of mine that you do not take with you on Sunday to Thads house, please just throw it away and keep nothing because I have no intention of bleeding one more drop of blood or shedding on more tear for you, I am bled out and cried out and weary of your evident obsession with who or whatever the fuck you think I am. Don’t you dare ever again tell my daughter I am dead and gone. nothing more that a “Stand In” because it will really piss me off again. So just leave me and my family alone. My heart was once filled with the love of you, after that it was filled with pain and despair and now for the most part, I feel nothing at all for you. I know these things seem brutal but I don’t want you to feel that I am saying them in anger, or that they, in any way stem from a desire on my part to hurt you because that is not what i desire. This is simply how I feel. I am simply reclaiming my emotional and intellectual well being. I can not be your B.F.F and live so, I chose life

Melody has saved me from myself and is my only true love and best friend forever

Remember, obsession is never about the object it is about the fixation.

Obsess no more upon me and let me go for we have each arrived at our respective futures

Be at peace and go your own way

So mote it be

I release you from the bonds of forever

So mote it be

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

Love is the law love under will

P.S. please don’t reply or email otherwise for I will not read anything from you ever again.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

And still the dead lie still in wormy earth

And still the dead lie still in wormy earth
Salvation occurring only in a very narrow bandwidth
While fervent believers pontificate endlessly
They whose end results are held to be self evident
So much so that putrefaction is a far superior wager
So much so that regulatory committees were commissioned
Judaism, Catholicism, and numerous other religious extremists
Though volumes have been written regarding faith
Most became canonical texts: Bearers of absolute authority:
Titled volumes of faith
To many titles to many volumes and to many faiths
Sycophantic aspirants disambiguate upon godhead
Much the same way septic embolism happens
And still the dead lie still in wormy earth

Dave M Brackeen
June 21, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Never Fear

Death warts multiplying on the skin of your teeth
Death rattles syncopating in the hand of a baby
Lung cookies gather darkly and bitch about you in particular
Happily slaved with a sinking certainty to a free floating anxiety
Surprised by an orgasm while making a particularly convoluted point
In the middle of complex argument regarding celibacy
All of these things and more are yours my child
Blessed art thou flesh of mine flesh
As is mine, so shall yours be an life of increasing weirdness
Never fear our schizophrenia for it will bless as it bleeds you of every when
Of any possibility of love or hope or joy or maceration of true intention
The blind eye sees deepest, being un-fooled by the curse of color


Softly i say
oh so softly
we aspect ourselves
with the raiment of our
need to be
whence came we to our
rapidly departing youth and humanity

Hardly i reply
but oh so softly so
since so synclasticly we
curve towards ourselves upon all sides

Really i retort to nonce
lest the illusion of disillusion
resolves and devolves
I'm afraid of that though
i don't know what it involves

Daughter Of Chaos

Beware the bitch beyond embracing
She shows the shadows that she has shorn
So slowly she shows her path of intrusion
So slowly so that you swim in delusion
Aborted abortion absolved not unborn

Dave M Brackeen 06/19/2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Winkless NOd To Self

Warm the skin at neck
as cold the rain
makes runnels
upon and beneath
not soon for relief
But then again, none said that it would
Long the days
at childhoods end
seem lost forever
in the dream
of our past
All the heart strings strung
some few wither, some few break
sometimes splintering for tensions sake
no few are fruitless
though some may bind
bringing numbness and with it madness
left hollowed not hallowed
lame of limb and wanting numb of mind

Dave M Brackeen

My friends

There have been so very many
But strangely currently there are none
My friends
Friendships are born and some never die
But strangely enough the friends themselves do
My friends
Of those with the fortune to still be alive
I don’t know where you are but I wish you well


But on the other hand perhaps the idea that we all live in a world wherein Humor Nazis relentlessly patrol the internet seeking out & torpedoing any questionable humor that may or may not offend their delicate sensibilities, Just a little to George W Bush-like
Or perhaps, an over caffeinated critic, apparently with nothing better to do becoming overwhelmed with an inexplicable & raging compulsion to mindlessly apply his not insignificant skill set, upon a foolish, unwary or certainly hapless cretin mindlessly babbling a steady of “stream of consciousness” humorous or not, onto the internet
Perhaps the following might clarify exactly what I am trying to say here.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”
”Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech”
”Or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble”
“And to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”
They are no longer servants
They are no longer representatives
They are now Authority
They are now Officials and they run things
Ironical inspiration of tyranny was certainly not the overall intent of the admittedly tacky and “what in retrospect” has become an “hoisting of my own petard” however, If in fact things have gone so far as produce Stalin like purges of jest from the internet then perhaps suicide is the only rational option because I believe that all power structures started out as critics

Martian & Non-Martian Rovers

Opportunity & Spirit on mars in a planet wide dust storm six months in duration
Again and a half as far from the sun as we yet, hope persists in the face of disaster
Ours is a minor planet orbiting an insignificant star on an unremarkable galactic arm
There isn’t a thing that we can not do as a species, except not kill each other
Linguistic considerations aside Deus Ex Machina, is for poets, No god from the machine
Brazil’s giant sloth’s almost made it. Hope persists in the face of disaster
Was it climatic changes or, an unfortunate intro to humankind’s appetite for flesh?
Australopithecus! Southern Ape indeed, you were curious, but I wonder about what?
Hope and your species three million years extinct what persists in the face of disaster
Seven thousand light years away in a star nursery, hope persists directly from disaster
This nurturing nursery quietly nestled in the corpse of the magellanic star that preceded it
Euripides could not have known the scale of our vision yet, as a tragedian such texture
Julius in sooth cried “Caveat Emptor” He also said there is nothing new under the sun
What would he say of riding the blast wave upon cosmic debris being hurled starward?

The Staircase is Dark

The staircase is dark
The way is uncertain
The only surety is, nothing is ever sure
Even in the light
I can still lose my way
The only thing that is real, is that nothing is real
No few of my lovers swore a lifetime’s devotion
Yet midnight strikes and i am still alone
Even as an absurdity it is absurd
But not as an obscenity is obscene
The difference is quite striking
Being struck by the difference
Not indifferent to being struck
I should rise up an aspect of myself
And find a personality for the day
I might find a new person there
There in the dark
And this stairwell is steep
Climbing or descending I’m not really sure
The only thing I know is that I don’t know anything

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

And Nihilism Begets Nialism

A term frequently used by adolescents as a misspelling of the word Nihilism, to the point of becoming a popular cliché. Mal-fortunately the term is often used to in the context of common misconceptions of the philosophy, which are usually an excuse to advocate self-destructive behaviors among their peers. Example: "NIALISM ROX" Sharply penned onto a fourteen year olds arm.

Where-as True Nihilism argues that (Philosophically?) values as such do not exist rather they are falsely invented and poorly applied and like a bad paint job are easy to spot.
Not to be confused with the synonym “anomie” which generally denotes a mood of despair at the pointlessness of existence when one ponders the realization that there are
No such things as rules, norms, laws, yet republicans still seem to flourish whereas suicide is thier only “rational option also the bogus & misspelled “nilisim? Can be contextually bent to include some of my personal favorite vein openers such as Futurism and Deconstructionism

I think that Self destructive behaviors should just be classified as themselves.
That’s right Self destructive behaviors are just that, Self destructive behaviors
Generally I feel that Nietzsche can go fuck himself however, he did fucking nail the whole “Void” thing right on the fucking head Peer into the Void long enough and the Void peers back into you

Nietzsche Stated………..
A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it is that it ought NOT to be, and of the world as it ought to be that it does not exist. According to this view, our existence (action, suffering, willing, feeling) has no meaning: the pathos of 'in vain' is the nihilists' pathos — at the same time, as pathos, an inconsistency on the part of the nihilists.

But this is not our faith, So let us stop talking crossly, now the hour is getting late

Monday, June 1, 2009

Collapsar Disclaimer

Is it true.? Could it possibly be true that in fact, all people are in the process of collapsing into the mass their own gravity? It is just a thought but, it won’t go away! It fills me with disquiet. Much like that scene from the movie “Donnie Darko” where, Donnie (Jake Gyllenaal) is trying to communicate his feeling of revulsion and absolute horror to his psychiatrist (Katherine Ross) about the idea that, absolutely every person and every creature on the planet dies absolutely alone. How isolating and lonely that concept is, as a matter of fact I try my best not to even ponder ever but, I digress The gravity question is rearing its hoary head again.