Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do you love it? Do you Hate it? Here it is the Way You made it

From: davembrackeen@hotmail.com
To: karmicgrace@gmail.com
Subject: Do You Love It Do You Hate It Here It Is The Way You Made It
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 23:59:05 -0700

I don’t want this to seem crass or uncaring But, There are some things I have to tell you that I don’t think you are going to like very much. So any appearance of brevity herein is a direct result of nothing more that this, There are times when you just have to get in there, say a thing, and get out.

The answer to how do I live without you is quite simply to live without you. I don’t want you to feel that I bear you any ill will or at least lasting animus because for the most part

I don’t. I have allowed myself to finally get angry at you for the choices you had made, but I no longer begrudge you those choices

I absolutely hated what I had become for a while and still loathe and detest the fact that I was laid so low by the contents of my very own heart

I should be grateful that you demonstrated how easy I was to manipulate because you were right! I really was, and have since been working on that, so thanks for force-feeding reality into my un-accepting mind. I am very tired of these silly games as regards whatever stuff of mine that you may or may not still have.

In regards to that, Please observe the following request.

Whatever of mine that you do not take with you on Sunday to Thads house, please just throw it away and keep nothing because I have no intention of bleeding one more drop of blood or shedding on more tear for you, I am bled out and cried out and weary of your evident obsession with who or whatever the fuck you think I am. Don’t you dare ever again tell my daughter I am dead and gone. nothing more that a “Stand In” because it will really piss me off again. So just leave me and my family alone. My heart was once filled with the love of you, after that it was filled with pain and despair and now for the most part, I feel nothing at all for you. I know these things seem brutal but I don’t want you to feel that I am saying them in anger, or that they, in any way stem from a desire on my part to hurt you because that is not what i desire. This is simply how I feel. I am simply reclaiming my emotional and intellectual well being. I can not be your B.F.F and live so, I chose life

Melody has saved me from myself and is my only true love and best friend forever

Remember, obsession is never about the object it is about the fixation.

Obsess no more upon me and let me go for we have each arrived at our respective futures

Be at peace and go your own way

So mote it be

I release you from the bonds of forever

So mote it be

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

Love is the law love under will

P.S. please don’t reply or email otherwise for I will not read anything from you ever again.

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