Wednesday, August 5, 2009

There are those who say that coming down from the trees was a mistake

There are those who say that coming down from the trees was a mistake
The Pliocene is the progenitor of that particular madness
For millions of years we walked upon all fours when on the ground
And acted like arboreal apes the rest of the time
But the Pliocene with its draughts in the millions of years
Took with it all the trees, And most of the protein
Wherein flesh became more than staple food stuff
And then there was that double knobbed antelope hip bone
Wonderful tool for smashing a skull with
As thousands of fossil skull bones testify to its efficacy, and they were similarly equipped
Angular gyrus one arching over the superior temporal sulcus, continuous with the middle temporal gyrus
Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. - Lewis Carroll
There are those who say that coming down from the trees was a mistake

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