Saturday, June 3, 2017

No Ones Fault

Ponder if you will
The inherent beauty of shattered glass
Conchoidal fracture 
Commingled with Divergent planar interstice and Convergent fault lines
Producing fractals
Of breathtaking symmetry
Or become equally breathtaking
In their asymmetric geometry
Most people don't notice 
Or even care
After all, it's just broken glass
No one has ever asked them
What do they want to do, Or
What do they want to be
But it becomes clear
During the episodes
That have shattered them
Will becomes manifest
So the curving lines are like the fronts of seismic energy recorded on the fracture by radial surface tensions

No one's fault

Enigmatic and Tenebrous

Breathing the air sullied
    By exhalations afore
          So seeing a sight secondhand
                Savage savior sought succor
Being the air sullied
    Due Ex Machina no more
          Such slights for a second sight
              Displaced displeasure's replace or restore
Beating the air sullied
    by the brawn of broken brain
          Lies insensate and in silence
              Inside insights in-fact insane
Burning the air sullied
    By exhalations afore
          That scalding stream of condensing steam
              Those recipients continue to shriek and scream

Makes you feel

There are those
Among us that would pull your wings from you
Just to watch you fall
They have been here forever

I suffered as you climbed over me
Makes you feel
When lovers let you love
Cold in the one spot that Needs warmth
An intemperate eternity of moments awaits

You never hurt me more than I did
Makes you feel
When lovers let you live
Old in the one spot that needs to be young
Awaiting an eternity of intemperate moments

Do you feel released from the bonds of love?
Makes you feel
When lovers let you laugh
It's a thin line between love and wait
Intemperate and momentary
Awaiting eternity

There are those Among Us that would pull your wings from you just to watch you fall
They have been here for
© a year ago, David Michael Brackeen   perceptions poemsfeel

Making Sojourn forever V.2

The very Stars you are seeing
May yet burn on
Or have been gone 
Ten Thousand years
Forever And Anon
Burning Bright
Embedded in the Eternal Night
Of a billion celestial Spheres

We never truly matter
In the greater Cosmic scheme
And the universe
In all of its Glory
Unlike us can never dream
So you and I
Were born for that
For the little while 
We're here
To dream This Dance
Of Names and Nature's
Before we disappear

And the life you are living will come undone
Even as the stars we see at night
To burn as bright though yearn we might
From and to the darkness through
Tempt us from our comfort might
Yet still the hope I have of dreams
Transcending all absurdity
To do, to be, and still I see
The end of all including me 

Making sojourn forever

Lets get Something Straight

Let get something straight 

My thoughts during the 1st. Republican Debate

Lying Ted, Lyin Ted 
I don't like Trump 
But I like What he said 

About lying assed Ted 
Forgetting never 
The lifeline sever 
Happened under a policy that was 
Republican lead 

Stop all the Lying 
Stop all the drama 
Blame Bush if you must
Cuz it sure wasn't Obama 

The Auto industry was Almost gone 
The housing Bubble had certainly Burst 
As mediocre Picayune and bad presidents go
George W. Bush was The absolute worst

With the "High-Tech" implosion 
Unemployment took off like a Rocket
The only safe place 
Was a rich man's pocket 

Obama didn't even Begin Until 2008 
So all these reasons They put forth 
To foment such hate 
Are absolute HorseShit
But the real Fucking
Is the nightmare Of Gitmo 
The New reality of torture 

We beat people !
We tortured people !
And we Fucking killed them Too

In dark places called 
For the 
Red, White and Blue 

I AM an American 
And I AM proud to be 
But with places like THAT 
Can we ever be FREE?

I'm just saying...

Added to the Loss

In the bleeding sides of exhilaration
Adding and subtracting 
Positives and negatives
Subtracted additionally?
Partially completed 
Externally centralized
Becoming loosely stuck together 
Like the dried fluids of Amore
Imploding after a fit of expansion
Asymptotically added to the loss
Is praying for nihilism anachronistic?
If X and Y axes are asymptotic 
Of the hyperbola
Then added to the loss 
Asymptotically may still = 1
As non merging points 
On converging curves
Consensus is arrived at in infinity
Or denied forever (decreasing radii) 
Added to the loss
Catastrophic failure is
added to the loss 
Loss add Loss add Loss sad loss
Sad loss sad loss

2001days ago, David Michael Brackeen   



And I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals
Another feculent load of crapulous creed crying
Garrulous and god fearing gargoyle like geeks
Greedily garroting other hell bent for destruction minded 
Minions and mediators of mindless madness

Diaconates of distrust who are distributing 
Their disturbing diachronous drivel, 
Dullards all, dullards the lot, Duller that Bush

They with diadems of dread draped dutifully 
Cross of a plethora of indices of indecision

Like dialectologists deciding
Whether or not dead whores have any charm

Slim pickings in that particular 
post holocaustic 
Dead and rotten Jew pile of mutually revolting corpses
Of equally putrescent repulsion driven obeisance

That prays for slaughter and an end-times endgame for their Worrisome War-Games
Where any nacreous type of garden variety human 
Endeavor towards human torture, cruelty or even extinction

Pales in volume comparison to the divinely inspired variety
I mean really now
As an implementer of death & destruction?
Come on now man!!
That could surly put any human being current or past master of 
Nightmarish Visions of human suffering to shame

Or I could be wrong! 
After all I have been married
So my belief structure as well as
My decision making capacity should automatically be questioned...
I found this old poem of mine..
I wrote it when it became clear that bush had stolen the election

And I was listening to his Minions mouthing those tired old Christian Platitudes

So there is some graphic language here artistic license and all of that
If you are easily offended do not read this © a year ago, David Michael Brackeen society poems • spiritual poems • hope poems

Mind (Revisited)

Home of me
The standing waveform
The very definition
That separates me
This state of

Friday, June 2, 2017

Quickened One

A young man I met
On the mean streets of
Digital evermore

One day(Today)

Casting about certain truths 
he was
Inviting and inciting
Not blighting
Nor fighting

Of those he choose
Everyone knows
Except it seems they dont
Knowledge is knowledge
And facts are facts
Whether you will or won't

But back to the mirror on that long-ago day
I saw him then as I see him today

Although we have never met and his face I do not know
A thing I saw in a mirror
Reflected from long long ago

Of that long ago image

Is that memory
Of that particular
By that particular young man
On that particular day
All that is left

Of that analog evermore

Of that One Day(Long Ago)

Decades now have come to pass since that mirrored moment in time
And it's my pleasure to take the measure 
Extracted I exacted from his rhyme

Reflections of a moment
Extend to, and then become eternity.

So it is written
So let it be

The ancient Egyptians were very wise indeed

I saw a thing I couldn't know.
Because it was 40 years or more ago.
Quickened one just now said it and so.
It would seem once more in time I go

A mirror is a time machine
And a lying bastard at that
Six feet times two
Is math I can do
But the image in the mirror isn't even good for that

One hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second removed
From The False Image that I think I see

Our universe was born
In less time than it took for the light to bounce between the mirror and me

Reflections of a moment
Extend to, and then become eternity

There is a poet here among you who goes by the username quickened one
Quickened one Is the inspiration for this 
For me l
Quickened one opened a door in time
Wherein We all reflect endlessly
I find Quickened ones writing to be profound
For me 
I urge you all to read Quickened one 

© a year ago, David Michael Brackeen   society poems • spiritual poems • hope poems • humor poems • love poems