Friday, June 2, 2017

Quickened One

A young man I met
On the mean streets of
Digital evermore

One day(Today)

Casting about certain truths 
he was
Inviting and inciting
Not blighting
Nor fighting

Of those he choose
Everyone knows
Except it seems they dont
Knowledge is knowledge
And facts are facts
Whether you will or won't

But back to the mirror on that long-ago day
I saw him then as I see him today

Although we have never met and his face I do not know
A thing I saw in a mirror
Reflected from long long ago

Of that long ago image

Is that memory
Of that particular
By that particular young man
On that particular day
All that is left

Of that analog evermore

Of that One Day(Long Ago)

Decades now have come to pass since that mirrored moment in time
And it's my pleasure to take the measure 
Extracted I exacted from his rhyme

Reflections of a moment
Extend to, and then become eternity.

So it is written
So let it be

The ancient Egyptians were very wise indeed

I saw a thing I couldn't know.
Because it was 40 years or more ago.
Quickened one just now said it and so.
It would seem once more in time I go

A mirror is a time machine
And a lying bastard at that
Six feet times two
Is math I can do
But the image in the mirror isn't even good for that

One hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second removed
From The False Image that I think I see

Our universe was born
In less time than it took for the light to bounce between the mirror and me

Reflections of a moment
Extend to, and then become eternity

There is a poet here among you who goes by the username quickened one
Quickened one Is the inspiration for this 
For me l
Quickened one opened a door in time
Wherein We all reflect endlessly
I find Quickened ones writing to be profound
For me 
I urge you all to read Quickened one 

© a year ago, David Michael Brackeen   society poems • spiritual poems • hope poems • humor poems • love poems

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