Sunday, July 26, 2009

Astrobiologosts don't need love

My own heart strings used to tie me up
Into a tightly bundled seething mass of neurosis
And this begs the question, which did the tying?
Saturn was always the Lord of the Rings
What is Cassini that Titan is mindful of it?
Fuck me once, Shame on you!
Fuck me twice: Worth two in the bush
Cassini Equinox Mission
Over a billion miles away
Simpering spineless neutered malodorous
But never was in need of constant repair
Spectacular color & array of rings
Cassini probe dwarfs most human emotions
New coat of paint not really wanted
It can’t hurt anymore than it helps
Christiaan Huygens Titanic discovery
Surly provided surcease from pain?
I am not your satellite bitch
My frozen zones are on my own manufacture

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Loud and Tumultuous is Black and Conversant? # 2

Part 1…..
Loud and Tumultuous is Black and Conversant?

Louis Gates, director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and
African American Research at Harvard Arrested!
Booked for exhibiting “loud and tumultuous” behavior
Being a black man in America is still illegal Um-Duh!!
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior In your own home?
“Yea! Crazy Nigger actually told me to get outta his house”?

Part 2…..
How about armed & violent behavior in your own home
It does not brings up the question of whether black males
Are being targeted by Cambridge police for harassment
Because it is patently and obviously true that no white person regardless
Of how loud and tumultuous they were being in there own homes
Would be arrested for….. what exactly now? having a nicer home than the
Arresting officer, or officers ?

Part 3….
Why don’t we do an experiment and just look at all the
Arrest records by Cambridge police and observe the language of the arrest
reports. Then we could see if white males are even “Legally” capable of
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behaviors. Gates is being represented by
Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard, Excellent, Bring out the big guns
There is no question that they will drop the charges, and if he was a
Black “nobody” they could assure that he keeps his fuckin mouth shut

Part 4…..
About the whole incident as a condition of not doing more serious time
But Cambridge Police are scratching there collective heads about exactly how
To go about "doing business as usual" when it was a black “Somebody”
That got incidentally sucked into the mindless system of oppression
That exists solely to keep “We the People” in our “respective strata’s”
By keeping the peace through the systematic application of assuring
That their are not any loud or Tumultuous behaviors threatening America

Loud and Tumultuous is Black and Conversant?

Gates, director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and
African American Research at Harvard
Booked for exhibiting “loud and tumultuous” behavior
Being a black man in America is still illegal Um-Duh!!
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior In your own home?
“Yea! Crazy Nigger actually told me to get outta his house”?
How about armed & violent behavior in your own home
It does not brings up the question of whether black males
Are being targeted by Cambridge police for harassment
Because it is patently and obviously true that no white person regardless
Of how loud and tumultuous they were being in there own homes
Would be arrested for….. what exactly now? having a nicer home than
Arresting officer? why don’t we do an experiment and just look at all the
Arrest records by Cambridge police and observe the language of the arrest
reports. Then we could see if white males are even “Legally” capable of
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behaviors Gates is being represented by
Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard, Excellent, Bring out the big guns
There is no question that they will drop the charges, and if he was a
Black “nobody” they could assure that he keeps his fuckin mouth shut
About the whole incident as a condition of not doing serious time
But Cambridge Police are scratching there collective heads about exactly how
To go about doing business as usual when it is a black “Somebody”
That got incidentally sucked into the mindless system of oppression
That exists solely to keep “We the People” in our perspective strata
By keeping the peace through the systematic application of assuring
That there are NO loud or Tumultuous behaviors threatening America

Monday, July 20, 2009

Werner Von Braun Fucked us all!!

We could have had a space platform for 40 years
Except for Werner Von Braun
Reductionism theories

D Leon Says...Emergent properties—i.e., causally efficacious properties that are neither ontologically reducible to, nor analytically exhausted by, their constituent part have history in the social and biological sciences.
In recent years, there is a growing recognition in various disciplines that emergence can offer a strong rebuttal to reductionism, the idea that explanation ought to aim for progressive analytical disaggregation.

Some problematic notions of explanation
Scientific realism, International Relations Theory
I got caught conjugating a non intransitive verb
To lie: "To", is a preposition, and "Lie". is a verb
The verb is in transitive, "To Lie":

Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun
Werner Von Braun, Rama Rama Ding Dong
Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun
Werner Von Braun, Ram Rama Ding Dong

Thirteen Lines

Ice is just another form of heat energy
There are no absolutes except zero
A median “internecine” value judgment
That curious adjective “marked for death”
Values upon either side at unawares
No sign of bottom line differential
All things must pass beyond certainty
Like the things of man known to be untrue
It goes on forever on either side of zero
The limits are our increments of measure
Not the boundaries of anything ever measured
Like humankind ice has a “habitable zone”
Either side of which is interdiction

Friday, July 17, 2009

If, Then What?

If, Then: What?

Alternate Universe wherein ….
(1) Jesus was born as a woman
(2) Her name was Barbara
(3) Her manner of execution differed somewhat

Twenty-seven condemned “Religious Extremists” (Islamic Political Prisoners) were forced to eat her alive.

What graphic reminders would Christians (Now called barbarians) require to be displayed upon the roofs of Churches and gracing the throats of young virgins?
Not a cross but a blood orgy
The term “Daughter of God” becomes problematic at this point because it demonstrates clearly that god is in fact female (monotheism interrupted?)
Because the very idea of monotheism has largely been defined in contrast or
Direct opposition to “Polytheism” or “Pantheistic” organizations so monotheism tends to dovetail nicely with anything even vaguely approaching a “Unitary” concept
Whereas monotheism is a self-descriptor of basically all religions found to be subsumed under this term,
While clearly there is no equivalent self-descriptor for polytheistic religions:
Monotheism asserts itself by opposing polytheism! While polytheism does not use the same argument as it includes a concept of divine unity despite worshipping a plethora of gods
The “Trinity” is the point where it all comes together (becomes female) because by definition there can be only one “Plurality is not Polytheism” the father, the son, and the holy spirit, are ambiguous enough to loosely squeak by with God is one “being” in three personal dimensions but, it can not happen if god has penis and a vagina, Barbara is female therefore Etc Etc.
The mother, the daughter, and Holy Spirit

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Encyclical Episodic Epistle

An apostate of Ecclesiastes spake unto me and said
And from my throat will poor out blood
For the keepers of all that ever was
Have eaten all that there ever will be
For all that seeith not that they themselves
Hath become like unto death itself
Yea even unto the last generation of the daughters of man
Shall be made to lie down without their skins in great
vessels of salt filled also therein with noxious fumes
and noisome exudation's
Until such a time as all the love of power
Is sundered from the world of the flesh
And all hearts that ever beat shall purge themselves
Of every hatred from the world of the flesh
“As it ever was” shall become like unto a thing of great truth
And unto that time that seeith the end of all things
Shall all therein abide as living until there is no more
And no heart nor no mind of any child or innocent of simplicity
Shall be encysted nor therein
For if they can not conceive of such a place or thing
Then suffer them not to learn for therein lies the great peril
So that they shall not therein dwell for that place
Is not of or for their design

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eating the Strange

Blank stares sheathing sorrow
Pasted to faces with no tomorrow
In-depth indeed instinctive inclination
Tending towards totalitarinization

Say it isn’t so and you lie to the dead
Not an issue for those who are born to dread
But for those of us who have gone before
Do they already know just what is in store?

Lie to the dead and the eat your tongue
The taste and the smell and the feel of dung
It’s the simultaneity of living and dying
That they happen together is what’s underlying

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Spending Even My Own Sons

Many are the friends and miles between
Who have seen even unto the depths
From which none shall report
Until such a time as death shall no longer
Tempt us from our comfort
But instead to compose a moment
Beyond repose
There shall I always stand with the artist,
The musician and god

Dave Brackeen

Copyright ©2009 Dave Brackeen

Indefinite Descriptor

Nothing isn’t art
Runs like new
Something my mother said long ago
If, you are ever in a position
Where you don’t know exactly who is getting fucked?
It’s because it is you

Nothing isn’t art
One day only
Vacuous returning of nature’s hatred
Julies Cesar said Caveat Emptor
That you are the buyer who should beware is debatable
But not the value of the lesson
It’s because its you

Nothing isn’t art
Jesus on black velvet
Even a glimpse of another s thoughts
Conveying to any and all who
Would so much as look
Fulfills the obligation of sight
Or your ears or nose

Nothing isn’t art
Empty aquarium
The subject beyond the object
Nay, hear me pyrrus and purpend thereon
On either side of the paint
Its because its you

Jesus Charlie

Tiny little blip in time
Humans as we are currently defined
Protein sequences exactly like hummingbirds or sharks
Not a little bit like them
But exactly like them side by side
Four amino acids in endless combinations binding us all
Tiny little strands
Ribosomes connecting the twin strands
The blueprints of Charles Starkweather and Jesus Christ

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I am the egg man

And I dreamed I shook the most massive hand I had ever seen
Emerging eerily from a hand stitched diamond quilted silk vacuole
Bearing an enormous old fashioned knuckle-duster ring
And I seem to remember his pupils pinned as we shook hands

An instant of icy crystalline fear paralyzed my very soul
Angel Hearts Louis Cypher eating the Man/Egg Mickey
Something in a language I no longer allow myself to speak
In diamond chips sans-serif capitals your ass is mine

I knew the second he let go of my hand that I was forever changed
A certain hyena like asymmetrical quality in his unseeing eyes
Assurance that there would be no death prior to maceration
Persona non grata casper milquetoast personification preferred

The rooms of my subsequent passage

But this feeling had come that day, the day I was arrested
And swallowed up everything inside it,
So big you could not really prove it was there
Except by an arithmetic of absence and the memory of better days.
And I had moved around in it, whatever it was from one point to another
utill I had wound up behind the razor wire at Elmwood in a place so bad it was like a Piece of broken glass to rub up against that big empty. And thereby growing aware of the thing that had swallowed the world. Though it was only just visible and then only in sidelong glances, not a feeling so much as a form of gas. Something I could almost smell in the back of my throat
Lying chill and inert in the rooms of my subsequent passage

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Keep those flags of distemper flying

A work in Progress..........
Is it true that one can not help but to perceive any given moment with some remnant of whatever thought-forms that were extant during the moments that preceded it or them.
A sort of residual force of reckoning that in effect infects the developing now moment with a tincture like overlay. A hint of the now past moment forcing those moments to more or less morph from one into another not so much as to actually define the newly developing moment or series of them but to setup a certain contiguous familial quality about them.
Giving rise to questions regarding inferred word values, queuing and nonrandom word selection and the deep and abiding suspicion I have always had that most humans must be at least a little bit insane to actually understand one another And if so....?

Monday, July 6, 2009

On Constellations

On Constellations

We are stardust, we are golden,
We are billion year old carbon,
And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.
………..Stephen Stills.

Parallax view lending credence to a collective impression
Though light years apart we perceive a connection
Constellations are a perspective relation
The song of the spheres defined by vibration

Socio political is the increment of measure
And curacy the genius of this international treasure
Megalopolis located between the future and the past
Globalization reconfigured redefined unsurpassed

In this world wide turbulence, a different expression
This biennial theme, is an harmonic progression
Former Military Industrial Complex Conversion
Paradigm shift marks its total inversion

But seriously now…
In my mind’s eye I keep picturing Zues in a near frantic state of apoplexy
Hardly knowing which hubristic mortal to fling his thunderbolts at
Zhu Qi, Marc Hungerbüler, Raul Zamudio, Any of the bevy of polyglot
Curatorial conspirators involved in this wanton reanimation of the
798 war machine.

And I wonder is it safe?… this breathing to life of the long dead 798 corpse
What impact will be greater upon the world? Old or New
Surely the hopes & dreams of its East German designers
Will in some way finally be realized !
A new world order based upon Photographs & Sculpture?
Paintings that could cause the world to actually take there neighbors seriously
Can we hold Martin Wehmer responsible for what happens or Nicoykatiushka
Alexandra Loewenstein, Jaishri Abichandani Tried in a court of world opinion
I think these things a long overdue and to celebrate this austere point in time,
I am going to shamelessly Ripoff Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill
This is not the end It is not even the beginning of the end.
But perhaps It is the end of the beginning

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Angel by Bruce Springsteen

The angel rides with hunchbacked children
Poison oozing from his engine
Wielding love as a lethal weapon
On his way to hubcap heaven
Baseball cards poked in his spokes
His boots in oil he's patiently soaked
The roadside attendant nervously jokes
As the angel's tires stroke his precious pavement

The interstate's choked with nomadic hordes
In Volkswagen vans with full running boards
Dragging great anchors
Following dead-end signs into the sores
The angel rides by humping his hunk metal whore

Madison Avenue's claim to fame
In a trainer bra with eyes like rain
She rubs against the weather-beaten frame
And asks the angel for his name
Off in the distance the marble dome
Reflects across the flatlands with a naked feel
Off into parts unknown
The woman strokes his polished chrome
And lies beside the angel's bones