Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Loud and Tumultuous is Black and Conversant?

Gates, director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and
African American Research at Harvard
Booked for exhibiting “loud and tumultuous” behavior
Being a black man in America is still illegal Um-Duh!!
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior In your own home?
“Yea! Crazy Nigger actually told me to get outta his house”?
How about armed & violent behavior in your own home
It does not brings up the question of whether black males
Are being targeted by Cambridge police for harassment
Because it is patently and obviously true that no white person regardless
Of how loud and tumultuous they were being in there own homes
Would be arrested for….. what exactly now? having a nicer home than
Arresting officer? why don’t we do an experiment and just look at all the
Arrest records by Cambridge police and observe the language of the arrest
reports. Then we could see if white males are even “Legally” capable of
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behaviors Gates is being represented by
Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard, Excellent, Bring out the big guns
There is no question that they will drop the charges, and if he was a
Black “nobody” they could assure that he keeps his fuckin mouth shut
About the whole incident as a condition of not doing serious time
But Cambridge Police are scratching there collective heads about exactly how
To go about doing business as usual when it is a black “Somebody”
That got incidentally sucked into the mindless system of oppression
That exists solely to keep “We the People” in our perspective strata
By keeping the peace through the systematic application of assuring
That there are NO loud or Tumultuous behaviors threatening America

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