Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sometimes you just have to say!

No pattern recognition Software defined
No such Planetary Nebula in evidence
Also a misnomer and as such
I was misinformed by chironzon again
A guardian of the abyss may speak in jest
While ferrying the unwary across the Styx
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It!
Uneasy rests the jester on the dead king’s head
A crown of thorns can bring about laughter
Leading one to ponder the nature of humor
What is it? Interrupted survival mechanism
What specie would willing permit that?
Who interrupts a survival mechanism?
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It!
How can you keep on keeping on?
When life itself no longer has any meaning
When the things that define you as yourself
Become moot points on a careless curve
You can only become so sorry
Before you reach the point of no concern
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It!

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