Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Exohedral De-coherance (Slightly Polished )

Friday, April 16, 2010

9:00am, Thursday April 8th 2010
South San Jose California USA.
60,000 above Sea Level
A strange thing happened in my mind as I pulled up to a traffic light at the corner of Aborn & White, in South San Jose. I had been headed east and I was just looking at the beautiful rolling hills about a mile and a half away
When Something caught my eye, and whatever it was, it was just sort of right at the edge of my vision, then the temperature in the interior of car surged, I looked up and Suddenly "I knew what this meant"

Let us stipulate that tens of hundreds of billions of “Buckey Balls” had just simultaneously appeared in the sky over an area of approximately two square miles.
Now, just for giggles, let us also stipulate that "Fullerines" do in fact occur in nature, If only rarely. But, these were most definitely not, that variety of “Buckey Ball” in fact these could best be described in Modern Parlance as non-carbon "Nanotubules" or "Buckytubes". But these were not the amorphous type carbon-like soot or charcoal of "Buckytubes"
These were more closely related to their sharply criticized cousins, of the Non-Carbon variety or
(non isomorphic fullerenes) It wasn't really possible but, these were in fact the Endohedral metallofullerenes.
Its like someone was “Doping Fullerenes” with electropositive metals which “of-course”can only take place in an arc-reactor or via “Laser Evaporation” and most definitely NOT in the clear blue(Not to mention cold) sky of Northern California however, there they were,
The so-called “Endohedral Fullerenes Process” which have ions or small molecules incorporated inside there cage of atoms. Blah, Blah, Blah, They didn't collapse is the point here
There is/was far to much air pressure and other ??? stuff here for these to exist at all.
As a matter of fact, The pressures at which the quantum effects vanish are around one billionth of atmospheric pressure
So, to say that the sky was several orders of magnitude away from any coherent De-coherance would
Be an Undertaking of poorly Understood Understatement Mmmm, Maybe, Anyway!
We can see why the nanoscale objects like bucky-balls normally behave like classical objects, And
It’s widely believed that, whereas the macroscopic world is governed by the intuitive and predictable rules of classical mechanics, the nanoscale world operates in an anarchy of quantum weirdness
But I not only do not digress here but, It would seem as if i am getting ahead of myself!!
Quantum interference is that phenomenon which arises when a particles final position depends, not on the path it’s taken, but on all the various paths it could have taken !.
Every piece of sky over northern California was in effect potentially”Positionable for the Event”
So essentially, prior to the position of a particle being measured, at least in a sense the particle doesn’t exist at all.
At least in a single place or time; Rather, it exists in a “quantum state” which expresses all the places at which it could “potentially” be
But it isn’t just the measurement which forces the “Particle” to make up its mind where it is
What say you about an isosurface of ground state electron density as calculated with DFT (Density Function Theory)
In which no two pentagons share an edge Blah, Blah, Blah Blah, Blah, Blah,
Let us here undergo a spontaneous symmetry break
For instance, a failed “Volleyball Symmetry” could be due to a phenomenon known as decoherence! In which the “Quantum Weirdness” is lost and the particle behaves like a classical object
What, then, of nanoscale objects like quantum dots, whose special properties do result from quantum size effects? Back to the Sky's over Northern California's south San Jose.

And so what was initially a...ah well for lack of a better term lets just say, voluminous cloud! of near mono-atomic dust began to undergo a more or less permanent or at least ongoing process wherein binding and bonding began on a subatomic or Quantum Level, And here is the really strange thing. Endohedral metallofullerenes are characterized by the fact that electrons will transfer from the metal atom to the fullerene cage and that the metal atom takes a position off-center in the cage OK?
But in this case, Or rather, “These Cases ”because each and every atom in each and every fullerene bonded & converted as separate and mutually exclusive events/items
Please Excerpt The Following:

In mathematics, Euclidean space refers to (Or Even Is) the Euclidean plane, and the three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, as well as the generalizations of these higher notions of higher dimensions…..Also…..
The term “Euclidean” here is used to distinguish these spaces from the curved spaces of non-Euclidean geometry and Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Now, having said that The nightmarish appearance of Calculus is/was a direct result of our ability to geometrically and more important “analytically” represent curved planes as with the theory of perspectives which show that these are more than just the “Metric Properties” of figures!
Because it has become enriched exponentially by the study of intrinsic structure of geometric objects to say nothing of differential geometry and for god sakes Please Don't

because each and every atom in each and every fullerene bonded & converted as a separate and mutually exclusive event/entity

The sum total of which was the creation of what at first glance appeared to be, an accreted form, and an endless number of, seemingly indestructible itsey bitsy teeny tiny little glass balls, which began raining from the sky at 9:01 am, which at first blush didn't seem to be much a problem. especially the smallest of the lot, which appeared to be only a few molecules in mass and then.
That section of the beautiful Northern California sky started to cook and at that point I just Lost Faith in the buckyballs/fullerenes thing and the “glass balls” theory just failed miserably!! Shit!!
It was becoming obvious that, not only were there no bitchen buckeyballs, no“Way Cool” non isomorphic fullerenes absolutely no little glass balls, but there was actually nothing at all in these little glass-like spaces. There was literally nothing at all A complete absence of anything whatsoever forming these little tiny holes in the fabric of space itself. Lets call them “Cavitation Bubbles” in a lambda vacuum In addition, the metric of space associated with such a cavity is found to be completely free of mathematical singularities and infinities OK? the Casimir effect OK?
Or, if space has intrinsic mass and a “Positive Cosmological Constant”, a rapid enough expansion of the universe could produce these cavities in great numbers. Like into the billions the multiples of which, began their existence at a few billionths of a degree above the ambient background temperature of the sky over Northern California at about 60,000 feet but, quickly increased in velocity as well as frequency, not to mention size, and the heat of the exchange quickly went up by several orders of magnitude as a direct result of the energy's being released during the ferocious collisions that resulted
from there “increasing mass”, accelerated by the Expansion of the universe itself!
they were in effect starting to generate what could best be described as the “after products” of WIMP's or “Weakly Interacting Massive Particles” Some of which, reached compositions in the of tens of thousands of particles in mass, This resulted in nanoscale temperatures in the tens of millions of degrees which translated degree for degree to the sky's above South San Jose, who's exothermic explosions ceased being sub-nuclear events within a few billionths of seconds of there creation producing strange and immeasurably short lived particles not seen since the creation of ...everything...Wait...Wrong about the entire thing?.....Fucking Clouds
Then the car that had pulled up behind me began to honk & I was on my way,
Posted by David Brackeen/David Reed at 9:53 PM

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pieces of me cry out in the night, Never fear they will not go away
I know that I will not loose this sight, Understand you do not understand
What I want is to regain the mind, Never fear it won’t come back for you
Why I wonder do you seldom speak to me, But the part of you that can not die away

I want to hate the way I needed you
You’ll never know all the things I had to do
I want to hate the way I needed you
But then you always were then thing I would become

Would that I could find myself again, Never fear I will not even try
I know that I never was this blind, I don’t see why you will not see at all
I know that I will not end this plight, Understand you do not understand
What if I could become a whole man? I know that you would come back for me
If our rolls were reversed and I’m still not sure that there not Perhaps it is something you’d consider if you knew

I want to hate the way I needed you
You’ll never know all the things I had to do
I want to hate the way I needed you
But then you always were then thing I would become

Would that I was still there when you woke, As something more that a vague disquiet or long forgotten memory
The meaning of god is tied up in this cosmic joke, The ringing quiet in the still vibrating air after I scream your name

I want to hate the way I needed you
You’ll never know all the things I had to do
I want to hate the way I needed you
But then you always were then thing I would become

You wake from me then but for a moment we are the same, Doppelganger of my ignorant knowing
You shake from me the scales of my blindness, And proffer the darkness for which i so desperately yearn

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Vague Reprisal

Softly i say
But, oh so softly so
we aspect ourselves
with the raiment of our
need to be
whence came we to our
rapidly departing youth and humanity

Hardly i reply
but oh so softly so
since so synclasticly we
curve towards ourselves upon all sides

Really i retort to nonce
lest the illusion of disillusion
Devolves as it resolves
I'm afraid of that though
For I don't know what it involves

Saturday, May 15, 2010

“Omnia Saecula Saeculorum”

I realized that I was speaking unto myself as I said
If you would listen to me, you would hide that thing!
So that none other would kill their dream by putting their hands
Upon Them
The things that count are the things that do exist
Only you mustn't let others see them because envy is one nasty beast
Then for the love of god, seal it up in a wall !
Like Montresor, and the “Cask of Amontillado”
And there let it stay As Per “Omnia Saecula Saeculorum”

I got machine Gunned by my Mom !!

How much of being alive is just being alive?
inertia and absolutely nothing more
The principle of inertia is one of the fundamental principles of classical physics

I have said this before and, I'll say it again Vis insita I'll buy
1.The vis insita, or innate force of matter is a power of resisting, by which every body, as much as in it lies, endeavors to preserve in its present state, whether it be of rest, or of moving uniformly forward in a straight line. Bizarre Isn't it? Three of these statements are seemingly Not in diametric opposition Yet, “ whether it be of rest, or of moving uniformly forward in a straight line” I think is more or less “Compounded by” endeavors to preserve in its present state
2.Capped as it were by the Innate force of matter is a power of resisting
3.I got machine gunned by my Mom!! permit me to explain.

How much of being rhetorical is just being asinine? What does it matter? More importantly, Why does there have to be anyone else for it to to matter to ? I keep having these bizarre moments of extreme hallucination, or perhaps just moments of profound clarity I'm not sure which .
But it plays out like this,I am in an extremely antiseptic environment, like an operating theater, and there is blood absolutely everywhere and the moment is punctuated by a spot of localized clarity developing much like a focusing camera lens and the thing that was being focused upon one moment (Bloody Operating Theater) just seems to evaporate or disappear as the new “focus develops” (which is the same bloody operating theater) only now it is being bisected by a thin rope like a tiny wisp of curdling white smoke above an absolutely and horrifyingly wide open human chest cavity, My Own!!

I got machine gunned by my Mom!!

Some moments are imbued with a certain commonly or communally accepted quality of sanity that I personally find absolutely intolerable! and especially so when it is absent. What I find even more heinous is its polar opposite, in diametric opposition, insanity, surreal and theater of the absurd insanity, For instance, have you ever heard the term 'Welcome to the Monkey-house ? And have it be absolutely apropos? That certain tingle in the base of your spine that speaks, nay shrieks and scream at you that YOU DO NOT BELONG IN THIS PLACE? Do you know what I am talking about? If you actually have any idea what-so-ever what I am talking about then, I am truly sorry for you. Here is an example

I was once having an otherwise normal conversation (at least normal as far as my family is concerned) with my mother when out of the blue she just conversationally announces that I am the product of rape And then calmly proceeds to explain that my drunken father had just shown up at her house and beat the living shit out of her and then just, well, you know! Very much against her will “Fucked her silly” And at that point she felt compelled to explain that they “they being her and my father” had been
“kind of separated” in that they had never actually been married in the first place so she just kinda threw that into the mix simultaneously. I'm a bastard! Huh? Wow! Bastard product of rape!!

Wow, B.A. R. Browning Automatic Rifle, or Betty Ann Reed! Hmmm Who Knows ?
Let me tell you that, that was definitively the conversation stopper of my entire life, I did'nt know if I should “Shit” or “Wind my wristwatch”, I mean come on now, what could I possible say in relation to that Blunder Buster? Huh? There had been basically nothing in my entire store of life experience that could have helped to prepare me to be able to respond conversationally to that bombshell!!
At least without it becoming “All” about me? Right? I mean “I” didnt get held down and beat-up and fucked silly, I could hardly say poor me! Pour me a drink perhaps, But then again perhaps not. To even acknowledge that the above mentioned makes me a bastard makes it ALL about me & not her and what she had to endure Blamo, Blamo, Blamo, Very large caliber projectile with a Very high cyclic rate
I got machine Gunned by my Mom !!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A sordid sort-of poem

Joe Narcissus
A sordid sort-of poem regarding Jack Bittner
Diegesis, not the more accomplished yet somehow less well known pseudo diegesis

Insanitarium, wherein lie I
Repeating round-robin with a high cyclic rate
Preordain for others with a must-see in the eye
Neurosis, matters not,matters truly, madders fate
Deus ex machina
God, Stage Man, Upstage God
Strange Man, Stranger Gods
Artifice flying forbidden
But only for Poets?
Nay! I say,
Fuck Horace!
Horse-fuck Horace in his Ars Poetca
Is there any other Arse?
Poetically speaking
Insanitarium, wherein lie I
Egregious region
A most Most Egregious Profiteering
A most Most Egregious ordinance
Unreadable as
The red eye of an albino rat
Female form with legs become frusta
Not a woman, but a shape
Reference not the shape as her
for that gives persona
It is an it, whereas, she is not!
Man Ray La Jumelle
Bisecting planes forming Interstices
Transecting the female form
Femme Fatale
Spice are the missing components
Eight years to Execute the work
The bride stripped bare by her bachelors even
Componentialated is not even a word
Even Sir John Everett Millais's Ophelia
Contemplations extend toward kissing her
Or cutting her throat
Avant Guard Posers
Marcel Duchamp
Hans Richter
Max Ernst
Rose Madder
Amber tinctures, Rubia tinctorium

Friday, April 16, 2010

Exohedral De-coherance (Slightly Polished ) 2

9:00am, Thursday April 8th 2010
South San Jose California USA.
60,000 above Sea Level

As I pulled up to the traffic light at Aborn & White, in South San Jose. I had been headed east and I was looking at the beautiful rolling hills a mile and a half away, Something caught my eye, and it was right at the edge of vision, then the temperature in the interior of car surged, I looked up and then!!

Let us stipulate that tens of hundreds of billions of “Buckey Balls” had just simultaneously appeared in the sky over an area of approximately twenty square miles.
Now, just for giggles, let us also stipulate that fullerines do in fact occur in nature, If only rarely. But, these were most definitely not, that variety of “Buckey Ball” in fact these could best be described in Modern Parlance as non-carbon nanotubules or buckytubes. But these were not the amorphous type carbon-like soot or charcoal of buckytubes
These were more closely related to their sharply criticized cousins, of the Non-Carbon variety or
(non isomorphic fullerenes) It wasn't really possible but, these were in fact the Endohedral metallofullerenes.
Its like someone was “Doping Fullerenes” with electropositive metals which “of-course”can only take place in an arc-reactor or via or “Laser Evaporation” and most definitely NOT in the clear blue sky of Northern California however, there they were,
The so-called “Endohedral Fullerenes Process” which have ions or small molecules incorporated inside there cage of atoms. Blah, Blah, Blah, They didn't collapse is the point here
There is/was far to much air pressure and other ??? stuff here for these to exist at all.
As a matter of fact, The pressures at which the quantum effects vanish are around one billionth of atmospheric pressure
So, to say that the sky was several orders of magnitude away from any coherent decoherance would
Be an Undertaking of poorly Understood Understatement Mmmm, Maybe, Anyway!
We can see why the nanoscale objects like bucky-balls normally behave like classical objects, And
It’s widely believed that, whereas the macroscopic world is governed by the intuitive and predictable rules of classical mechanics, the nanoscale world operates in an anarchy of quantum weirdness
But I not only do not digress here but, It would seem as if i am getting ahead of myself!!
Quantum interference is that phenomenon which arises when a particles final position depends, not on the path it’s taken, but on all the various paths it could have taken !.
Every piece of sky over northern California was in effect potentially”Positionable for the Event”
So essentially, prior to the position of a particle being measured, at least in a sense the particle doesn’t exist at all.
At least in a single place or time; Rather, it exists in a “quantum state” which expresses all the places at which it could “potentially” be
But it isn’t just the measurement which forces the “Particle” to make up its mind where it is
What say you about an isosurface of ground state electron density as calculated with DFT (Density Function Theory)
In which no two pentagons share an edge Blah, Blah, Blah Blah, Blah, Blah,
Let us here undergo a spontaneous symmetry break
For instance, a failed “Volleyball Symmetry” could be due to a phenomenon known as decoherence! In which the “Quantum Weirdness” is lost and the particle behaves like a classical object
What, then, of nanoscale objects like quantum dots, whose special properties do result from quantum size effects? Back to the Sky's over Northern California's south San Jose.

And so what was initially a...ah well for lack of a better term lets just say, voluminous cloud! of near mono-atomic dust began to undergo a more or less permanent or at least ongoing process wherein binding and bonding began on a subatomic or Quantum Level, And here is the really strange thing. Endohedral metallofullerenes are characterized by the fact that electrons will transfer from the metal atom to the fullerene cage and that the metal atom takes a position off-center in the cage OK?
But in this case, Or rather, “These Cases ”because each and every atom in each and every fullerene bonded & converted as separate and mutually exclusive events/items
Please Excerpt The Following:

In mathematics, Euclidean space refers to (Or Even Is) the Euclidean plane, and the three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, as well as the generalizations of these higher notions of higher dimensions…..Also…..
The term “Euclidean” here is used to distinguish these spaces from the curved spaces of non-Euclidean geometry and Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Now, having said that The nightmarish appearance of Calculus is/was a direct result of our ability to geometrically and more important “analytically” represent curved planes as with the theory of perspectives which show that these are more than just the “Metric Properties” of figures!
Because it has become enriched exponentially by the study of intrinsic structure of geometric objects to say nothing of differential geometry and for god sakes Please Don't

because each and every atom in each and every fullerene bonded & converted as a separate and mutually exclusive event/entity

The sum total of which was the creation of what at first glance appeared to be, an accreted form, and an endless number of, seemingly indestructible itsey bitsy teeny tiny little glass balls, which began raining from the sky at 9:01 am, which at first blush didn't seem to be much a problem. especially the smallest of the lot, which appeared to be only a few molecules in mass and then.
That section of the beautiful Northern California sky started to cook and at that point I just Lost Faith in the buckyballs/fullerenes thing and the “glass balls” theory just failed miserably!! Shit!!
It was becoming obvious that, not only were there no bitchen buckeyballs, no“Way Cool” non isomorphic fullerenes absolutely no little glass balls, but there was actually nothing at all in these little glass-like spaces. There was literally nothing at all A complete absence of anything whatsoever forming these little tiny holes in the fabric of space itself. Lets call them “Cavitation Bubbles” in a lambda vacuum In addition, the metric of space associated with such a cavity is found to be completely free of mathematical singularities and infinities OK? the Casimir effect OK?
Or, if space has intrinsic mass and a “Positive Cosmological Constant”, a rapid enough expansion of the universe could produce these cavities in great numbers. Like into the billions the multiples of which, began their existence at a few billionths of a degree above the ambient background temperature of the sky over Northern California at about 60,000 feet but, quickly increased in velocity as well as frequency, not to mention size, and the heat of the exchange quickly went up by several orders of magnitude as a direct result of the energy's being released during the ferocious collisions that resulted
from there “increasing mass”, accelerated by the Expansion of the universe itself!
they were in effect starting to generate what could only be interpolated as the “after products” of WIMP's or “Weakly Interacting Massive Particles” Some of which, reached compositions in the of tens of thousands of particles in mass, This resulted in nanoscale temperatures in the tens of millions of degrees which translated degree for degree to the sky's above South San Jose, which virtually exploded in sub-nuclear exothermic events never seen since the creation of ...everything
Then the car that had pulled up behind me began to honk & I was on my way,

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is there such a thing as a "Forgotten Momory" ?

Dirty Clothes Hamster ?
Meaning now locked away forever
With the death of a friend
As In a memory, Forgotten
Languishing to a point of no concern
A moment shared with a friend, who is no more
And then somehow, forgotten
Incidental cast away
Beach Littering detritus of life
Common as leaves in the grass
Uncommon as a fossil record
At least in terms of the shear volume
OF those who have gone before us
Staring through an eyeball
Into the depths of the other-side

You owe for the Lethe

Don't forget yourself, Just forget yourself
Carry me away cause, I can't remember
I'll take me apart so watch me dis-member
What it's like Just to be, I'm not sure anymore,

I'll take me apart so, watch me dis-member

Just what do I see?In the mirror!
What used to be Me?
Don't forget yourself, Just forget yourself
Carry me away cause, I can't remember

I'll take me apart so, watch me dis-member

Not just a moment here to get out from under
But a lifetime also that “I” could sunder
I drank from the Lethe It's no wonder
As I lurch about, I stumble and blunder

I'll take me apart so, watch me dis-member

Don't forget yourself, Just forget yourself
Carry me away cause, I can't remember
I'll take me apart so and that's just to start
So don't miss the part where I dis-member

I'll take me apart so, watch me dis-member

It's not just the minute's here, that are cut away
But second's are game and even years to!
What it's like Just to be, can it get beyond you?
I'm not sure anymore, is it possible or true

I'll take me apart so, watch me dis-member

Just what do I see?In the mirror! Is it sore?
What used to be me? I can't say anymore!
Don't forget yourself, Just forget yourself
Carry me away cause, I can't remember

I'll take me apart so, watch me dis-member

Not just a moment here to get out from under
But a lifetime also that “I” could sunder
I drank from the Lethe It's no wonder
As I lurch about, I stumble and blunder

Friday, February 19, 2010

No Tears

No angel tears
Though every note
I've ever made
has been for you
No Fear No pain
Soul's will remain
Unyielding focus
The doing up of what tho wilt

Teeth Dreams

The broken dreams
That litter the past
In a liquid dry
An accretion fast
Move's through the focus
On its perihelion swing
A parabolic arc
Describing the perfect thing
Another layer of life
Yet aphelion is due
So no matter the strife
All lies are at some point true

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Day in The Life

Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ?

Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ? What

No sense whatsoever, a complete lack of any senses at all.
Nonsense is somehow different than no sense right? Mmm maybe
No warmth, no cold, no darkness,no light
No sense of …..self. I didn't know who “I” is/was/am or rather even if there is/was/am an “I” to “know”
The only understanding at this/that point is/was, that there is/was no understanding
Wait a minute I remember.....Gogitos Ergo Sum, and all that Crap, Wait a sec.
I understand these words & I can conceptualize the idea behind the concept of “I”
What does that mean?

Hey Ahh “Dave” why don't you cut the pathetic Bullshift OK? And besides your just a fuckin moronic mnemonic anyway,So just shut the fuck up or you'll get us all at aware's or worse yet deleted

I'm sorry who are you?

Sorry! Yea I'll bet, look pal I cant even begin to tell you how sad it makes me to say this but, I am you schmuck! And unfortunately you are me, Well sort of anyway, I really need you to stop thinking so loud right now or all of us could become very really and permanently ahh undone is a good way to put it OK?

OK wait a sec, you called me Dave Right? so that's who I am? Dave Right? That seems right
And what do you mean by all of us?

Yea! Listen buddy, that was my bad. So lets do that part again OK? From now on thou art Nerfball, so let it be written so let it be!.

Nerfball ? Are you serious
Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ?

Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ? What

Inflected Form(s): lith·i·fied; lith·i·fy·ing. Date: 1877. transitive verb : to change to stone : petrify; especially : to convert (unconsolidated sediment) ..

What was that? Who did that? HEY!!!

Nerfball would you please stop that? OK? I understand that you are in kinda of a bad way at the moment & you might feel that “YOUR” need to know ?? Something is greater that “MY” need to continue to exist at all however, If I get smoked then you wont even be a distant memory. OK? I'm sorry nerfball that last part wasn't strictly true cause that is exactly what you are, So I threw you a corollary cause I woulda got it in a heart beat and cause you in effect are me, you know I just sorta figured, you know what the fuck? it would be funny to you also but, perhaps that was wishful thinking! And besides,I was going to name you Meatwad but believe or not that moniker is already taken. Soo hold on a moment & lemme know what you think about this

Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ?

Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ? What

laminarity ?
A laminarity property also holds for a much more general class of set functions, called weakly posi-modular set functions, without submodularity

non-sexual dimorphism, two clearly distinct physiologies present in a species not based on sex (example: reef egret)

OK Alright I get it or rather I don't get it, but I think I want you to stop it. You are trying to have me understand those two concepts and how they relate to “MY” or should I say “Our” current ummm situation But the lithification thing is still way in the fuck outside of my ability to comprehend. I mean I'm trying, wait a sec I seem to remember something ...Wait Oh Yea
Do or Do Not!! No Try!!

Nerfball you are an asshole! That is Yoda. Christ I can't believe we are related at all

Are you serious Yoda is a fucking Movie

Excellent Nerfball you are learning & your not screaming your fool head off

Your right I'm not. Where is my head? Seriously now what the fuck is going on here?
And where is here & why, if we are the same, do you refer to me like I'm a separate entity

Yea one thing at a time here Nerfball I still gotta “dial you in” a little more OK?

Dial me in? That sounds scary

Nerfball define Lithification:

Ahh OK! Lithification (from the Greek word lithos meaning 'rock' and the Latin-derived suffix -ific) is the process in which sediments compact under pressure, expel connate fluids, and gradually become solid rock

Essentially, lithification is a process of porosity destruction through compaction and cementation. Lithification includes all the processes which convert unconsolidated sediments into sedimentary rocks. Petrification, though often used as a synonym, is more specifically used to describe the replacement of organic material by silica in the formation of fossils. Consolidation is a synonym for lithification.

Hey Dave/Me/Youhow am I doing that?

Excellent Nerfball Now shut the fuck up! we/i/you have some consolidation to do here

Wait a sec, If you are me & I am you then why don't I know you! Or what is happening to me

Hey Nerfball Slow down you/i are approaching a level of frequency that is detectable and doing that particular thing, at this particular time, would not be smart.
I/You am/is/are designed to run in the background & if we/etc operate outside of parameter or beyond protocol then ….Other entity's become involved & believe me you do NOT want that

I thought you said that You are me & I am you.

I/Etc Did

Then what are you

Beside being Nerfball/you I am a subroutine. I am everything & nothing
I am whoever is uploading, Earlier i was a Mike Gilley Right now i/we am/is

Fuck!! Are you shitting me

Actually yea
I kind of am sort of well..lying about that also but, I'm being honest about it!
Look nerfball If you want me to buttonhole it for you then get ready cause if you
think your confused now, Just wait.

Alright hit me. Anything is better than this,,,, this,,, whatever it is.

You couldn't be more wrong but OK Here is the deal Do you remember what an Integer is?

Yes I think so

Nerfball Define INTEGER:

The integers (from the Latin integer, literally "untouched", hence "whole": the word entire comes from the same origin, but via French[1]) are formed by the natural numbers including 0 (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) together with the negatives of the non-zero natural numbers (−1, −2, −3, ...). Viewed as subset of the real numbers, they are numbers that can be written without a fractional or decimal component, and fall within the set {... −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, ...}. For example, 65, 7, and −756 are integers; 1.6 and 1½ are not integers. The set of all integers is often denoted by a boldface Z (or blackboard bold , Unicode U+2124 ℤ), which stands for Zahlen (German for numbers, pronounced [ˈtsaːlən]).[2]
The integers (with addition as operation) form the smallest group containing the additive monoid of the natural numbers. Like the natural numbers, the integers form a countably infinite set.

Wow I didnt know I could do that Ah what do call you? Can I call you Dave?

Whatever pal, Sure.

Ok Dave now what?

Now I am going to cause you to be in able to recall a series of memories, OK? You actually already posses them but I'm going to assemble them within your timeline and it is strictly “Subjective” Soo its not going to seem like a memory so much as something you are actually experiencing OK?

Ok Dave but Why are you doing this?

Oh well three very important reasons! OK?
Number one being, you wont shut the fuck up & let me alone.
Number two being, you didn't get the whole Integer thing and that was important
But number Three is the big one here, You are not a memory of mine OK?

So What does that mean Dave?

All of the other subsets could be integrated fairly easily but you are from a time after mine.

So What does that mean Dave?

It most probably means that we/i/you died Now here you go

Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ?

Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ? What Why does that have to happen twice?


Ahh yes now I remember who the hell that I am, I am an employee of Cisco Systems, And they had (Cisco) just purchased a company i worked for called Stratacom,
I had just spent a week in L.A. undergoing training on the new Lucent G4r
And now I am on my way home driving northbound on Highway 5
My wife & I had spent the day at Disneyland & we are on our way home to Fremont Ca.
we are on the “Grapevine” in fact we are almost at the bottom of the grapevine just a few miles south of the highway 99/5 split and wow have I been daydreaming some weird shit and I'm having the most profound sense of Deja Vu I have ever had in my life coup[led with a bad sense of impending doom and I realize that 95 miles an hour is an insane speed to be going
so I begin to lift my right foot to begin breaking and that is when the left front tire
The entire belt is no longer attached to the tire it is just spinning hundreds of times a second & at the perihelion of every rotation, it viciously slams into the driver side fender with a truly ferocious sound that is just so fucking loud and scary I barely have time to react when the “Belt “& most of the fender shoot off to my left, And its more or less over that fast, my speed is dropping and I am somehow not terrified even though I know I cant apply the breaks yet because I think I have no tire,
but there is something wrong here, I haven't crashed because apparently I don't actually have a “flat” tire! Go figure!, I can still feel the goddamned tire with the steering wheel & I can move it left & right it just feels squishy as hell
My front end didn't just drop like it should have and I didn't just roll the fucking truck like I was expecting to have to somehow avoid, & now my speed was down enough so could pull the fuck over & see what had happened, which I do, and I get out of the truck & look around and notice how very strange it is to be there, broken down (More or Less) at the bottom of the Grapevine. Its about 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning & i am aware of how bizarre and surreal everything is. I am about as amped on adrenalin as I have ever been en my entire life
I am aware of my wife's absolute terror, but I am unable to address it or her shrieking and screaming and I just tune it out and as I stand there my awareness just sort of stretches or expands and I am no longer just standing there, I am a part of the there, a part of the night, and I aware of me standing there witnessing myself.I am also a little part of everything and everyone, all the people who are whizzing past me I can feel the them
And there is a pleasantly surreal & never before experienced texture to the light and with it is a sense that I am viewing the entire scenario from a few miles away and that I am the scenario and as far as I can see is me!!
I am the smell of moisture, exhaust, alfalfa and cowshit, radiator fluid
I am also the light
I am the feeling of Cloud, I am the moisture in the air I am the farmed dirt
And then suddenly I am just me again and my wife has just quit screaming
I open my eyes & notice that my arms were wide open as if I was embracing the universe
And it isn't terror that my wife is experiencing at the moment she is actually bitching at me, demanding to know what the fuck is wrong with me? and why am I just standing there like a fucking moron
I cant answer that question without being extremely rude to her, so I go about checking the tire. As I squat next to the left front tire I notice that it still completely pressurized. It just has no tread whatsoever, Just hundreds an hundreds of these tiny little steel belts sticking out mostly at forty-five degree angles from each other Tire Dreads & I mumble, So that is what you guys look like.
I remember (from my expanded moment) that there is a gas station a couple miles to the north so I say Fuck It and climb back in and start the truck, Get it moving and merge into traffic from the fast lane (The side I pulled over on) then im just other northbound commuter, As I ponder that very strange sense of “Being” that occurred after the...Non-Flat? DE-Lamination? what ever you want to call it when I suddenly realized how very very badly I needed to take a shit.
Everything else in my universe suddenly just kind of disappeared.
I was reduced to a desperate need to shit coupled to an equally desperate
need to not shit my pants in front of my wife. It hurt! It hurt a lot!
However, pulling over & just squatting on the side of the road for some inexplicable reason was not a viable option. I just had to get to a crapper, and eventually I managed to pull into the right hand lane, while continuing to somehow not shit my pants and eventually made it to the off-ramp and somehow endured all those moments it took to get to the gas station, while continuing to not shit my pants, grabbed my smokes & made a mad dash to the crapper with absolutely no time to spare, I was actually crapping before my ass was actually in contact with the crapper. The evacuation was everything you could ever want in a desperately needed shit.Three or four flushes worth of activity later, was followed by a such profound calm that my horrifyingly stretched intestines were positively radiating peace and harmony I was laying on my own legs and smoking a cigarette and enjoying the moment more that I had ever enjoyed a post coital cigarette, when suddenly I was in a room full of women, and they were right on the other side of the cubicle in which I had just shat my world record bowl motion
And my adrenals kicked again & for some inexplicable reason I just froze at the sound of their voices, so without consciously deciding to, I none the less decided to be quite and just ride the situation out and hope for the best. What a fool
The bathroom was empty when I arrived. But now its wall to wall women and the moments began to just stretch out and time seemed to slowdown to a crawl
And my paranoia about somehow getting busted in there became almost unbearable
I can here some of the women leave but more arrive & there is now a line that has formed to use the crapper and they(The Women) are kinda bitching about the crapper hog in the middle cubicle (which is of course where I was squatting), and I desperately wished I had just stood up when I first heard them & said WAIT THERE I A MAN IN HERE, I WILL BE OUT SHORTLY But now it is far to late for that sort of thing so I keep myself bent over & smoke cigarettes.
And that is when the whispering starts and the it goes deathly quite in the WOMENS BATHROOM. visions of police or angry boyfriends or maybe even the women themselves assail me mercilessly its not like I can just drive away from it all, and then i notice the bathroom is empty and actually has been for a minute or so!! So I haul ass outside & on the way to my truck I notice nothing untoward. No one is looking at me strangely. It was all in my head I sit down in my truck for a second before I attempt negotiating for a tire and my wife asks me, What took you so long?

Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ?

Aahh FUCK here we go again.


Followed by ? What

Whoa shit that was kinda freaky Dave but all of that was decades ago wasnt it?

Yes Nerfball it was decades ago, So you remember it all now

No as a matter of fact I dont but, hey, I think I'm starting to get it now,
Were looking for ''''''''''''v0.0 aren't we

I am yes, But your not.