Monday, May 30, 2011

Excerpts from the "Wreck of Man" by Dave Brackeen

Memory Plastic?...Really? Do we really want that?
Me thinks a good question herein would be, Why do we really want that? Just look at what my memory has done to me! Can you truly say that "Your Memory" has been a stalwart companion of yours down through the years? Do we really want plastic cruising around retaining Memory? And thereby acquiring Attitude? Attitude Plastic! The very idea makes my skin crawl
I mean just look at the terrible things we subject plastic to, and the heinous expectations which we have of it Shakespearesaid, Cry Havoc and let slip the Dogs of War! But what he meant was,
"Item, qe nul soit si hardy de crier havok sur peine davoir la test coupe
"Likewise be all manner of beasts, when they be brought into the field and cried havoke, then every man to take his part."…..You Think?
But then again, Perhaps not for the following reason……..
In the Tempest, he also said, Good wombs hath brought forth bad sons.
And wherein, and upon which category do I fit?

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