Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mountainous Gravitas

Sometimes I feel
Sometimes I don't

Right now I feel that
Mountains have gravitas
A certain way about the
End of the Silence
The tiny little Gems
That periodically intrude upon their epoch long Dark brooding
The Shining temporary little Oasis of Humanity
Blazing with light
But the very light itself
Screams of Its very
Ephemeral nature

Ephemeral as another day
The nature of Cities
Blazing in all of their
Intensity and perceived Glory
Can and do disappear in a heartbeat
During the one conversation
That I ever had with a mountain range
The mountains said, And I quote
Look upon my Works ye Mighty and despair
What is a day but a measure of Ephemera
Or even three hundred And Sixty Five Million days
I was writing a poem to The Rock on the mountain
Tell me great Boulder
On the mountains so long
Can I take of your wisdom?
Can I make a you song?
The Mountain took Notice of me
But before dismissing me
He spoke thusly!
The mountain said
Fool, Thou art Ephemeral Fool
That grain by grain I shall arrive
At the sea, Is certain
The vastness of these word spanning Oceans
Who's very bed becomes
The very strength of my very roots
I will arise again
In time I will stand
Yet again in harmony with
And even assisted by the Elements
I will once again defy time itself 
Gravity And I shall dance for Billions of years
And what of you?
Purposeless ephemera

Sometimes I feel

Sometimes I don't

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