Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ascension’s Decent

Pete and Rudy and Michael and Dave
Bigwall climbing on Stonewall they’d brave
MDA in the nose and LSD in the eye
The trail not the face the assent to “On High”
Profound the colors once up on top
Rudy spoke of drop after drop after drop
Inverted pushups by the lizards with ease
Then they’d stare in your eye
And then gone with the breeze
I thought Michael’s heart would forever expand
Perhaps it did, for he can not remand
And so now for an description
Of effete as an isim
The western worlds leading proponent
On transcendental Peteisim
For some interminable moments all were lost in that sky
For they were young & they knew that they could never truly die

I know that the akashic record holds them forever
At least as dear as I

Dave Brackeen 05/27/09

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