Saturday, December 26, 2009
spontaneous symmetry breaking=the Mexican hat potential?..Or.
Not a straight Hand-Job Rip-Off Cut-n-Paste but "oh so very close" type close
This is what happens when I simply try to read a Fucking A.A.Attanasio Blog
I mean really now over 500 pages of very advanced modular mathematics & some fair to middling hi-tech reference material only to finally understand that this only covers the smallest & most unimportant Sub, components, Hence the Neopartisan Non-Chaotic and somehow therefor Classicist version, of Applied physics as they relate(or in some particulars herein noted specifically, its failure to relate to) Theoretical physics, Both of which serve only to provide a frame work from which i am given to understand that any and all frameworks fail to bring one fully into the "fold" of understanding, An absolute(good pun huh?) requirement just so you can be certain that none of it applies to a certain specious "spiritual" framework. I used to feel that i was a "Spiritual Being" but upon further reflection Blah Blah Blah
So, it goes without saying that it goes something like this, In physics, spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs when a system that is symmetric with respect to some symmetry group(and not just any or all) goes into a vacuum state that is not symmetric. When that happens, the system no longer appears to behave in a symmetric manner. It is a phenomenon that naturally occurs in many situations.
Here is part of the A.A. Attanasio Blog that started it all
The Hawaiian story of Koko Crater actually begins 150 miles away on the Big Island. There, the lusty Pig God, Kamapua'a, assaulted the goddess of fire, Pele. The frenzied Pig God would have ravished his victim if not for the intervention of Pele's sister, the sorceress Kapo, who distracted Kamapua'a from his lewd advances by detaching her vagina and tossing it from the Big Island to O'ahu. The Pig God chased after it. The flying vagina slammed into the earth. And Kamapua'a, unable to stop quickly enough, crashed into the earth, gouging out Kalama Valley, now a suburban community –-- but, until 1975, a pig farm! Kapo retrieved her portable genitals, leaving behind this impression in the land, which is the tuff ring of Koko Crater.
I’ve retold this myth as “Sex, Love and the Mighty Fine Structure Constant,” which you can read here.
Who is the Goddess? Who dropped her vagina here? We are not mythic people, we who invented the printing press and the hydrogen bomb. In the 21st century, the Goddess is where She always was. Her presence behind the mundane experience of life is the creatio continua: the continuous creation of the Higgs Field, the physical process by which the particles of spacetime, including all the atoms of the human body, take on mass (and inertia) --- from emptiness. [You can read a concise and accessible definition of the Higgs Field here:] except that this is complete bullshift and no longer an active url
The symmetry group can be discrete, such as the space group of a crystal, or continuous (e.g., a Lie group), such as the rotational symmetry of space. However if the system contains only a single spatial dimension then only discrete symmetries may be broken in a vacuum state of the full quantum theory, although a classical solution may break a continuous symmetry.
It behooves the reader at this point(not just the cognitively challenged) to come up with a common example.And so to help explain this phenomenon let us pretend that there is a ball, and this ball is sitting on top of a hill. This ball is in a completely symmetric state. However, its state is unstable: the slightest force of perturbation could cause the ball to roll down the hill in some particular direction. At that point, symmetry has been broken because the direction in which the ball rolled has a feature that distinguishes it from all other directions. It does not "at this point" help to remember that the direction of thrust opposes direction of travel.
Mathematical example: the Mexican hat potential
Graph of a Mexican hat potential function.
In the simplest example, the spontaneously broken field is described by a scalar field theory. In physics, one way of seeing spontaneous symmetry breaking is through the use of Lagrangians. Lagrangians, which essentially dictate how a system will behave, can be split up into kinetic and potential terms
(1) \qquad \mathcal{L} = \partial^\mu \phi \partial_\mu \phi - V(\phi).
Even my pointed little head can circumnavigate some baseline formula however, Geometrically induced discrete spectrum in curved tubes? (i may have ditched class that day) Differential Geometry and its Applications is not so bad
But my impoverished education stops at the fucking 6th grade(Last class i actually graduated from was Harry M. Wegaforth Elementary School)But i Digress
It is in this potential term (V(φ)) that the action of symmetry breaking occurs. An example of a potential is illustrated in the graph at the right.
(Sorry no graph possible here, Just imaging a big floppy wire frame sombrero)
(2) \qquad V(\phi) = -10|\phi|^2 + |\phi|^4 \,
This potential has many possible minima (vacuum states) given by
(3) \qquad \phi = \sqrt{5} e^{i\theta}
Bone Head Note # 1: In mathematics, a square root of a number x is a number r such that r2 = x, or, in other words, a number r whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself) is x.)
for any real θ between 0 and 2π. The system also has an unstable vacuum state corresponding to Φ = 0. This state has a U(1) symmetry. However, once the system falls into a specific stable vacuum state (corresponding to a choice of θ) this symmetry will be lost or spontaneously broken.
Higgs mechanism
Main article: Higgs(HIGGS=HELP-IVE-GIVEN-GEOMETRY-SOUL) mechanism
Bone Head Note # 2: regarding ((Phi)) I ripped this directly from Wikipedia
But Please read this if you you are having issues with understanding, ϕ or Φ
(((Phi (uppercase Φ, lowercase φ or math symbol ϕ), pronounced [ˈfi] in modern Greek and /ˈfaɪ/ or sometimes /ˈfiː/ in English,[1] is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. In modern Greek, it represents [f], a voiceless labiodental fricative. In Ancient Greek it represented [pʰ], an aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive (from which English ultimately inherits the spelling "ph" in words derived from Greek). In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 500 (φʹ) or 500,000 (͵φ). The Cyrillic letter Ef (Ф, ф) arose from Φ.)))
In the Standard Model, spontaneous symmetry breaking is accomplished by using the Higgs boson and is responsible for the masses of the W and Z bosons. A slightly more technical presentation of this mechanism is given in the article on the Yukawa interaction, where it is shown how spontaneous symmetry breaking can be used to give mass to fermions.
Broader concept: The required particle if it ever truly existed disappeared from our universe a few fractions of a second(measured in the tens of billionths of a nano second or even smaller increments Ago, So where were we? Oh yea if the required particle can be recreated in the latest & greatest collider/accelerator we have no equipment to ever be able to actually observe & record or in any direct way even be aware of events that occur in so brief a period of time on such a minute scale however, i am led to believe that we can become aware of these events in a sort of Ex post ipsos facto technique or by the Decay products that result directly from these so called events but again i pre-digress
More generally, we can have spontaneous symmetry breaking in nonvacuum situations and for systems not described by actions. The crucial concept here is the order parameter. If there is a field (often a background field) which acquires an expectation value (not necessarily a vacuum expectation value) which is not invariant under the symmetry in question, we say that the system is in the ordered phase and the symmetry is spontaneously broken. This is because other subsystems interact with the order parameter which forms a "frame of reference" to be measured against, so to speak.
If a vacuum state obeys the initial symmetry then the system is said to be in the Wigner mode, otherwise it is in the Goldstone mode You fucking choose, Based of course upon observation that is resplendant in divergence (Byrne-Fripp & Eno)
Remain in hell, without despair
O Urizel
Remain in hell, without despair
O Urizel
I am resplendent in divergence
I am resplendent in divergence
I am resplendent in divergence
* For ferromagnetic materials, the laws describing it are invariant under spatial rotations. Here, the order parameter is the magnetization, which measures the magnetic dipole density. Above the Curie temperature, the order parameter is zero, which is spatially invariant and there is no symmetry breaking. Below the Curie temperature, however, the magnetization acquires a constant (in the idealized situation where we have full equilibrium; otherwise, translational symmetry gets broken as well) nonzero value which points in a certain direction. The residual rotational symmetries which leaves the orientation of this vector invariant remain unbroken but the other rotations get spontaneously broken.
* The laws describing a solid are invariant under the full Euclidean group, but the solid itself spontaneously breaks this group down to a space group. The displacement and the orientation are the order parameters.
* The laws of physics are spatially invariant, but here on the surface of the Earth, we have a background gravitational field (which plays the role of the order parameter here) which points downwards, breaking the full rotational symmetry. This explains why up, down and the vertical directions are all "different" but all the horizontal directions are still isotropic.
* General relativity has a Lorenz gauge symmetry, but in FRW cosmological models, the mean 4-velocity field defined by averaging over the velocities of the galaxies (the galaxies act like gas particles at cosmological scales) acts as an order parameter breaking this symmetry. Similar comments can be made about the cosmic microwave background.
* Here on Earth, Galilean invariance (in the nonrelativistic approximation) is broken by the velocity field of the Earth/atmosphere, which acts as the order parameter here. This explains why people thought moving bodies tend towards rest before Galileo. We tend not to be aware of broken symmetries.
* For the electroweak model, as explained earlier, the Higgs field acts as the order parameter breaking the electroweak gauge symmetry to the electromagnetic gauge symmetry. Like the ferromagnetic example, there is a phase transition at the electroweak temperature. The same comment about us not tending to notice broken symmetries explains why it took so long for us to discover electroweak unification.
* For superconductors, there is a collective condensed matter field ψ which acts as the order parameter breaking the electromagnetic gauge symmetry.
* In general relativity, diffeomorphism covariance is broken by the nonzero order parameter, the metric tensor field.
* Take a flat plastic ruler which is identical on both sides and push both ends together. Before buckling, the system is symmetric under the reflection about the plane of the ruler. But after buckling, it either buckles upwards or downwards.
* Consider a uniform layer of fluid over an infinite horizontal plane. This system has all the symmetries of the Euclidean plane. But now heat the bottom surface uniformly so that it becomes much hotter than the upper surface. When the temperature gradient becomes large enough, convection cells will form, breaking the Euclidean symmetry.
* Consider a bead on a circular hoop that is rotated about a vertical diameter. As the rotational velocity is increased gradually from rest, the bead will initially stay at its initial equilibrium point at the bottom of the hoop (intuitively stable, lowest gravitational potential). At a certain critical rotational velocity, this point will become unstable and the bead will jump to one of two other newly created equilibria, equidistant from the center. Initially, the system is symmetric with respect to the diameter, yet after passing the critical velocity, the bead must choose between the two new equilibrium points, thus breaking symmetry. Note: This can easily be tried at home with an electric drill, a marble, and a pot cover, (or any other combination you can think of) and is the two-dimensional, mechanical analogue of the symmetry breaking that occurs in the Higgs Boson field.
[edit] Nobel Prize
On October 7, 2008, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics to two Japanese citizens and a Japanese-born American for their work in subatomic physics. American Yoichiro Nambu, 87, of the University of Chicago, won half of the prize for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry. Japanese physicists Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa shared the other half of the prize for discovering the origin of the broken symmetry.[1] The trio shared the 10 million kronor (1.25 million USD) purse, as well as a diploma and an invitation to the prize ceremonies in Stockholm on December 10, 2008
Catastrophe theory
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This article is about the study of dynamical systems. For other meanings, see catastrophe.
In mathematics, catastrophe theory is a branch of bifurcation theory in the study of dynamical systems; it is also a particular special case of more general singularity theory in geometry.
Bifurcation theory studies and classifies phenomena characterized by sudden shifts in behavior arising from small changes in circumstances, analysing how the qualitative nature of equation solutions depends on the parameters that appear in the equation. This may lead to sudden and dramatic changes, for example the unpredictable timing and magnitude of a landslide.
Catastrophe theory, which originated with the work of the French mathematician René Thom in the 1960s, and became very popular due to the efforts of Christopher Zeeman in the 1970s, considers the special case where the long-run stable equilibrium can be identified with the minimum of a smooth, well-defined potential function (Lyapunov function).
Small changes in certain parameters of a nonlinear system can cause equilibria to appear or disappear, or to change from attracting to repelling and vice versa, leading to large and sudden changes of the behaviour of the system. However, examined in a larger parameter space, catastrophe theory reveals that such bifurcation points tend to occur as part of well-defined qualitative geometrical structures.
See also
* Autocatalytic reactions and order creation
* Catastrophe theory
* CP-violation
* Dynamical symmetry breaking
* Explicit symmetry breaking
* Gauge gravitation theory
* Goldstone boson
* Grand unified theory
* Mermin-Wagner theorem
* Second-order phase transition
* Symmetry breaking
* Vacuum fluctuation
* J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics
* Higgs mechanism
* Higgs boson
* Overview and Differences of 1964 PRL Symmetry Breaking papers
Dave Brackeen
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
To lachrymose or moribund
To know the mind behind the face
What languishing bankrupt paupers fund
Within the mirror that chance could grace
with visions of a memory that none save me
could recall in sooth yet still i crave
Those purest of moments that cost so dear
Never predecease, nor share a grave
By Dave M Brackeen
Copyright © 2009
To know the mind behind the face
What languishing bankrupt paupers fund
Within the mirror that chance could grace
with visions of a memory that none save me
could recall in sooth yet still i crave
Those purest of moments that cost so dear
Never predecease, nor share a grave
By Dave M Brackeen
Copyright © 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Particular Riff
It’s not so much a question,
As an Rhetorical muse
And as such an answer
No matter what I could choose
Could Possibly Impart
Whether falsehood or truth
The slightest value of meaning
None of which here is soothe
And just to insure
I’ve overdriven my say
And that a failure to comprehend
Is just no Fucking way!
And so Blah Blah Blah………
Yea I think so!!
As an Rhetorical muse
And as such an answer
No matter what I could choose
Could Possibly Impart
Whether falsehood or truth
The slightest value of meaning
None of which here is soothe
And just to insure
I’ve overdriven my say
And that a failure to comprehend
Is just no Fucking way!
And so Blah Blah Blah………
Yea I think so!!
There is no place
There is a place
Wherein lie i
No breath, No Warmth, No Love, No sigh.
No reason to warrant expectation
No need for promise or thought of forever
No seed to be spilled
In lovelorn corridor
Like lovesick mooncalf, lost in the sky
Wherein lie i
No breath, No Warmth, No Love, No sigh.
No reason to warrant expectation
No need for promise or thought of forever
No seed to be spilled
In lovelorn corridor
Like lovesick mooncalf, lost in the sky
Don’t leave the Studio, Zamudio!
Don’t leave the Studio, Zamudio!
Sitting on it engendered deep
Twas though for a moment I was fast asleep
Thawd winced I Waxed and Whacked
Philosophical and pondered, what purpend my sak?
The riddle of the sphincter and all that implies
The sarcophagus Stinker my sphincter did try
Apply it I did in a leather embrace
And pondered any remnant of Alister trace
Sitting on it engendered deep
How many butt cheeks have here fallen asleep?
Sitting on it engendered deep
Twas though for a moment I was fast asleep
Thawd winced I Waxed and Whacked
Philosophical and pondered, what purpend my sak?
The riddle of the sphincter and all that implies
The sarcophagus Stinker my sphincter did try
Apply it I did in a leather embrace
And pondered any remnant of Alister trace
Sitting on it engendered deep
How many butt cheeks have here fallen asleep?
Wholesale rejection of linear thought
Wholesale rejection of linear thought
Does not imply embracing Chaos theory
A confluence of unrelated events
Even if true it brings no closure
To the death of a friend
The systems chaos theory describe
Are themselves disordered
What could be more vexing?
Using your own theorem
To prove your theory
Blood leaking into his perivascular tissue
Nothing left but unanswered questions
The police are good for helping you die
But not good for any reasons about why
Alister Crowley said “because” is a joke
Because be damned for a dog
May it fall into the pit of despair,
And be devoured by the dogs of reason
All increments of measure suffice
But only as descriptors
How arbitrary all human units are
None so eloquently as decrementation
Does not imply embracing Chaos theory
A confluence of unrelated events
Even if true it brings no closure
To the death of a friend
The systems chaos theory describe
Are themselves disordered
What could be more vexing?
Using your own theorem
To prove your theory
Blood leaking into his perivascular tissue
Nothing left but unanswered questions
The police are good for helping you die
But not good for any reasons about why
Alister Crowley said “because” is a joke
Because be damned for a dog
May it fall into the pit of despair,
And be devoured by the dogs of reason
All increments of measure suffice
But only as descriptors
How arbitrary all human units are
None so eloquently as decrementation
What it was Isn't
What it was isn’t necessarily something other than
What it has to be when it isn’t without
Some semblance of what would normally be construed
As an internally consistent series of assumptions
That all equate back to a single axiom
Axioms being what they are(UNPROVEN)
I Spit on your Platitude Peddling Crapulous Creeds
What it has to be when it isn’t without
Some semblance of what would normally be construed
As an internally consistent series of assumptions
That all equate back to a single axiom
Axioms being what they are(UNPROVEN)
I Spit on your Platitude Peddling Crapulous Creeds
Vicariously slaying myself
Vicariously slaying myself
Through the offices of other personas
Dying to forget
Dying to remember
Dying to live
Some many facets believe
That they are the actual me
Trying to forget
Trying to remember
Trying to live
Narcissism according to Freud
Is an essential part of all of us
Lying to forget
Lying to remember
Lying to live
Vicariously living my life
Through the offices of other personas
Vying to forget
Vying to remember
Vying to live
Through the offices of other personas
Dying to forget
Dying to remember
Dying to live
Some many facets believe
That they are the actual me
Trying to forget
Trying to remember
Trying to live
Narcissism according to Freud
Is an essential part of all of us
Lying to forget
Lying to remember
Lying to live
Vicariously living my life
Through the offices of other personas
Vying to forget
Vying to remember
Vying to live
Uncounted pass the moments...........
Uncounted pass the moments
Till the final tabulation occurs
At which time it is finished
And a new count endures
In a very timeless way
That is forever and ever
Immeasurable as it is long
And as timeless as it is Enduring
Till the final tabulation occurs
At which time it is finished
And a new count endures
In a very timeless way
That is forever and ever
Immeasurable as it is long
And as timeless as it is Enduring
I definatly know that i had no idea
The silence of forever hovering just out of reach
But by whom is the question now isn’t it?
The silence of forever stretching just outside of my grasp
Now that is quite a different cup of feathers isn’t it? To be sure!
By way of implying forever could not possibly reach me
Outside of my own intervention that is, and why would I?
How hubristic of an affectation
One of many that have gained a sort of terminal velocity
And of there own design perceived but not of my purveyance
Within the microcosm that is me
That which is without is surly within
Nor else my recognition of a thing that is not
Would be impaired by the lack of an ability to preconceive
The lack thereof speaks volumes albeit silently
Of any notion or unexplained inclination
But by whom is the question now isn’t it?
The silence of forever stretching just outside of my grasp
Now that is quite a different cup of feathers isn’t it? To be sure!
By way of implying forever could not possibly reach me
Outside of my own intervention that is, and why would I?
How hubristic of an affectation
One of many that have gained a sort of terminal velocity
And of there own design perceived but not of my purveyance
Within the microcosm that is me
That which is without is surly within
Nor else my recognition of a thing that is not
Would be impaired by the lack of an ability to preconceive
The lack thereof speaks volumes albeit silently
Of any notion or unexplained inclination
The origin of “Standing for Something
Stems from a time when “Standing for something”
Stood for something!
Dave Brackeen
Stems from a time when “Standing for something”
Stood for something!
Dave Brackeen
Tempus fugit
Tempus fugit
Vice versa
Quo vadis?
En Rigor Mortis
Time flees.
The other way around
Where are you going?
In the rigidity of death
Vice versa
Quo vadis?
En Rigor Mortis
Time flees.
The other way around
Where are you going?
In the rigidity of death
Something in my Head
No flocular lobes
Making do with a cerebellum
That overly cortex jammed telencephalon
Let us never forget the “White Matter Tracks”
Bummer dude
Fraught with simile & seemingly pregnant
With metaphorical referent
Who named those things anyway?
My need to over describe is compulsive
Bummer dude
Logorrhea i am told is death for me
Where prolixity is marketable, apparently I am not!
That coherent talkativeness only
Occurs in certain kinds of mental illness
Is not that question for the aegis of the ages?
Is Loss of proprioception contralateral?
Aggression, dementia, seizures won’t wait
Surface of left cerebral hemisphere irregular
Why not a well developed fusiform gyrus instead
I’ll take unusual brain structures for 500 Alex
Bummer dude
Making do with a cerebellum
That overly cortex jammed telencephalon
Let us never forget the “White Matter Tracks”
Bummer dude
Fraught with simile & seemingly pregnant
With metaphorical referent
Who named those things anyway?
My need to over describe is compulsive
Bummer dude
Logorrhea i am told is death for me
Where prolixity is marketable, apparently I am not!
That coherent talkativeness only
Occurs in certain kinds of mental illness
Is not that question for the aegis of the ages?
Is Loss of proprioception contralateral?
Aggression, dementia, seizures won’t wait
Surface of left cerebral hemisphere irregular
Why not a well developed fusiform gyrus instead
I’ll take unusual brain structures for 500 Alex
Bummer dude
Rhomboidal parallelograms are quadrilateral
One of many bisecting diagonals
Whose opposite sides can always intersect?
Most of my relationships are like that
Being sensitive about my inferior vena cava
No love
To live a life without love leaving
Impressions of a life achieving
Mainline pipe-dreams all along the way
It’s the jagged heart that bleeds free
The regular Octahedron is/are platonic solid
Everyone agrees upon that except….
There are 257 convex octahedra
complexly simple
Know love
To know that love is not just grieving
To live your life without perceiving
You are the thing you always knew you’d be
Shadows forming from the light
Whose opposite sides can always intersect?
Most of my relationships are like that
Being sensitive about my inferior vena cava
No love
To live a life without love leaving
Impressions of a life achieving
Mainline pipe-dreams all along the way
It’s the jagged heart that bleeds free
The regular Octahedron is/are platonic solid
Everyone agrees upon that except….
There are 257 convex octahedra
complexly simple
Know love
To know that love is not just grieving
To live your life without perceiving
You are the thing you always knew you’d be
Shadows forming from the light
A million generations of man
Who have succumbed to their fears
As Aesop and Plato so winos and kings
They all have passed without notice
Who have succumbed to their fears
As Aesop and Plato so winos and kings
They all have passed without notice
76 words for a fucking pun minus a contraction
Some people don’t worry about dangling participles
But how can you possibly ignore Split infinitives?
To more than worry? Compounds the issue
(It Occurs that i am not subtle,
some people are just stupid)
Thus the descriptivist objection involves a person
Whose idiolect does not have the construction
Advising against its use on the grounds that it is not the norm
You’d have to kill half the world’s population before English became one
Wisdom or Folly?
But how can you possibly ignore Split infinitives?
To more than worry? Compounds the issue
(It Occurs that i am not subtle,
some people are just stupid)
Thus the descriptivist objection involves a person
Whose idiolect does not have the construction
Advising against its use on the grounds that it is not the norm
You’d have to kill half the world’s population before English became one
Wisdom or Folly?
Invocation of Programmiton
Sometimes, as I float away into the night
Blood meat fever dreams abound
And I crisp out to the lullaby of dying
VAR: if then what
Exit[Tesseract Field]If VAR is > than Now:
Return to[Tesseract Field]if VAR is< than Now:
Sometimes, as I drift back from (unknown)
Blood meat fever dreams abound
Sad the fact that variable isn’t if you know
Still there is always hope of non-understanding
Persevering in the face of adversity
Blood meat fever dreams abound
And I crisp out to the lullaby of dying
VAR: if then what
Exit[Tesseract Field]If VAR is > than Now:
Return to[Tesseract Field]if VAR is< than Now:
Sometimes, as I drift back from (unknown)
Blood meat fever dreams abound
Sad the fact that variable isn’t if you know
Still there is always hope of non-understanding
Persevering in the face of adversity
Sometimes you just have to say!
No pattern recognition Software defined
No such Planetary Nebula in evidence
Also a misnomer and as such
I was misinformed by chironzon again
A guardian of the abyss may speak in jest
While ferrying the unwary across the Styx
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It!
Uneasy rests the jester on the dead king’s head
A crown of thorns can bring about laughter
Leading one to ponder the nature of humor
What is it? Interrupted survival mechanism
What specie would willing permit that?
Who interrupts a survival mechanism?
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It!
How can you keep on keeping on?
When life itself no longer has any meaning
When the things that define you as yourself
Become moot points on a careless curve
You can only become so sorry
Before you reach the point of no concern
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It!
No such Planetary Nebula in evidence
Also a misnomer and as such
I was misinformed by chironzon again
A guardian of the abyss may speak in jest
While ferrying the unwary across the Styx
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It!
Uneasy rests the jester on the dead king’s head
A crown of thorns can bring about laughter
Leading one to ponder the nature of humor
What is it? Interrupted survival mechanism
What specie would willing permit that?
Who interrupts a survival mechanism?
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It!
How can you keep on keeping on?
When life itself no longer has any meaning
When the things that define you as yourself
Become moot points on a careless curve
You can only become so sorry
Before you reach the point of no concern
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It!
In the darkness Is the Godhead
In the dark there are no shadows or shades
Those are products of the light
The darkness is itself
And has no pretensions otherwise
Whereas legion is the name
Of darkness’s manifold variations
Brought on by the light
There can be no place
Where light does not impinge on the darkness
But not so vise versa
Outside of light darkness is complete
And absolute
Darkness is not a product of the light
Or a result from a lack of it
Nor is it an enduring legacy of it
Rather it is the beginning and end of all things
From the Genesis:
Now the earth was formless and empty
And darkness was over the surface of the deep
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
God saw that the light was good
And he separated the light from the darkness.
God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night."
If one were so inclined as to embrace Judeo-Christian doctrine
God called light forth from the darkness
Therefore, God is of the Darkness
Those are products of the light
The darkness is itself
And has no pretensions otherwise
Whereas legion is the name
Of darkness’s manifold variations
Brought on by the light
There can be no place
Where light does not impinge on the darkness
But not so vise versa
Outside of light darkness is complete
And absolute
Darkness is not a product of the light
Or a result from a lack of it
Nor is it an enduring legacy of it
Rather it is the beginning and end of all things
From the Genesis:
Now the earth was formless and empty
And darkness was over the surface of the deep
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
God saw that the light was good
And he separated the light from the darkness.
God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night."
If one were so inclined as to embrace Judeo-Christian doctrine
God called light forth from the darkness
Therefore, God is of the Darkness
Never Disclaimer
Again to remain always without
Being to live again without loving
Is it?
Again to say not a thing
Beginning to end all beginnings
It is
Without the inside of a thing
Never again always
Is it?
To always to say a thing voicelessly
Without being without within
It is!
Or not ever again
Or again it is never again always
It is not
Centrifugal force is a lie
Centripetal is the truth isn’t it?
Again to remain always without
Being to live again without loving
Is it?
Again to say not a thing
Beginning to end all beginnings
It is
Without the inside of a thing
Never again always
Is it?
To always to say a thing voicelessly
Without being without within
It is!
Or not ever again
Or again it is never again always
It is not
Centrifugal force is a lie
Centripetal is the truth isn’t it?
Mans Inhumanity to Man
Mans Inhumanity to Man
6/10ths of a gram of mass killed 70,000 people instantly on an august morning in 1945
It was several decades before the equation E=Mc2 was beautiful again
25 million 8 ½ x 11 pieces of confetti
First the north, then the south, some pieces fell more than 100 miles away
No decades long pondering will describe any underlying beauty here
6/10ths of a gram of mass killed 70,000 people instantly on an august morning in 1945
It was several decades before the equation E=Mc2 was beautiful again
25 million 8 ½ x 11 pieces of confetti
First the north, then the south, some pieces fell more than 100 miles away
No decades long pondering will describe any underlying beauty here
He that isn’t
He that isn’t is shadowed only
Is fleshless forever
Not sated nor lonely
Ghost like apparition
Neither specter nor wraith
Perspectives vary
Directly with faith
Is fleshless forever
Not sated nor lonely
Ghost like apparition
Neither specter nor wraith
Perspectives vary
Directly with faith
Gone is the steady drone of fear-space forecasts.
Gone is the fear that we are in the pockets of
Folk, that appear to not like us very much.
Trust of officials is down at the pit of despair
And talk radio has moved on, feasting now on banks,
Bailouts and rampant greed and corruption on Wall Street.
Gone is the fear that we are in the pockets of
Folk, that appear to not like us very much.
Trust of officials is down at the pit of despair
And talk radio has moved on, feasting now on banks,
Bailouts and rampant greed and corruption on Wall Street.
Geometric rectification
Geometric rectification does not occur as a direct inverse to proximity
Like how a cube becomes a truncated cube
Rather it tends itself to describe itself in other-wordly terms
Rectification is the final point of a truncation process
Much the way that direction of thrust opposes direction of travel
Only more like how a cube becomes a dodecahedron
Like how a cube becomes a truncated cube
Rather it tends itself to describe itself in other-wordly terms
Rectification is the final point of a truncation process
Much the way that direction of thrust opposes direction of travel
Only more like how a cube becomes a dodecahedron
Desinence =A grammatical ending; an inflection
Desinence =A grammatical ending; an inflection
Lexemes "So they say" are often composed of smaller units with individual meaning called morphemes, according to root morpheme + derivational morphemes + desinence (not necessarily in this order), where descriptors who lack definition
A lexeme is the minimal unit of language which
• has a semantic interpretation and
• embodies a distinct cultural concept.
It is made up of one or more form-meaning composites called lexical units.
A lexical database is organized around lexemes, which include all the morphemes of a language, even if these morphemes never occur alone. A lexeme is conventionally listed in a dictionary as a separate entry.
Lexemes "So they say" are often composed of smaller units with individual meaning called morphemes, according to root morpheme + derivational morphemes + desinence (not necessarily in this order), where descriptors who lack definition
A lexeme is the minimal unit of language which
• has a semantic interpretation and
• embodies a distinct cultural concept.
It is made up of one or more form-meaning composites called lexical units.
A lexical database is organized around lexemes, which include all the morphemes of a language, even if these morphemes never occur alone. A lexeme is conventionally listed in a dictionary as a separate entry.
No, Really now, One upon the Other!!!
Disandrogenous decoupling from sexual dimorphism
Disandrogenous Polyandrosterone Dehydroepiandrosterone
Perhaps I shrink from my awkward ignorance
Ginsberg, Burroughs, Kerouac
Shaking Shakourak from my Kerouac
Rusty abodes as I’ve ever endured.
Disandrogenous Polyandrosterone Dehydroepiandrosterone
Perhaps I shrink from my awkward ignorance
Ginsberg, Burroughs, Kerouac
Shaking Shakourak from my Kerouac
Rusty abodes as I’ve ever endured.
Associative values dissociate
As consciousness disintegrates
Contiguous lie this memory state
Speak oh so softly then hesitate
Sleeping, you’re just another trait
You wake and you reintegrate
But to what in relation will you equate?
For the sake of just another debate
And still I wonder do I predate?
This question of self that will negate
Any further need to conjugate.
As consciousness disintegrates
Contiguous lie this memory state
Speak oh so softly then hesitate
Sleeping, you’re just another trait
You wake and you reintegrate
But to what in relation will you equate?
For the sake of just another debate
And still I wonder do I predate?
This question of self that will negate
Any further need to conjugate.
Only 86 of the circulitory fluid thirsty sonsa bitches(Not all of them have Blood) Alphatebeticized of Course!
aborticide - killing of a fetus; abortion
acaricide - killer of mites and ticks
algicide - killer of algae
amicicide - murder of a friend
aphicide - killer of aphids
aphidicide - killer of aphids
avicide - killing of birds
bacillicide - killer of bacteria
bactericide - killer of bacteria
biocide - killing living material
bovicide - slaughter of cattle; one who kills cattle
ceticide - killing of whales and other cetaceans
cimicide - substance used to kill bed-bugs
deicide - destruction or killing of a god
ecocide - destruction of the environment
episcopicide - killing of bishops
famicide - one who destroys another's reputation; slanderer
felicide - killing of a cat
femicide - killing of a woman
feticide - killing of a fetus
filicide - killing of one's own child
floricide - killing or killer of flowers
foeticide - killing a fetus
formicide - substance that kills ants
fratricide - killing of one's brother
fungicide - killing of fungus
genocide - killing of a race or ethnic group
germicide - substance that kills germs
giganticide - killing of a giant
gynaecide - killing of women
herbicide - killing of plants
hereticide - killing of heretics
homicide - killing of a human being
infanticide - killing of an infant
insecticide - killing of insects
larvicide - killing of larvae
liberticide - destruction of liberty
lupicide - killing of a wolf
malicide – killing of evil
mariticide - killing or killer of one's husband
matricide - killing of one's mother
menticide - reduction of mind by psychological pressure
microbicide - killing or killer of microbes
miticide - agent which kills mites
molluscicide - killing of mollusks
muscicide - substance for killing flies
neonaticide - killing or killer of a newborn infant
ovicide - ovi•cid -killing insect eggs
ovicide - sheep-killing
parasiticide - killing of parasites
parasuicide - harmful act appearing to be an attempt at suicide
parenticide - killing or killer of one's parents
parricide - killing of parents or a parent-like close relative
patricide - killing of one's father
perdricide - killer of partridges
pesticide - killing of pests
prolicide - killing of offspring; killing of the human race
pulicide - flea-killer
raticide - substance or person who kills rats
regicide - killing of a monarch
rodenticide - killing of rodents
senicide - killing of old men
serpenticide - killing or killer of a snake
siblicide - killing or killer of a sibling
silvicide - substance that kills trees
sororicide - killing of one's own sister
speciocide - destruction of an entire species
spermicide - killing of sperm
sporicide - killing of spores
suicide - killing of oneself
taeniacide - killing of tapeworms
tauricide - killing or killer of a bull
trypanocide - killing of trypanosomes
tyrannicide - killing or killer of a tyrant
urbicide - destruction of a city
ursicide - killing or killer of a bear
utricide - one who stabs an inflated skin vessel instead of killing someone
uxoricide - ux•o•ri•cide -killing of one's own wife
vaticide - killing or killer of a prophet
verbicide - destroying the meaning of a word
vermicide - killing of worms
vespacide - substance or person who kills wasps
viricide - killing of viruses; killing of men or of husbands
virucide - killing of viruses
vulpicide - killing of a fox
weedicide - something that kills weed
acaricide - killer of mites and ticks
algicide - killer of algae
amicicide - murder of a friend
aphicide - killer of aphids
aphidicide - killer of aphids
avicide - killing of birds
bacillicide - killer of bacteria
bactericide - killer of bacteria
biocide - killing living material
bovicide - slaughter of cattle; one who kills cattle
ceticide - killing of whales and other cetaceans
cimicide - substance used to kill bed-bugs
deicide - destruction or killing of a god
ecocide - destruction of the environment
episcopicide - killing of bishops
famicide - one who destroys another's reputation; slanderer
felicide - killing of a cat
femicide - killing of a woman
feticide - killing of a fetus
filicide - killing of one's own child
floricide - killing or killer of flowers
foeticide - killing a fetus
formicide - substance that kills ants
fratricide - killing of one's brother
fungicide - killing of fungus
genocide - killing of a race or ethnic group
germicide - substance that kills germs
giganticide - killing of a giant
gynaecide - killing of women
herbicide - killing of plants
hereticide - killing of heretics
homicide - killing of a human being
infanticide - killing of an infant
insecticide - killing of insects
larvicide - killing of larvae
liberticide - destruction of liberty
lupicide - killing of a wolf
malicide – killing of evil
mariticide - killing or killer of one's husband
matricide - killing of one's mother
menticide - reduction of mind by psychological pressure
microbicide - killing or killer of microbes
miticide - agent which kills mites
molluscicide - killing of mollusks
muscicide - substance for killing flies
neonaticide - killing or killer of a newborn infant
ovicide - ovi•cid -killing insect eggs
ovicide - sheep-killing
parasiticide - killing of parasites
parasuicide - harmful act appearing to be an attempt at suicide
parenticide - killing or killer of one's parents
parricide - killing of parents or a parent-like close relative
patricide - killing of one's father
perdricide - killer of partridges
pesticide - killing of pests
prolicide - killing of offspring; killing of the human race
pulicide - flea-killer
raticide - substance or person who kills rats
regicide - killing of a monarch
rodenticide - killing of rodents
senicide - killing of old men
serpenticide - killing or killer of a snake
siblicide - killing or killer of a sibling
silvicide - substance that kills trees
sororicide - killing of one's own sister
speciocide - destruction of an entire species
spermicide - killing of sperm
sporicide - killing of spores
suicide - killing of oneself
taeniacide - killing of tapeworms
tauricide - killing or killer of a bull
trypanocide - killing of trypanosomes
tyrannicide - killing or killer of a tyrant
urbicide - destruction of a city
ursicide - killing or killer of a bear
utricide - one who stabs an inflated skin vessel instead of killing someone
uxoricide - ux•o•ri•cide -killing of one's own wife
vaticide - killing or killer of a prophet
verbicide - destroying the meaning of a word
vermicide - killing of worms
vespacide - substance or person who kills wasps
viricide - killing of viruses; killing of men or of husbands
virucide - killing of viruses
vulpicide - killing of a fox
weedicide - something that kills weed
A short "Brief" on short Briefs
Choking acrid smoking ruin
Of things to come and faces I’ve had
Of plummeting to depths unknown before
New times, new moments it’s not that bad
Of things to come and faces I’ve had
Of plummeting to depths unknown before
New times, new moments it’s not that bad
I See !
Can you not see what is in front of you?
No for I am blind!
Then what can you see behind you?
That the depths of perception are limited
You speak of your own?
No of course not
Only a fool would believe that being sighted
Bestows any depth to their vision
No for I am blind!
Then what can you see behind you?
That the depths of perception are limited
You speak of your own?
No of course not
Only a fool would believe that being sighted
Bestows any depth to their vision
Anabolic Neuropeptides
Generally, anabolic neuropeptides such as neuropeptide Y (NPY)
Increase food intake and decrease thermogenesis (heat production in biological systems)
While catabolic ones such as -melanocyte stimulating hormone ( -MSH)
Actually reduce intake and increase energy expenditure
Wait for it…………………..Wait…………….
Aw fuck I forgot what I was going to think about it.
I want an A.T.P. pump installed (Currently None Exist) in my cranium
Adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP)
Understand this aint no weak assed downstream peptide here.
This unique peptide plays a very important roll in cell biology as a Coenzyme
That is, the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfers
It’s a chemical transport that performs intra-cellular transport of “energy”
Also it is an energy source used heavily in “Photosynthesis” not to mention Cellular Respiration and is consumed by many enzymes and a multitude of cellular processes
Including biosynthetic reactions and motility, also cell division etc.
ATP in human biology is made directly from adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
Or adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and its use in our metabolism convert it back into these precursors. It’s the volume of the process that fucking blows my mind
ATP is continuously recycled in the human body to the tune of “approximately its own weight in ATP each day”.
Please see the following link for further information. Physical and Chemical Properties
So….Having said that now
I just know I am the Jack Halley (Israeli Strato-Pilot) that A.A.Attanasio
Was talking about in Radix Except of course that my name is not Jack Hally Cohen
And I am not an Israeli Strato-Pilot But I am pretty sure that I have that long awaited
Cortical fold in my brain because I have had flash forewords and I remember being 65 years old when I had the capacity to experience/initiate a “causal collapse”.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology both have actual models simulating causal collapse that describe, compare and contrast the two possible interpretations of this concept. Please see arXiv:quant-ph/0401075v2 for PDF Etc.
Do not confuse with A causal model of radiating stellar collapse
Or better Yet!
Increase food intake and decrease thermogenesis (heat production in biological systems)
While catabolic ones such as -melanocyte stimulating hormone ( -MSH)
Actually reduce intake and increase energy expenditure
Wait for it…………………..Wait…………….
Aw fuck I forgot what I was going to think about it.
I want an A.T.P. pump installed (Currently None Exist) in my cranium
Adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP)
Understand this aint no weak assed downstream peptide here.
This unique peptide plays a very important roll in cell biology as a Coenzyme
That is, the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfers
It’s a chemical transport that performs intra-cellular transport of “energy”
Also it is an energy source used heavily in “Photosynthesis” not to mention Cellular Respiration and is consumed by many enzymes and a multitude of cellular processes
Including biosynthetic reactions and motility, also cell division etc.
ATP in human biology is made directly from adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
Or adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and its use in our metabolism convert it back into these precursors. It’s the volume of the process that fucking blows my mind
ATP is continuously recycled in the human body to the tune of “approximately its own weight in ATP each day”.
Please see the following link for further information. Physical and Chemical Properties
So….Having said that now
I just know I am the Jack Halley (Israeli Strato-Pilot) that A.A.Attanasio
Was talking about in Radix Except of course that my name is not Jack Hally Cohen
And I am not an Israeli Strato-Pilot But I am pretty sure that I have that long awaited
Cortical fold in my brain because I have had flash forewords and I remember being 65 years old when I had the capacity to experience/initiate a “causal collapse”.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology both have actual models simulating causal collapse that describe, compare and contrast the two possible interpretations of this concept. Please see arXiv:quant-ph/0401075v2 for PDF Etc.
Do not confuse with A causal model of radiating stellar collapse
Or better Yet!
And so they wonder about the trust
And so they wonder about the trust
That lies in ruins
But you readjust
And still they wonder
About the pain
How did it happen?
Did it make them insane?
Evisceration was unintended
And only loss for one befriended
The incredulity seems so sincere
I wonder at the sincerity of there incredulity
That lies in ruins
But you readjust
And still they wonder
About the pain
How did it happen?
Did it make them insane?
Evisceration was unintended
And only loss for one befriended
The incredulity seems so sincere
I wonder at the sincerity of there incredulity
Adrenochrome Dreams to Thinking Fluidly
What to do about what I feel
What to say about what I’ve done
What I know about what I’ve learned?
What if I’m not the only one?
See you again, See you around sometime
See if I can find a way
We haven’t been. We haven’t found the time
There just nothing left to say
Adrenochrome Dreams to Thinking Fluidly
It takes more than what it takes
To do a little better that marginal
It’s what I do about what I feel
And I try not to speak about what I’ve done
Sometimes I don’t know fuckall about what I’ve learned
There are just memories of moments
Memories of Memories
Remember we all Dis-articulate
What to say about what I’ve done
What I know about what I’ve learned?
What if I’m not the only one?
See you again, See you around sometime
See if I can find a way
We haven’t been. We haven’t found the time
There just nothing left to say
Adrenochrome Dreams to Thinking Fluidly
It takes more than what it takes
To do a little better that marginal
It’s what I do about what I feel
And I try not to speak about what I’ve done
Sometimes I don’t know fuckall about what I’ve learned
There are just memories of moments
Memories of Memories
Remember we all Dis-articulate
A Quadratic Equasion
A quadratic equation with real or complex coefficients has two solutions, called roots
These two solutions may or may not be distinct
And they may or may not be real
The roots are given by the quadratic formula
A quadratic equation with real coefficients can have either one or two distinct real roots
Or two distinct complex roots. In this case the discriminant determines the number and nature of the roots. There are three cases:
Equated Quadratic complexities
Are life’s uncommon perplexities
Discriminant Coefficients Discriminate
As the quadratic formulas some really hate
One would much prefer to masturbate
Or from our vocabulary eliminate
There are three cases pertaining
To the nature of the roots
Whose texture you wouldn’t
Permit on your boots
Whose absolute numbers
[Coefficient of the Square]
Are absolute bummers
And go fuck yourselves
And go fuck yourselves
And go fuck yourselves
And go fuck yourselves
To the absolute number multiplied by four times the [coefficient of the] square
The Babylonians, as early as 2000 BC (displayed on Old Babylonian clay tablets)
could solve a pair of simultaneous equations
A quadratic equation with real or complex coefficients has two solutions, called roots. These two solutions may or may not be distinct, and they may or may not be real. The roots are given by the quadratic formula
These two solutions may or may not be distinct
And they may or may not be real
The roots are given by the quadratic formula
A quadratic equation with real coefficients can have either one or two distinct real roots
Or two distinct complex roots. In this case the discriminant determines the number and nature of the roots. There are three cases:
Equated Quadratic complexities
Are life’s uncommon perplexities
Discriminant Coefficients Discriminate
As the quadratic formulas some really hate
One would much prefer to masturbate
Or from our vocabulary eliminate
There are three cases pertaining
To the nature of the roots
Whose texture you wouldn’t
Permit on your boots
Whose absolute numbers
[Coefficient of the Square]
Are absolute bummers
And go fuck yourselves
And go fuck yourselves
And go fuck yourselves
And go fuck yourselves
To the absolute number multiplied by four times the [coefficient of the] square
The Babylonians, as early as 2000 BC (displayed on Old Babylonian clay tablets)
could solve a pair of simultaneous equations
A quadratic equation with real or complex coefficients has two solutions, called roots. These two solutions may or may not be distinct, and they may or may not be real. The roots are given by the quadratic formula
Voting is a privledge not a blah, blah, blah
Diffuse interregnum between governing bodies
Anamorphic axes perpending each other
Differential imaging
Along mutually perpendicular radii
Malice and aforethought
The only possible explanation for voting Bush into office
Is Zoomorphic (Please see Dictionary)
Although that is unfair to Anubis
Anamorphic axes perpending each other
Differential imaging
Along mutually perpendicular radii
Malice and aforethought
The only possible explanation for voting Bush into office
Is Zoomorphic (Please see Dictionary)
Although that is unfair to Anubis
Monday, November 2, 2009
A state of Non-Derision
Can you not see what is in front of you?
No for I am blind!
Then what can you see behind you?
That the depths of perception are limited
You speak of your own?
No of course not
Only a fool would believe that being sighted
Bestows any depth to their vision
No for I am blind!
Then what can you see behind you?
That the depths of perception are limited
You speak of your own?
No of course not
Only a fool would believe that being sighted
Bestows any depth to their vision
Sunday, November 1, 2009
In traditional logic, an axiom or postulate is a proposition that has not been proven or demonstrated but considered to be either self-evident, or subject to necessary decision. Therefore, its truth is taken for granted, and serves as a starting point for deducing, inferring and "Playing Around With" other (theory dependent) truths
Find the hardest job
Give it to the laziest man
He’ll find the easiest way to do it
What the fuck does “Inertial Guidance”
Actually mean anyway?
I even have my doubts about Inertia
The resistance of mass any physical object has
To a change in its state of motion
Vis insita I’ll buy
Innate force of matter is a power of resisting
Endeavors to preserve in its present state
Perhaps it lends itself to such
Descriptors only secondarily
Also, does anyone actually buy the “Electron Theory”
I mean come on man, what a crock of shit
Like forces repel and unlike forces attract
That's it then? That's Your Theory?
That is the basis of the Vaunted Electron Theory
Its more of an Axiom than a theory
I think “angular momentum” must also be axiomatic
Describing the rotational state of a physical system
For a rigid body rotating around an axis of symmetry
The law of periods
The law of orbits
And the law of areas
With his ellipse eccentricity
Kepler was a genius of enslavement
Who was this Kepler guy and why did nobody ever stop him?
Twilight Zone
No crow’s fly in Antarctica
Does this mean it lacks strait lines?
Boys are bad: an axiom that bears further observation
Find the hardest job
Give it to the laziest man
He’ll find the easiest way to do it
What the fuck does “Inertial Guidance”
Actually mean anyway?
I even have my doubts about Inertia
The resistance of mass any physical object has
To a change in its state of motion
Vis insita I’ll buy
Innate force of matter is a power of resisting
Endeavors to preserve in its present state
Perhaps it lends itself to such
Descriptors only secondarily
Also, does anyone actually buy the “Electron Theory”
I mean come on man, what a crock of shit
Like forces repel and unlike forces attract
That's it then? That's Your Theory?
That is the basis of the Vaunted Electron Theory
Its more of an Axiom than a theory
I think “angular momentum” must also be axiomatic
Describing the rotational state of a physical system
For a rigid body rotating around an axis of symmetry
The law of periods
The law of orbits
And the law of areas
With his ellipse eccentricity
Kepler was a genius of enslavement
Who was this Kepler guy and why did nobody ever stop him?
Twilight Zone
No crow’s fly in Antarctica
Does this mean it lacks strait lines?
Boys are bad: an axiom that bears further observation
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Year 2000 Election Campain
Steel wheels are a-rollin now rollin cross the land
Rollin children here they come
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
There Building a train
Rollin south cross the land
There building a train with steel wheels children
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
Steel wheels are a-rollin now rollin cross the land
Rollin children here they come
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
There Building a train
Rollin north cross the land
There building a train with steel wheels children
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
Steel wheels are a-rollin now rollin cross the land
Rollin children here they come
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
There Building a train
Rollin east cross the land
There building a train with steel wheels children
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
Steel wheels are a-rollin now rollin cross the land
Rollin children here they come
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
There Building a train
Rollin west cross the land
There building a train with steel wheels children
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
Rollin children here they come
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
There Building a train
Rollin south cross the land
There building a train with steel wheels children
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
Steel wheels are a-rollin now rollin cross the land
Rollin children here they come
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
There Building a train
Rollin north cross the land
There building a train with steel wheels children
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
Steel wheels are a-rollin now rollin cross the land
Rollin children here they come
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
There Building a train
Rollin east cross the land
There building a train with steel wheels children
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
Steel wheels are a-rollin now rollin cross the land
Rollin children here they come
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
There Building a train
Rollin west cross the land
There building a train with steel wheels children
Gonna grind your dreams into sand
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Treading Dark Matter Lightly
Dark Matter doesn’t interact with conventional matter
In any reasonably recognizable fashion
Prompting propeller-heads across the world to commence
Fabricating elaborate traps in quanta of germanium in a vague hope
(Quanta = A packet of radiation possessing energy equal to h•f joules, where h is the Planck constant and f the frequency of the radiation
= (h•f160.2177~) × 1021 eV. For light, sometimes also photon.)
Also elementary quantum of action
To capture a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP)
Hypothetical curiosity fulfilling unknown expectation
We regard time here as an added fourth dimension to three space
Time it is also a real time dimension of his (Einstein’s) space-time triangle
In mathematics, Euclidean space refers to the Euclidean plane and three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, as well as the generalizations of these notions of higher dimensions…..Also…..
The term “Euclidean” here is used to distinguish these spaces from the curved spaces of non-Euclidean geometry and Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Now, having said that
Time is an imaginary space dimension of Minkowski's space-time triangle
A metaphor is: meta- (change) phor (carrier).
Don’t know Minkowski ?........
Please Note: Nicolas Gisin and Anton Zeilinger, among others,
Demonstrated superluminal spin correlation
betwixt two quantons separated by at least 10 kilometers.
Superluminal herein means no latency. Correlations are instantaneous!
Quantons are quantum change carriers/bearers in quantum reality.
(Search on Nicolas Gisin and Anton Zeilinger to learn more.)
Einstein denied as “patently absurd” quantum superluminal action at a distance
Classicists view reality, other than uni-temporal motion, as inanimate, nonemergent, and unchanging.....Ergo!...!...!
I Absolutely love this [digression]
In Quantonics, there is no analogue of classical unchanging. Quantum reality is absolute flux, absolute changæ. The nearest analogue they offer in that regard is Quantum Tentative Persistence and Quantum Variable Persistence
Simply stated it is still eloquent,
IE: any classical concept of unchanging reality is just a naive classical self-deception "Masturbation without the PAYOFF at the end" involving sure and at the time engrossing but ultimately futile & frustrating the actual pursuit of??
Whatever it is that you are pursuing.
Subverting the entropy gradient of the universe as a whole (No Larry Niven Stasis field sorry :( )
Consider Maxwell's 2nd 'law' of thermodynamics - ideally temporally reversible, stoppable, etc Classical change depends upon 'axioms of ideal objective independence,' and 'ideal numeric scalar magnitudinal measurability of a presumed stable, immutable spatial extensity.'
More on this Later
In any reasonably recognizable fashion
Prompting propeller-heads across the world to commence
Fabricating elaborate traps in quanta of germanium in a vague hope
(Quanta = A packet of radiation possessing energy equal to h•f joules, where h is the Planck constant and f the frequency of the radiation
= (h•f160.2177~) × 1021 eV. For light, sometimes also photon.)
Also elementary quantum of action
To capture a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP)
Hypothetical curiosity fulfilling unknown expectation
We regard time here as an added fourth dimension to three space
Time it is also a real time dimension of his (Einstein’s) space-time triangle
In mathematics, Euclidean space refers to the Euclidean plane and three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, as well as the generalizations of these notions of higher dimensions…..Also…..
The term “Euclidean” here is used to distinguish these spaces from the curved spaces of non-Euclidean geometry and Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Now, having said that
Time is an imaginary space dimension of Minkowski's space-time triangle
A metaphor is: meta- (change) phor (carrier).
Don’t know Minkowski ?........
Please Note: Nicolas Gisin and Anton Zeilinger, among others,
Demonstrated superluminal spin correlation
betwixt two quantons separated by at least 10 kilometers.
Superluminal herein means no latency. Correlations are instantaneous!
Quantons are quantum change carriers/bearers in quantum reality.
(Search on Nicolas Gisin and Anton Zeilinger to learn more.)
Einstein denied as “patently absurd” quantum superluminal action at a distance
Classicists view reality, other than uni-temporal motion, as inanimate, nonemergent, and unchanging.....Ergo!...!...!
I Absolutely love this [digression]
In Quantonics, there is no analogue of classical unchanging. Quantum reality is absolute flux, absolute changæ. The nearest analogue they offer in that regard is Quantum Tentative Persistence and Quantum Variable Persistence
Simply stated it is still eloquent,
IE: any classical concept of unchanging reality is just a naive classical self-deception "Masturbation without the PAYOFF at the end" involving sure and at the time engrossing but ultimately futile & frustrating the actual pursuit of??
Whatever it is that you are pursuing.
Subverting the entropy gradient of the universe as a whole (No Larry Niven Stasis field sorry :( )
Consider Maxwell's 2nd 'law' of thermodynamics - ideally temporally reversible, stoppable, etc Classical change depends upon 'axioms of ideal objective independence,' and 'ideal numeric scalar magnitudinal measurability of a presumed stable, immutable spatial extensity.'
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Isolationism of the soul is nondescript
Unless there are colorful descriptors
If it exists then, is it in my soul
Isolationism is self imposed
Non-diametrically opposed to the do it-yourself
Isolationism is a foreign policy
Which combines?
A non-interventionist military policy
And a political policy of economic nationalism unless
Isolationism is self imposed
Sometimes even if
Or even especially because of
Interventionionalism should be invented as a repost
Intervention Nationalism hasn’t
Except in my dictionary because I added it
Diaspora refers to the movement
Of any population sharing common ethnic identity
It actually means a scattering of seeds
Is there an Isolationism of the soul?
And if so how does one diagnose it?
Unless there are colorful descriptors
If it exists then, is it in my soul
Isolationism is self imposed
Non-diametrically opposed to the do it-yourself
Isolationism is a foreign policy
Which combines?
A non-interventionist military policy
And a political policy of economic nationalism unless
Isolationism is self imposed
Sometimes even if
Or even especially because of
Interventionionalism should be invented as a repost
Intervention Nationalism hasn’t
Except in my dictionary because I added it
Diaspora refers to the movement
Of any population sharing common ethnic identity
It actually means a scattering of seeds
Is there an Isolationism of the soul?
And if so how does one diagnose it?
Find the hardest job
Give it to the laziest man
He’ll find the easiest way to do it
What the fuck does “Inertial Guidance”
Actually mean anyway?
I even have my doubts about Inertia
The resistance of mass any physical object
To a change in its state of motion
Vis insita I’ll buy
Innate force of matter is a power of resisting
Endeavors to preserve in its present state
Perhaps it lends itself to such
Descriptors only secondarily
I think “angular momentum” must be axiomatic
Describing the rotational state of a physical system
For a rigid body rotating around an axis of symmetry
The law of periods
The law of orbits
And the law of areas
With his ellipse eccentricity
Kepler was a genius of enslavement
Twilight Zone
No crow’s fly in Antarctica
Does this mean it lacks strait lines?
Boys are bad: an axiom that bears further observation
Find the hardest job
Give it to the laziest man
He’ll find the easiest way to do it
What the fuck does “Inertial Guidance”
Actually mean anyway?
I even have my doubts about Inertia
The resistance of mass any physical object
To a change in its state of motion
Vis insita I’ll buy
Innate force of matter is a power of resisting
Endeavors to preserve in its present state
Perhaps it lends itself to such
Descriptors only secondarily
I think “angular momentum” must be axiomatic
Describing the rotational state of a physical system
For a rigid body rotating around an axis of symmetry
The law of periods
The law of orbits
And the law of areas
With his ellipse eccentricity
Kepler was a genius of enslavement
Twilight Zone
No crow’s fly in Antarctica
Does this mean it lacks strait lines?
Boys are bad: an axiom that bears further observation
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Asymptotically pondering my navel
Dave Brackeen: asymptotically!
Dave Bracken’s navel: Huh?
Dave Brackeen: In Geometry an asymptote of a curve is a way of describing its behavior far away from its point of origin by comparing it to another curve.
Dave Bracken’s navel: Oh!
Dave Brackeen: Specifically, the second curve is an asymptote of the first if distance between the two approaches 0 as the points being considered tend towards paralleling infinity
Dave Bracken’s navel: Please specify
Dave Brackeen Ok! well informally, this means that the first curve gets closer to the second as it gets farther from its origin. Now one important case would be when the asymptote is a straight line; this is called a linear asymptote (or simply asymptote if there is no chance of confusion). )My favorite part is the parenthesis)
Dave Bracken’s navel: Oh!
Dave Brackeen You see if curve A has the curve B as an asymptote, one says that A is asymptotic to B. Similarly B is asymptotic to A, so A and B are called asymptotic
Dave Bracken’s navel: Oh gotcha
Dave Bracken’s navel: Huh?
Dave Brackeen: In Geometry an asymptote of a curve is a way of describing its behavior far away from its point of origin by comparing it to another curve.
Dave Bracken’s navel: Oh!
Dave Brackeen: Specifically, the second curve is an asymptote of the first if distance between the two approaches 0 as the points being considered tend towards paralleling infinity
Dave Bracken’s navel: Please specify
Dave Brackeen Ok! well informally, this means that the first curve gets closer to the second as it gets farther from its origin. Now one important case would be when the asymptote is a straight line; this is called a linear asymptote (or simply asymptote if there is no chance of confusion). )My favorite part is the parenthesis)
Dave Bracken’s navel: Oh!
Dave Brackeen You see if curve A has the curve B as an asymptote, one says that A is asymptotic to B. Similarly B is asymptotic to A, so A and B are called asymptotic
Dave Bracken’s navel: Oh gotcha
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Computing power
Thirty billion neurons in the average human brain
Each neuron is networked to its neighbor via multiple synapses
Creating nearly one million billion synaptic connections
These connection in turn create a very large numbers of neural circuits
The actual number is Enormous, It is the number 10 followed by one million zeros
To give some kind of scale to those numbers, the total number of atoms in the entire universe is estimated to be the number ………………. …………………. 10 followed by 80 zeros 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00
So.... The number of atoms in the entire universe is smaller than the possible number of neural circuits in your own brain ( by several orders of magnitude )
By extensive cross-referencing of available human neuroanatomical data we produce a consistent set of parameters for the whole brain, the,cerebral cortex, and the cerebellar cortex. By comparing these inferred values with those predicted by the expressions, we draw the following general conclusions for the human brain, cortex, cerebellum:
(i) Interior packing is less efficient than exterior packing (in a sphere).
(ii) Fully and randomly connected topologies are extremely inefficient.
More specifically we find evidence that different topologies and physical packing strategies might be used at different scales. (iii) For the human brain at a macrostructural level, modular topologies on an exterior sphere approach the data most closely. (iv) On a mesostructural level, laminarization and columnarization are evidence of the superior efficiency of organizing the wiring as sheets. (v) Within sheets, microstructures emerge in which interior models are shown to be the most efficient. With regard to interspecies similarities and differences we conjecture (vi) that the remarkable constancy of number of neurons per underlying
mm 2 of cortex may be the result of evolution minimizing interneuron distance in grey matter, and (vii) that the topologies that best fit the human brain data should not be assumed to apply to other mammals, such as the mouse for which
we show that a random topology may be feasible for the cortex
It’s not the number of brain cells that matter so much as the possible number of connections
And why is the corpus callosum so narrow (The corpus callosum is a structure in the longitudinal fissure that connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres)
Each neuron is networked to its neighbor via multiple synapses
Creating nearly one million billion synaptic connections
These connection in turn create a very large numbers of neural circuits
The actual number is Enormous, It is the number 10 followed by one million zeros
To give some kind of scale to those numbers, the total number of atoms in the entire universe is estimated to be the number ………………. …………………. 10 followed by 80 zeros 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00
So.... The number of atoms in the entire universe is smaller than the possible number of neural circuits in your own brain ( by several orders of magnitude )
By extensive cross-referencing of available human neuroanatomical data we produce a consistent set of parameters for the whole brain, the,cerebral cortex, and the cerebellar cortex. By comparing these inferred values with those predicted by the expressions, we draw the following general conclusions for the human brain, cortex, cerebellum:
(i) Interior packing is less efficient than exterior packing (in a sphere).
(ii) Fully and randomly connected topologies are extremely inefficient.
More specifically we find evidence that different topologies and physical packing strategies might be used at different scales. (iii) For the human brain at a macrostructural level, modular topologies on an exterior sphere approach the data most closely. (iv) On a mesostructural level, laminarization and columnarization are evidence of the superior efficiency of organizing the wiring as sheets. (v) Within sheets, microstructures emerge in which interior models are shown to be the most efficient. With regard to interspecies similarities and differences we conjecture (vi) that the remarkable constancy of number of neurons per underlying
mm 2 of cortex may be the result of evolution minimizing interneuron distance in grey matter, and (vii) that the topologies that best fit the human brain data should not be assumed to apply to other mammals, such as the mouse for which
we show that a random topology may be feasible for the cortex
It’s not the number of brain cells that matter so much as the possible number of connections
And why is the corpus callosum so narrow (The corpus callosum is a structure in the longitudinal fissure that connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
And someday, is just another day
And so far, it’s just another way
For us to get beyond today
And still it’s just still so far away
And that’s ok but, it’s not alright
Dreaming of sleeping speaking of sight
Is giving of visions and taking the light
And still it’s just another day
So very, very far away
Darkness for all for none may stay
Yet you never truly go away
You were never even really here they say
And that’s ok but, it’s not alright
And so far, it’s just another way
For us to get beyond today
And still it’s just still so far away
And that’s ok but, it’s not alright
Dreaming of sleeping speaking of sight
Is giving of visions and taking the light
And still it’s just another day
So very, very far away
Darkness for all for none may stay
Yet you never truly go away
You were never even really here they say
And that’s ok but, it’s not alright
Rhomboidal parallelograms are quadrilateral
One of many bisecting diagonals
Whose opposite sides can always intersect?
Most of my relationships are like that
Being sensitive about my inferior vena cava
No love
To live a life without leaving
Impressions of a life achieving
Mainline pipe dreams all along the way
It’s the jagged heart that bleeds free
The regular Octahedron is/are platonic solid
Everyone agrees upon that except….
There are 257 convex octahedra
Complex simplicity
Know love
To know that love is not just grieving
To live your life without perceiving
You are the thing you always knew you’d be
Shadows forming out of the light
Whose opposite sides can always intersect?
Most of my relationships are like that
Being sensitive about my inferior vena cava
No love
To live a life without leaving
Impressions of a life achieving
Mainline pipe dreams all along the way
It’s the jagged heart that bleeds free
The regular Octahedron is/are platonic solid
Everyone agrees upon that except….
There are 257 convex octahedra
Complex simplicity
Know love
To know that love is not just grieving
To live your life without perceiving
You are the thing you always knew you’d be
Shadows forming out of the light
Added to the Loss
In the bleeding sides of exhilaration
Adding and subtracting
Positives and negatives
Subtracted additionally?
Partially completed
Externally centralized
Becoming loosely stuck together
Like the dried fluids of amore
Imploding after.... a fit of expansion
Asymptotically added to the loss
Is praying for nihilism anachronistic?
If X and Y axes are asymptotes
Of the hyperbola
Then added to the loss
Asymptotically may still = 1
As non merging points
On converging curves
Consensus is arrived at in infinity
Or denied forever (decreasing radii)
Added to the loss
Catastrophic failure is
Added to the loss
Add Loss Add Loss Sad loss
Sad loss Sad loss
Dave Brackeen
Copyright ©2009 Dave Brackeen
Adding and subtracting
Positives and negatives
Subtracted additionally?
Partially completed
Externally centralized
Becoming loosely stuck together
Like the dried fluids of amore
Imploding after.... a fit of expansion
Asymptotically added to the loss
Is praying for nihilism anachronistic?
If X and Y axes are asymptotes
Of the hyperbola
Then added to the loss
Asymptotically may still = 1
As non merging points
On converging curves
Consensus is arrived at in infinity
Or denied forever (decreasing radii)
Added to the loss
Catastrophic failure is
Added to the loss
Add Loss Add Loss Sad loss
Sad loss Sad loss
Dave Brackeen
Copyright ©2009 Dave Brackeen
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Origional db Quote
Best done in a smooth southern drawl
Many things have transpired of which I am unaware
But of those of which I am aware I do like to be cognizant of ..
Many things have transpired of which I am unaware
But of those of which I am aware I do like to be cognizant of ..
Unknown shithouse poet.....1974
He who writes on bathroom walls
Rolls his shit in little balls
He who read these words of wit
Eat those little balls of shit.
Rolls his shit in little balls
He who read these words of wit
Eat those little balls of shit.
Unknown shithouse poet.....1974
First Amendment - Religion and Expression The Blah. Blah. Blah. According to Dave.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
First Amendment - Religion and Expression The Blah Blah Blah according to Dave
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
They are no longer servants
Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
They are no longer representatives
Or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
They are now Authority
And to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
They are now Officials and they run things
The first amendment has been amended and made to preclude you and I.
For we are or I am a Civilian and somehow, not quite a free as some other americans
Aberrant malfunctioning as I may be I am still American
Madison's original proposal for a bill of rights provision concerning religion read:
''The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship,
Nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretence, infringed.''
1. The language was altered in the House of Representatives to read;
''Congress shall make no law establishing religion, or to prevent the free exercise thereof, or to infringe the rights of conscience.''
2. In the Senate, the section adopted read:
''Congress shall make no law establishing articles of faith, or a mode of worship, or prohibiting the free exercise of religion, . . .
3. It was in the conference committee of the two bodies, chaired by Madison, that the present language was written with its some what more indefinite ''respecting'' phraseology.
4. Debate in Congress lends little assistance in interpreting the religion clauses; Madison's position, as well as that of Jefferson who influenced him, is fairly clear,
5. But the intent, insofar as there was one, of the others in Congress who voted for the language and those in the States who voted to ratify is subject to speculation.
Not So Scholarly Commentary --The explication of the religion clauses by the scholars has followed a restrained sense of their meaning. take Story for instance, who thought that ''the right of a society or government to interfere in matters of religion will hardly be contested by any persons, who believe that piety, religion, and morality are intimately connected with the well being of the state, and indispensable to the administration of civil justice,'' looked upon the prohibition simply as an exclusion from the Federal Government of all power to act upon the subject. ''The situation . . . of the different states equally proclaimed the policy, as well as the necessity of such an exclusion. In some of the states, episcopalians constituted the predominant sect; in others presbyterians; in others, congregationalists; in others, quakers; and in others again, there was a close numerical rivalry among contending sects. It was impossible, that there should not arise perpetual strife and perpetual jealousy on the subject of ecclesiastical ascendancy, if the national government were left free to create a religious establishment. The only security was in extirpating the power. But this alone would have been an imperfect security, if it had not been followed up by a declaration of the right of the free exercise of religion, and a prohibition (as we have seen) of all religious tests. Thus, the whole power over the subject of religion is left exclusively to the state governments, to be acted upon according to their own sense of justice, and the state constitutions; and the Catholic and the Protestant, the Calvinist and the Armenian, the Jew and the Infidel, ad nausem, may sit down at the common table of the national councils, without any inquisition into their faith, or mode of worship.
''Unless of course George W Bush, should be in charge".
What a crock of shit, Post 911, Terrorism, Al Qaeda, Iraq, Afghanistan, all are extrusions of Religious faith/fervor, Terrorism being the most passionate of the lot or at least the most expressive. and if you don't think so, ask any Hebrew why they (as a group) no longer name there children "Joshua"
Alright enough of this for now. More later perhap
First Amendment - Religion and Expression The Blah Blah Blah according to Dave
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
They are no longer servants
Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
They are no longer representatives
Or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
They are now Authority
And to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
They are now Officials and they run things
The first amendment has been amended and made to preclude you and I.
For we are or I am a Civilian and somehow, not quite a free as some other americans
Aberrant malfunctioning as I may be I am still American
Madison's original proposal for a bill of rights provision concerning religion read:
''The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship,
Nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretence, infringed.''
1. The language was altered in the House of Representatives to read;
''Congress shall make no law establishing religion, or to prevent the free exercise thereof, or to infringe the rights of conscience.''
2. In the Senate, the section adopted read:
''Congress shall make no law establishing articles of faith, or a mode of worship, or prohibiting the free exercise of religion, . . .
3. It was in the conference committee of the two bodies, chaired by Madison, that the present language was written with its some what more indefinite ''respecting'' phraseology.
4. Debate in Congress lends little assistance in interpreting the religion clauses; Madison's position, as well as that of Jefferson who influenced him, is fairly clear,
5. But the intent, insofar as there was one, of the others in Congress who voted for the language and those in the States who voted to ratify is subject to speculation.
Not So Scholarly Commentary --The explication of the religion clauses by the scholars has followed a restrained sense of their meaning. take Story for instance, who thought that ''the right of a society or government to interfere in matters of religion will hardly be contested by any persons, who believe that piety, religion, and morality are intimately connected with the well being of the state, and indispensable to the administration of civil justice,'' looked upon the prohibition simply as an exclusion from the Federal Government of all power to act upon the subject. ''The situation . . . of the different states equally proclaimed the policy, as well as the necessity of such an exclusion. In some of the states, episcopalians constituted the predominant sect; in others presbyterians; in others, congregationalists; in others, quakers; and in others again, there was a close numerical rivalry among contending sects. It was impossible, that there should not arise perpetual strife and perpetual jealousy on the subject of ecclesiastical ascendancy, if the national government were left free to create a religious establishment. The only security was in extirpating the power. But this alone would have been an imperfect security, if it had not been followed up by a declaration of the right of the free exercise of religion, and a prohibition (as we have seen) of all religious tests. Thus, the whole power over the subject of religion is left exclusively to the state governments, to be acted upon according to their own sense of justice, and the state constitutions; and the Catholic and the Protestant, the Calvinist and the Armenian, the Jew and the Infidel, ad nausem, may sit down at the common table of the national councils, without any inquisition into their faith, or mode of worship.
''Unless of course George W Bush, should be in charge".
What a crock of shit, Post 911, Terrorism, Al Qaeda, Iraq, Afghanistan, all are extrusions of Religious faith/fervor, Terrorism being the most passionate of the lot or at least the most expressive. and if you don't think so, ask any Hebrew why they (as a group) no longer name there children "Joshua"
Alright enough of this for now. More later perhap
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Living without you
It’s what it’s like when you don’t like what you know
I didn’t want to live without you
Unknown understanding isn’t prophesy
I didn’t know how to live without you
Portents in the entrails of a goat, Splatiomancy
Live without you or die
Divining the future in the smoke of sacrifice
Dying isn’t living without you
Toss the bones and Augurie events
Living without you is living without you
Consult Pythia the Oracle of Delphi
I love living without you
It’s what it’s like when you don’t know what it’s like
I didn’t want to live without you
Unknown understanding isn’t prophesy
I didn’t know how to live without you
Portents in the entrails of a goat, Splatiomancy
Live without you or die
Divining the future in the smoke of sacrifice
Dying isn’t living without you
Toss the bones and Augurie events
Living without you is living without you
Consult Pythia the Oracle of Delphi
I love living without you
It’s what it’s like when you don’t know what it’s like
Dave Brackeen: asymptotically!
Other person: Huh?
Dave Brackeen: In Geometry an asymptote of a curve is a way of describing its behavior far away from its point of origin by comparing it to another curve.
Other person: Oh!
Dave Brackeen: Specifically, the second curve is an asymptote of the first if distance between the two approaches 0 as the points being considered tend towards paralleling infinity
Other person Please specify
Dave Brackeen Ok! well informally, this means that the first curve gets closer to the second as it gets farther from its origin. Now one important case would be when the asymptote is a straight line; this is called a linear asymptote (or simply asymptote if there is no chance of confusion). (My favorite part is the parenthesis)
Other person: Oh!
Dave Brackeen You see if curve A has the curve B as an asymptote, one says that A is asymptotic to B. Similarly B is asymptotic to A, so A and B are called asymptotic
Other person: Oh gotcha
Other person: Huh?
Dave Brackeen: In Geometry an asymptote of a curve is a way of describing its behavior far away from its point of origin by comparing it to another curve.
Other person: Oh!
Dave Brackeen: Specifically, the second curve is an asymptote of the first if distance between the two approaches 0 as the points being considered tend towards paralleling infinity
Other person Please specify
Dave Brackeen Ok! well informally, this means that the first curve gets closer to the second as it gets farther from its origin. Now one important case would be when the asymptote is a straight line; this is called a linear asymptote (or simply asymptote if there is no chance of confusion). (My favorite part is the parenthesis)
Other person: Oh!
Dave Brackeen You see if curve A has the curve B as an asymptote, one says that A is asymptotic to B. Similarly B is asymptotic to A, so A and B are called asymptotic
Other person: Oh gotcha
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Points upon a careless Curve
No pattern recognition Software defined
No such Planetary Nebula in evidence
Also a misnomer and as such
I was misinformed by chironzon again
A guardian of the abyss may speak in jest
While ferrying the unwary across the Styx
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It
Uneasy rests the jester on the dead king’s head
A crown of thorns can bring about laughter
Leading one to ponder the nature of humor
What is it? Interrupted survival mechanism
What specie would willing permit that?
Who interrupts a survival mechanism?
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It
How can you keep on keeping on?
When life itself no longer has any meaning
When the things that define you as yourself
Become moot points on a careless curve
You can only become so sorry
Before you reach the point of no concern
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It
No such Planetary Nebula in evidence
Also a misnomer and as such
I was misinformed by chironzon again
A guardian of the abyss may speak in jest
While ferrying the unwary across the Styx
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It
Uneasy rests the jester on the dead king’s head
A crown of thorns can bring about laughter
Leading one to ponder the nature of humor
What is it? Interrupted survival mechanism
What specie would willing permit that?
Who interrupts a survival mechanism?
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It
How can you keep on keeping on?
When life itself no longer has any meaning
When the things that define you as yourself
Become moot points on a careless curve
You can only become so sorry
Before you reach the point of no concern
Sometimes you just have to say Stop It
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Boots first law of opposition:
Boots first law of opposition:
If you kick something hard enough
It will fall over
Testicles are deviant to boots first law.
If you kick something hard enough
It will fall over
Testicles are deviant to boots first law.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
To much to small to be to big
To see to where it ends
But then again to see without
Or look within again
Now there are those
Who see within
But they are left without
And so it seems to those with sight
Of daunting distance to still the night
And still to travel with lonely heart
Whose heart rent travels would never start
Neither slows from freezing, nor empty soul
Or end such tedious barrel roll
To much to be to much to say
To see the end is to know the way
But no such path is decreed by another
And so he left. he died. my brother.
To see to where it ends
But then again to see without
Or look within again
Now there are those
Who see within
But they are left without
And so it seems to those with sight
Of daunting distance to still the night
And still to travel with lonely heart
Whose heart rent travels would never start
Neither slows from freezing, nor empty soul
Or end such tedious barrel roll
To much to be to much to say
To see the end is to know the way
But no such path is decreed by another
And so he left. he died. my brother.
There are those who say that coming down from the trees was a mistake
There are those who say that coming down from the trees was a mistake
The Pliocene is the progenitor of that particular madness
For millions of years we walked upon all fours when on the ground
And acted like arboreal apes the rest of the time
But the Pliocene with its draughts in the millions of years
Took with it all the trees, And most of the protein
Wherein flesh became more than staple food stuff
And then there was that double knobbed antelope hip bone
Wonderful tool for smashing a skull with
As thousands of fossil skull bones testify to its efficacy, and they were similarly equipped
Angular gyrus one arching over the superior temporal sulcus, continuous with the middle temporal gyrus
Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. - Lewis Carroll
There are those who say that coming down from the trees was a mistake
The Pliocene is the progenitor of that particular madness
For millions of years we walked upon all fours when on the ground
And acted like arboreal apes the rest of the time
But the Pliocene with its draughts in the millions of years
Took with it all the trees, And most of the protein
Wherein flesh became more than staple food stuff
And then there was that double knobbed antelope hip bone
Wonderful tool for smashing a skull with
As thousands of fossil skull bones testify to its efficacy, and they were similarly equipped
Angular gyrus one arching over the superior temporal sulcus, continuous with the middle temporal gyrus
Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. - Lewis Carroll
There are those who say that coming down from the trees was a mistake
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Something in my Head!
No flocular lobes
Making do with a cerebellum
That overly cortex jammed telencephalon
Let us never forget the “White Matter Tracks”
Bummer dude
Fraught with simile & seemingly pregnant
With metaphorical referent
Who named those things anyway?
My need to over describe is compulsive
Bummer dude
Logorrhea i am told is death for me
Where prolixity is marketable, apparently I am not!
That incoherent talkativeness only
Occurs in certain kinds of mental illness
Is not that question for the aegis of the ages?
Is Loss of proprioception contralateral?
Aggression, dementia, seizures won’t wait
Surface of left cerebral hemisphere irregular
Why not an over developed fusiform gyrus instead
I’ll take unusual brain structures for 500 Alex
Bummer dude
Making do with a cerebellum
That overly cortex jammed telencephalon
Let us never forget the “White Matter Tracks”
Bummer dude
Fraught with simile & seemingly pregnant
With metaphorical referent
Who named those things anyway?
My need to over describe is compulsive
Bummer dude
Logorrhea i am told is death for me
Where prolixity is marketable, apparently I am not!
That incoherent talkativeness only
Occurs in certain kinds of mental illness
Is not that question for the aegis of the ages?
Is Loss of proprioception contralateral?
Aggression, dementia, seizures won’t wait
Surface of left cerebral hemisphere irregular
Why not an over developed fusiform gyrus instead
I’ll take unusual brain structures for 500 Alex
Bummer dude
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Astrobiologosts don't need love
My own heart strings used to tie me up
Into a tightly bundled seething mass of neurosis
And this begs the question, which did the tying?
Saturn was always the Lord of the Rings
What is Cassini that Titan is mindful of it?
Fuck me once, Shame on you!
Fuck me twice: Worth two in the bush
Cassini Equinox Mission
Over a billion miles away
Simpering spineless neutered malodorous
But never was in need of constant repair
Spectacular color & array of rings
Cassini probe dwarfs most human emotions
New coat of paint not really wanted
It can’t hurt anymore than it helps
Christiaan Huygens Titanic discovery
Surly provided surcease from pain?
I am not your satellite bitch
My frozen zones are on my own manufacture
Into a tightly bundled seething mass of neurosis
And this begs the question, which did the tying?
Saturn was always the Lord of the Rings
What is Cassini that Titan is mindful of it?
Fuck me once, Shame on you!
Fuck me twice: Worth two in the bush
Cassini Equinox Mission
Over a billion miles away
Simpering spineless neutered malodorous
But never was in need of constant repair
Spectacular color & array of rings
Cassini probe dwarfs most human emotions
New coat of paint not really wanted
It can’t hurt anymore than it helps
Christiaan Huygens Titanic discovery
Surly provided surcease from pain?
I am not your satellite bitch
My frozen zones are on my own manufacture
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Loud and Tumultuous is Black and Conversant? # 2
Part 1…..
Loud and Tumultuous is Black and Conversant?
Louis Gates, director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and
African American Research at Harvard Arrested!
Booked for exhibiting “loud and tumultuous” behavior
Being a black man in America is still illegal Um-Duh!!
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior In your own home?
“Yea! Crazy Nigger actually told me to get outta his house”?
Part 2…..
How about armed & violent behavior in your own home
It does not brings up the question of whether black males
Are being targeted by Cambridge police for harassment
Because it is patently and obviously true that no white person regardless
Of how loud and tumultuous they were being in there own homes
Would be arrested for….. what exactly now? having a nicer home than the
Arresting officer, or officers ?
Part 3….
Why don’t we do an experiment and just look at all the
Arrest records by Cambridge police and observe the language of the arrest
reports. Then we could see if white males are even “Legally” capable of
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behaviors. Gates is being represented by
Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard, Excellent, Bring out the big guns
There is no question that they will drop the charges, and if he was a
Black “nobody” they could assure that he keeps his fuckin mouth shut
Part 4…..
About the whole incident as a condition of not doing more serious time
But Cambridge Police are scratching there collective heads about exactly how
To go about "doing business as usual" when it was a black “Somebody”
That got incidentally sucked into the mindless system of oppression
That exists solely to keep “We the People” in our “respective strata’s”
By keeping the peace through the systematic application of assuring
That their are not any loud or Tumultuous behaviors threatening America
Loud and Tumultuous is Black and Conversant?
Louis Gates, director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and
African American Research at Harvard Arrested!
Booked for exhibiting “loud and tumultuous” behavior
Being a black man in America is still illegal Um-Duh!!
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior In your own home?
“Yea! Crazy Nigger actually told me to get outta his house”?
Part 2…..
How about armed & violent behavior in your own home
It does not brings up the question of whether black males
Are being targeted by Cambridge police for harassment
Because it is patently and obviously true that no white person regardless
Of how loud and tumultuous they were being in there own homes
Would be arrested for….. what exactly now? having a nicer home than the
Arresting officer, or officers ?
Part 3….
Why don’t we do an experiment and just look at all the
Arrest records by Cambridge police and observe the language of the arrest
reports. Then we could see if white males are even “Legally” capable of
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behaviors. Gates is being represented by
Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard, Excellent, Bring out the big guns
There is no question that they will drop the charges, and if he was a
Black “nobody” they could assure that he keeps his fuckin mouth shut
Part 4…..
About the whole incident as a condition of not doing more serious time
But Cambridge Police are scratching there collective heads about exactly how
To go about "doing business as usual" when it was a black “Somebody”
That got incidentally sucked into the mindless system of oppression
That exists solely to keep “We the People” in our “respective strata’s”
By keeping the peace through the systematic application of assuring
That their are not any loud or Tumultuous behaviors threatening America
Loud and Tumultuous is Black and Conversant?
Gates, director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and
African American Research at Harvard
Booked for exhibiting “loud and tumultuous” behavior
Being a black man in America is still illegal Um-Duh!!
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior In your own home?
“Yea! Crazy Nigger actually told me to get outta his house”?
How about armed & violent behavior in your own home
It does not brings up the question of whether black males
Are being targeted by Cambridge police for harassment
Because it is patently and obviously true that no white person regardless
Of how loud and tumultuous they were being in there own homes
Would be arrested for….. what exactly now? having a nicer home than
Arresting officer? why don’t we do an experiment and just look at all the
Arrest records by Cambridge police and observe the language of the arrest
reports. Then we could see if white males are even “Legally” capable of
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behaviors Gates is being represented by
Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard, Excellent, Bring out the big guns
There is no question that they will drop the charges, and if he was a
Black “nobody” they could assure that he keeps his fuckin mouth shut
About the whole incident as a condition of not doing serious time
But Cambridge Police are scratching there collective heads about exactly how
To go about doing business as usual when it is a black “Somebody”
That got incidentally sucked into the mindless system of oppression
That exists solely to keep “We the People” in our perspective strata
By keeping the peace through the systematic application of assuring
That there are NO loud or Tumultuous behaviors threatening America
African American Research at Harvard
Booked for exhibiting “loud and tumultuous” behavior
Being a black man in America is still illegal Um-Duh!!
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior In your own home?
“Yea! Crazy Nigger actually told me to get outta his house”?
How about armed & violent behavior in your own home
It does not brings up the question of whether black males
Are being targeted by Cambridge police for harassment
Because it is patently and obviously true that no white person regardless
Of how loud and tumultuous they were being in there own homes
Would be arrested for….. what exactly now? having a nicer home than
Arresting officer? why don’t we do an experiment and just look at all the
Arrest records by Cambridge police and observe the language of the arrest
reports. Then we could see if white males are even “Legally” capable of
Exhibiting loud and tumultuous behaviors Gates is being represented by
Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard, Excellent, Bring out the big guns
There is no question that they will drop the charges, and if he was a
Black “nobody” they could assure that he keeps his fuckin mouth shut
About the whole incident as a condition of not doing serious time
But Cambridge Police are scratching there collective heads about exactly how
To go about doing business as usual when it is a black “Somebody”
That got incidentally sucked into the mindless system of oppression
That exists solely to keep “We the People” in our perspective strata
By keeping the peace through the systematic application of assuring
That there are NO loud or Tumultuous behaviors threatening America
Monday, July 20, 2009
Werner Von Braun Fucked us all!!
We could have had a space platform for 40 years
Except for Werner Von Braun
Reductionism theories
D Leon Says...Emergent properties—i.e., causally efficacious properties that are neither ontologically reducible to, nor analytically exhausted by, their constituent part have history in the social and biological sciences.
In recent years, there is a growing recognition in various disciplines that emergence can offer a strong rebuttal to reductionism, the idea that explanation ought to aim for progressive analytical disaggregation.
Some problematic notions of explanation
Scientific realism, International Relations Theory
I got caught conjugating a non intransitive verb
To lie: "To", is a preposition, and "Lie". is a verb
The verb is in transitive, "To Lie":
Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun
Werner Von Braun, Rama Rama Ding Dong
Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun
Werner Von Braun, Ram Rama Ding Dong
Except for Werner Von Braun
Reductionism theories
D Leon Says...Emergent properties—i.e., causally efficacious properties that are neither ontologically reducible to, nor analytically exhausted by, their constituent part have history in the social and biological sciences.
In recent years, there is a growing recognition in various disciplines that emergence can offer a strong rebuttal to reductionism, the idea that explanation ought to aim for progressive analytical disaggregation.
Some problematic notions of explanation
Scientific realism, International Relations Theory
I got caught conjugating a non intransitive verb
To lie: "To", is a preposition, and "Lie". is a verb
The verb is in transitive, "To Lie":
Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun
Werner Von Braun, Rama Rama Ding Dong
Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun, Werner Von Braun
Werner Von Braun, Ram Rama Ding Dong
Thirteen Lines
Ice is just another form of heat energy
There are no absolutes except zero
A median “internecine” value judgment
That curious adjective “marked for death”
Values upon either side at unawares
No sign of bottom line differential
All things must pass beyond certainty
Like the things of man known to be untrue
It goes on forever on either side of zero
The limits are our increments of measure
Not the boundaries of anything ever measured
Like humankind ice has a “habitable zone”
Either side of which is interdiction
There are no absolutes except zero
A median “internecine” value judgment
That curious adjective “marked for death”
Values upon either side at unawares
No sign of bottom line differential
All things must pass beyond certainty
Like the things of man known to be untrue
It goes on forever on either side of zero
The limits are our increments of measure
Not the boundaries of anything ever measured
Like humankind ice has a “habitable zone”
Either side of which is interdiction
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
If, Then What?
If, Then: What?
Alternate Universe wherein ….
(1) Jesus was born as a woman
(2) Her name was Barbara
(3) Her manner of execution differed somewhat
Twenty-seven condemned “Religious Extremists” (Islamic Political Prisoners) were forced to eat her alive.
What graphic reminders would Christians (Now called barbarians) require to be displayed upon the roofs of Churches and gracing the throats of young virgins?
Not a cross but a blood orgy
The term “Daughter of God” becomes problematic at this point because it demonstrates clearly that god is in fact female (monotheism interrupted?)
Because the very idea of monotheism has largely been defined in contrast or
Direct opposition to “Polytheism” or “Pantheistic” organizations so monotheism tends to dovetail nicely with anything even vaguely approaching a “Unitary” concept
Whereas monotheism is a self-descriptor of basically all religions found to be subsumed under this term,
While clearly there is no equivalent self-descriptor for polytheistic religions:
Monotheism asserts itself by opposing polytheism! While polytheism does not use the same argument as it includes a concept of divine unity despite worshipping a plethora of gods
The “Trinity” is the point where it all comes together (becomes female) because by definition there can be only one “Plurality is not Polytheism” the father, the son, and the holy spirit, are ambiguous enough to loosely squeak by with God is one “being” in three personal dimensions but, it can not happen if god has penis and a vagina, Barbara is female therefore Etc Etc.
The mother, the daughter, and Holy Spirit
Alternate Universe wherein ….
(1) Jesus was born as a woman
(2) Her name was Barbara
(3) Her manner of execution differed somewhat
Twenty-seven condemned “Religious Extremists” (Islamic Political Prisoners) were forced to eat her alive.
What graphic reminders would Christians (Now called barbarians) require to be displayed upon the roofs of Churches and gracing the throats of young virgins?
Not a cross but a blood orgy
The term “Daughter of God” becomes problematic at this point because it demonstrates clearly that god is in fact female (monotheism interrupted?)
Because the very idea of monotheism has largely been defined in contrast or
Direct opposition to “Polytheism” or “Pantheistic” organizations so monotheism tends to dovetail nicely with anything even vaguely approaching a “Unitary” concept
Whereas monotheism is a self-descriptor of basically all religions found to be subsumed under this term,
While clearly there is no equivalent self-descriptor for polytheistic religions:
Monotheism asserts itself by opposing polytheism! While polytheism does not use the same argument as it includes a concept of divine unity despite worshipping a plethora of gods
The “Trinity” is the point where it all comes together (becomes female) because by definition there can be only one “Plurality is not Polytheism” the father, the son, and the holy spirit, are ambiguous enough to loosely squeak by with God is one “being” in three personal dimensions but, it can not happen if god has penis and a vagina, Barbara is female therefore Etc Etc.
The mother, the daughter, and Holy Spirit
An Gedanken Experiment,
Nothing More
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Encyclical Episodic Epistle
An apostate of Ecclesiastes spake unto me and said
And from my throat will poor out blood
For the keepers of all that ever was
Have eaten all that there ever will be
For all that seeith not that they themselves
Hath become like unto death itself
Yea even unto the last generation of the daughters of man
Shall be made to lie down without their skins in great
vessels of salt filled also therein with noxious fumes
and noisome exudation's
Until such a time as all the love of power
Is sundered from the world of the flesh
And all hearts that ever beat shall purge themselves
Of every hatred from the world of the flesh
“As it ever was” shall become like unto a thing of great truth
And unto that time that seeith the end of all things
Shall all therein abide as living until there is no more
And no heart nor no mind of any child or innocent of simplicity
Shall be encysted nor therein
For if they can not conceive of such a place or thing
Then suffer them not to learn for therein lies the great peril
So that they shall not therein dwell for that place
Is not of or for their design
And from my throat will poor out blood
For the keepers of all that ever was
Have eaten all that there ever will be
For all that seeith not that they themselves
Hath become like unto death itself
Yea even unto the last generation of the daughters of man
Shall be made to lie down without their skins in great
vessels of salt filled also therein with noxious fumes
and noisome exudation's
Until such a time as all the love of power
Is sundered from the world of the flesh
And all hearts that ever beat shall purge themselves
Of every hatred from the world of the flesh
“As it ever was” shall become like unto a thing of great truth
And unto that time that seeith the end of all things
Shall all therein abide as living until there is no more
And no heart nor no mind of any child or innocent of simplicity
Shall be encysted nor therein
For if they can not conceive of such a place or thing
Then suffer them not to learn for therein lies the great peril
So that they shall not therein dwell for that place
Is not of or for their design
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Eating the Strange
Blank stares sheathing sorrow
Pasted to faces with no tomorrow
In-depth indeed instinctive inclination
Tending towards totalitarinization
Say it isn’t so and you lie to the dead
Not an issue for those who are born to dread
But for those of us who have gone before
Do they already know just what is in store?
Lie to the dead and the eat your tongue
The taste and the smell and the feel of dung
It’s the simultaneity of living and dying
That they happen together is what’s underlying
Pasted to faces with no tomorrow
In-depth indeed instinctive inclination
Tending towards totalitarinization
Say it isn’t so and you lie to the dead
Not an issue for those who are born to dread
But for those of us who have gone before
Do they already know just what is in store?
Lie to the dead and the eat your tongue
The taste and the smell and the feel of dung
It’s the simultaneity of living and dying
That they happen together is what’s underlying
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Spending Even My Own Sons
Many are the friends and miles between
Who have seen even unto the depths
From which none shall report
Until such a time as death shall no longer
Tempt us from our comfort
But instead to compose a moment
Beyond repose
There shall I always stand with the artist,
The musician and god
Dave Brackeen
Copyright ©2009 Dave Brackeen
Who have seen even unto the depths
From which none shall report
Until such a time as death shall no longer
Tempt us from our comfort
But instead to compose a moment
Beyond repose
There shall I always stand with the artist,
The musician and god
Dave Brackeen
Copyright ©2009 Dave Brackeen
Indefinite Descriptor
Nothing isn’t art
Runs like new
Something my mother said long ago
If, you are ever in a position
Where you don’t know exactly who is getting fucked?
It’s because it is you
Nothing isn’t art
One day only
Vacuous returning of nature’s hatred
Julies Cesar said Caveat Emptor
That you are the buyer who should beware is debatable
But not the value of the lesson
It’s because its you
Nothing isn’t art
Jesus on black velvet
Even a glimpse of another s thoughts
Conveying to any and all who
Would so much as look
Fulfills the obligation of sight
Or your ears or nose
Nothing isn’t art
Empty aquarium
The subject beyond the object
Nay, hear me pyrrus and purpend thereon
On either side of the paint
Its because its you
Runs like new
Something my mother said long ago
If, you are ever in a position
Where you don’t know exactly who is getting fucked?
It’s because it is you
Nothing isn’t art
One day only
Vacuous returning of nature’s hatred
Julies Cesar said Caveat Emptor
That you are the buyer who should beware is debatable
But not the value of the lesson
It’s because its you
Nothing isn’t art
Jesus on black velvet
Even a glimpse of another s thoughts
Conveying to any and all who
Would so much as look
Fulfills the obligation of sight
Or your ears or nose
Nothing isn’t art
Empty aquarium
The subject beyond the object
Nay, hear me pyrrus and purpend thereon
On either side of the paint
Its because its you
Jesus Charlie
Tiny little blip in time
Humans as we are currently defined
Protein sequences exactly like hummingbirds or sharks
Not a little bit like them
But exactly like them side by side
Four amino acids in endless combinations binding us all
Tiny little strands
Ribosomes connecting the twin strands
The blueprints of Charles Starkweather and Jesus Christ
Humans as we are currently defined
Protein sequences exactly like hummingbirds or sharks
Not a little bit like them
But exactly like them side by side
Four amino acids in endless combinations binding us all
Tiny little strands
Ribosomes connecting the twin strands
The blueprints of Charles Starkweather and Jesus Christ
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I am the egg man
And I dreamed I shook the most massive hand I had ever seen
Emerging eerily from a hand stitched diamond quilted silk vacuole
Bearing an enormous old fashioned knuckle-duster ring
And I seem to remember his pupils pinned as we shook hands
An instant of icy crystalline fear paralyzed my very soul
Angel Hearts Louis Cypher eating the Man/Egg Mickey
Something in a language I no longer allow myself to speak
In diamond chips sans-serif capitals your ass is mine
I knew the second he let go of my hand that I was forever changed
A certain hyena like asymmetrical quality in his unseeing eyes
Assurance that there would be no death prior to maceration
Persona non grata casper milquetoast personification preferred
Emerging eerily from a hand stitched diamond quilted silk vacuole
Bearing an enormous old fashioned knuckle-duster ring
And I seem to remember his pupils pinned as we shook hands
An instant of icy crystalline fear paralyzed my very soul
Angel Hearts Louis Cypher eating the Man/Egg Mickey
Something in a language I no longer allow myself to speak
In diamond chips sans-serif capitals your ass is mine
I knew the second he let go of my hand that I was forever changed
A certain hyena like asymmetrical quality in his unseeing eyes
Assurance that there would be no death prior to maceration
Persona non grata casper milquetoast personification preferred
The rooms of my subsequent passage
But this feeling had come that day, the day I was arrested
And swallowed up everything inside it,
So big you could not really prove it was there
Except by an arithmetic of absence and the memory of better days.
And I had moved around in it, whatever it was from one point to another
utill I had wound up behind the razor wire at Elmwood in a place so bad it was like a Piece of broken glass to rub up against that big empty. And thereby growing aware of the thing that had swallowed the world. Though it was only just visible and then only in sidelong glances, not a feeling so much as a form of gas. Something I could almost smell in the back of my throat
Lying chill and inert in the rooms of my subsequent passage
And swallowed up everything inside it,
So big you could not really prove it was there
Except by an arithmetic of absence and the memory of better days.
And I had moved around in it, whatever it was from one point to another
utill I had wound up behind the razor wire at Elmwood in a place so bad it was like a Piece of broken glass to rub up against that big empty. And thereby growing aware of the thing that had swallowed the world. Though it was only just visible and then only in sidelong glances, not a feeling so much as a form of gas. Something I could almost smell in the back of my throat
Lying chill and inert in the rooms of my subsequent passage
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Keep those flags of distemper flying
A work in Progress..........
Is it true that one can not help but to perceive any given moment with some remnant of whatever thought-forms that were extant during the moments that preceded it or them.
A sort of residual force of reckoning that in effect infects the developing now moment with a tincture like overlay. A hint of the now past moment forcing those moments to more or less morph from one into another not so much as to actually define the newly developing moment or series of them but to setup a certain contiguous familial quality about them.
Giving rise to questions regarding inferred word values, queuing and nonrandom word selection and the deep and abiding suspicion I have always had that most humans must be at least a little bit insane to actually understand one another And if so....?
Is it true that one can not help but to perceive any given moment with some remnant of whatever thought-forms that were extant during the moments that preceded it or them.
A sort of residual force of reckoning that in effect infects the developing now moment with a tincture like overlay. A hint of the now past moment forcing those moments to more or less morph from one into another not so much as to actually define the newly developing moment or series of them but to setup a certain contiguous familial quality about them.
Giving rise to questions regarding inferred word values, queuing and nonrandom word selection and the deep and abiding suspicion I have always had that most humans must be at least a little bit insane to actually understand one another And if so....?
Monday, July 6, 2009
On Constellations
On Constellations
We are stardust, we are golden,
We are billion year old carbon,
And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.
………..Stephen Stills.
Parallax view lending credence to a collective impression
Though light years apart we perceive a connection
Constellations are a perspective relation
The song of the spheres defined by vibration
Socio political is the increment of measure
And curacy the genius of this international treasure
Megalopolis located between the future and the past
Globalization reconfigured redefined unsurpassed
In this world wide turbulence, a different expression
This biennial theme, is an harmonic progression
Former Military Industrial Complex Conversion
Paradigm shift marks its total inversion
But seriously now…
In my mind’s eye I keep picturing Zues in a near frantic state of apoplexy
Hardly knowing which hubristic mortal to fling his thunderbolts at
Zhu Qi, Marc Hungerbüler, Raul Zamudio, Any of the bevy of polyglot
Curatorial conspirators involved in this wanton reanimation of the
798 war machine.
And I wonder is it safe?… this breathing to life of the long dead 798 corpse
What impact will be greater upon the world? Old or New
Surely the hopes & dreams of its East German designers
Will in some way finally be realized !
A new world order based upon Photographs & Sculpture?
Paintings that could cause the world to actually take there neighbors seriously
Can we hold Martin Wehmer responsible for what happens or Nicoykatiushka
Alexandra Loewenstein, Jaishri Abichandani Tried in a court of world opinion
I think these things a long overdue and to celebrate this austere point in time,
I am going to shamelessly Ripoff Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill
This is not the end It is not even the beginning of the end.
But perhaps It is the end of the beginning
We are stardust, we are golden,
We are billion year old carbon,
And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.
………..Stephen Stills.
Parallax view lending credence to a collective impression
Though light years apart we perceive a connection
Constellations are a perspective relation
The song of the spheres defined by vibration
Socio political is the increment of measure
And curacy the genius of this international treasure
Megalopolis located between the future and the past
Globalization reconfigured redefined unsurpassed
In this world wide turbulence, a different expression
This biennial theme, is an harmonic progression
Former Military Industrial Complex Conversion
Paradigm shift marks its total inversion
But seriously now…
In my mind’s eye I keep picturing Zues in a near frantic state of apoplexy
Hardly knowing which hubristic mortal to fling his thunderbolts at
Zhu Qi, Marc Hungerbüler, Raul Zamudio, Any of the bevy of polyglot
Curatorial conspirators involved in this wanton reanimation of the
798 war machine.
And I wonder is it safe?… this breathing to life of the long dead 798 corpse
What impact will be greater upon the world? Old or New
Surely the hopes & dreams of its East German designers
Will in some way finally be realized !
A new world order based upon Photographs & Sculpture?
Paintings that could cause the world to actually take there neighbors seriously
Can we hold Martin Wehmer responsible for what happens or Nicoykatiushka
Alexandra Loewenstein, Jaishri Abichandani Tried in a court of world opinion
I think these things a long overdue and to celebrate this austere point in time,
I am going to shamelessly Ripoff Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill
This is not the end It is not even the beginning of the end.
But perhaps It is the end of the beginning
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Angel by Bruce Springsteen
The angel rides with hunchbacked children
Poison oozing from his engine
Wielding love as a lethal weapon
On his way to hubcap heaven
Baseball cards poked in his spokes
His boots in oil he's patiently soaked
The roadside attendant nervously jokes
As the angel's tires stroke his precious pavement
The interstate's choked with nomadic hordes
In Volkswagen vans with full running boards
Dragging great anchors
Following dead-end signs into the sores
The angel rides by humping his hunk metal whore
Madison Avenue's claim to fame
In a trainer bra with eyes like rain
She rubs against the weather-beaten frame
And asks the angel for his name
Off in the distance the marble dome
Reflects across the flatlands with a naked feel
Off into parts unknown
The woman strokes his polished chrome
And lies beside the angel's bones
Poison oozing from his engine
Wielding love as a lethal weapon
On his way to hubcap heaven
Baseball cards poked in his spokes
His boots in oil he's patiently soaked
The roadside attendant nervously jokes
As the angel's tires stroke his precious pavement
The interstate's choked with nomadic hordes
In Volkswagen vans with full running boards
Dragging great anchors
Following dead-end signs into the sores
The angel rides by humping his hunk metal whore
Madison Avenue's claim to fame
In a trainer bra with eyes like rain
She rubs against the weather-beaten frame
And asks the angel for his name
Off in the distance the marble dome
Reflects across the flatlands with a naked feel
Off into parts unknown
The woman strokes his polished chrome
And lies beside the angel's bones
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Just In BasketCase
I think about what it might mean when I talk to myself
And about all of those basket people in the parks
And downtown
Busily chatting away in animated conversations all alone
Is it just that we are loquacious and garrulous primates?
Or is it something else
Empty stares returning the silence of forever
Emptiness and lonely souls keep in tune and fill the holes
Returning what only they can see
I hope it hasn’t happened to me
Expressing all possible human emotions to no one I can see
It gave me the creeps when I realized that I do it also
It’s not confusing that there is a “We / They” thing
But it’s embarrassing that I think that I want there to be
Is it horrible of me to be glad that I am not in their shoes?
I think I need them to be isolated so I can feel insulated
From them
And how far am I from needing to pour out my life like that
Blurting out unanswered questions and convictions all alone
And about all of those basket people in the parks
And downtown
Busily chatting away in animated conversations all alone
Is it just that we are loquacious and garrulous primates?
Or is it something else
Empty stares returning the silence of forever
Emptiness and lonely souls keep in tune and fill the holes
Returning what only they can see
I hope it hasn’t happened to me
Expressing all possible human emotions to no one I can see
It gave me the creeps when I realized that I do it also
It’s not confusing that there is a “We / They” thing
But it’s embarrassing that I think that I want there to be
Is it horrible of me to be glad that I am not in their shoes?
I think I need them to be isolated so I can feel insulated
From them
And how far am I from needing to pour out my life like that
Blurting out unanswered questions and convictions all alone
Vomitus Cerebellum
More cerebral vomit and I want it not
This standing waveform that is human thought
Control is an illusion like a very cruel joke
A surprise to me and my mind nearly broke
Questioning thoughts and wild speculations
Mindless acceptance and low expectations
No off button in sight and i despair what to do
A product of my environment how sad but how true
Forget fate falling like a foregone conclusion
In the web that you spun for your very own delusion
I hope you don't hope that I hope it is true
But I do know you didn't know if I knew what to do
It doesn't matter now and I guess it never did
You have all the horror one expects from an id
At least as described by the things you have done
And my main question and fear is, am I also one?
Dave Brackeen
Copyright ©2009 Dave Brackeen
This standing waveform that is human thought
Control is an illusion like a very cruel joke
A surprise to me and my mind nearly broke
Questioning thoughts and wild speculations
Mindless acceptance and low expectations
No off button in sight and i despair what to do
A product of my environment how sad but how true
Forget fate falling like a foregone conclusion
In the web that you spun for your very own delusion
I hope you don't hope that I hope it is true
But I do know you didn't know if I knew what to do
It doesn't matter now and I guess it never did
You have all the horror one expects from an id
At least as described by the things you have done
And my main question and fear is, am I also one?
Dave Brackeen
Copyright ©2009 Dave Brackeen
Sunday, June 28, 2009
There Is No Death By John Luckey McCreery (1835 – 1936)
There is no death! The stars go down
To rise upon some other shore,
And bright in heaven's jeweled crown
They shine for evermore.
There is no death! The dust we tread
Shall change beneath the summer showers
To golden grain or mellow fruit
Or rainbow-tinted flowers.
The granite rocks disorganize
To feed the hungry moss they bear;
The forest leaves drink daily life
From out the viewless air.
There is no death! The leaves may fall,
And flowers may fade and pass away --
They only wait, through wintry hours,
The coming of the May.
There is no death! An angel form
Walks o’er the earth with silent tread;
He bears our best-loved things away,
And then we call them “dead.”
He leaves our hearts all desolate --
He plucks our fairest, sweetest flowers;
Transplanted into bliss, they now
Adorn immortal bowers.
The bird-like voice, whose joyous tones
Made glad this scene of sin and strife,
Sings now an everlasting song
Amid the tree of life.
Where’er He sees a smile too bright,
Or soul too pure for taint of vice,
He bears it to that world of light,
To dwell in Paradise.
Born unto that undying life,
They leave us but to come again;
With joy we welcome them -- the same
Except in sin and pain.
And ever near us, though unseen,
The dear immortal spirits tread;
For all the boundless universe
Is Life -- there is no dead!
To rise upon some other shore,
And bright in heaven's jeweled crown
They shine for evermore.
There is no death! The dust we tread
Shall change beneath the summer showers
To golden grain or mellow fruit
Or rainbow-tinted flowers.
The granite rocks disorganize
To feed the hungry moss they bear;
The forest leaves drink daily life
From out the viewless air.
There is no death! The leaves may fall,
And flowers may fade and pass away --
They only wait, through wintry hours,
The coming of the May.
There is no death! An angel form
Walks o’er the earth with silent tread;
He bears our best-loved things away,
And then we call them “dead.”
He leaves our hearts all desolate --
He plucks our fairest, sweetest flowers;
Transplanted into bliss, they now
Adorn immortal bowers.
The bird-like voice, whose joyous tones
Made glad this scene of sin and strife,
Sings now an everlasting song
Amid the tree of life.
Where’er He sees a smile too bright,
Or soul too pure for taint of vice,
He bears it to that world of light,
To dwell in Paradise.
Born unto that undying life,
They leave us but to come again;
With joy we welcome them -- the same
Except in sin and pain.
And ever near us, though unseen,
The dear immortal spirits tread;
For all the boundless universe
Is Life -- there is no dead!
Never Never land; Severed hand; Tethered to the nowhere man
To never never land you go,
Sans sequined glove for the solo show
Neverland concert on the Neverland stage
In the new midst of nowhere as your silent fans rage
Never Never land; Severed hand; Tethered to the nowhere man
Michael you really must have known
As your song of morphine has clearly shown
An off hand truism about of living in fright
It doesn't matter if your black or white
Never Never land; Severed hand; Tethered to the nowhere man
To never never land you go,
Sans sequined glove for the solo show
Neverland concert on the Neverland stage
In the new midst of nowhere as your silent fans rage
Never Never land; Severed hand; Tethered to the nowhere man
Michael you really must have known
As your song of morphine has clearly shown
An off hand truism about of living in fright
It doesn't matter if your black or white
Never Never land; Severed hand; Tethered to the nowhere man
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Impostore….or Retrospective introspection
I know now that I didn’t know then but then I was so sure
I didn’t give a rat’s ass then but learning was the cure
Retro collage is the infinite
Retro collage of the incorporeal
Retro collage will set you free
Of what you’ve taught yourself to feel
You can never know it now though I know he knew it then
In the time it took to die I think my dad was born again
Comprehending now what you knew long ago
It might not be an aha moment,
It might be that you’re kind of slow
It might be that you really need to retrofit. You Know?
I don’t think he ever thought a thing like retro born
They locked Mike up and took his life, an empty body shorn
Retro collage is the infinite
Retro collage of the incorporeal
Retro collage will set you free
Of what you’ve taught yourself to feel
I didn’t give a rat’s ass then but learning was the cure
Retro collage is the infinite
Retro collage of the incorporeal
Retro collage will set you free
Of what you’ve taught yourself to feel
You can never know it now though I know he knew it then
In the time it took to die I think my dad was born again
Comprehending now what you knew long ago
It might not be an aha moment,
It might be that you’re kind of slow
It might be that you really need to retrofit. You Know?
I don’t think he ever thought a thing like retro born
They locked Mike up and took his life, an empty body shorn
Retro collage is the infinite
Retro collage of the incorporeal
Retro collage will set you free
Of what you’ve taught yourself to feel
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Self sustaining feedback loops
Self sustaining feedback loops
I could never have been George W ….But
That selfish ass with the god complex
Could never have been me ….But
Self sustaining feedback loops
How do i know what I believe I know
Self sustaining feedback loops?
Through the offices of other people?... or
Opinions aren’t self forming right? or are they?
I like to think that they are not…..But
Self sustaining feedback loops
Don't equate the standing waveform that is human thought
I mean Right?
Self sustaining feedback loops
Are not the exclusive property of republicans are they?
Self image & world views were so easy to maintain in 1970
Perhaps I lend myself to such descriptors only secondarily
I could never have been George W ….But
That selfish ass with the god complex
Could never have been me ….But
Self sustaining feedback loops
How do i know what I believe I know
Self sustaining feedback loops?
Through the offices of other people?... or
Opinions aren’t self forming right? or are they?
I like to think that they are not…..But
Self sustaining feedback loops
Don't equate the standing waveform that is human thought
I mean Right?
Self sustaining feedback loops
Are not the exclusive property of republicans are they?
Self image & world views were so easy to maintain in 1970
Perhaps I lend myself to such descriptors only secondarily
Do you love it? Do you Hate it? Here it is the Way You made it
Subject: Do You Love It Do You Hate It Here It Is The Way You Made It
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 23:59:05 -0700
I don’t want this to seem crass or uncaring But, There are some things I have to tell you that I don’t think you are going to like very much. So any appearance of brevity herein is a direct result of nothing more that this, There are times when you just have to get in there, say a thing, and get out.
The answer to how do I live without you is quite simply to live without you. I don’t want you to feel that I bear you any ill will or at least lasting animus because for the most part
I don’t. I have allowed myself to finally get angry at you for the choices you had made, but I no longer begrudge you those choices
I absolutely hated what I had become for a while and still loathe and detest the fact that I was laid so low by the contents of my very own heart
I should be grateful that you demonstrated how easy I was to manipulate because you were right! I really was, and have since been working on that, so thanks for force-feeding reality into my un-accepting mind. I am very tired of these silly games as regards whatever stuff of mine that you may or may not still have.
In regards to that, Please observe the following request.
Whatever of mine that you do not take with you on Sunday to Thads house, please just throw it away and keep nothing because I have no intention of bleeding one more drop of blood or shedding on more tear for you, I am bled out and cried out and weary of your evident obsession with who or whatever the fuck you think I am. Don’t you dare ever again tell my daughter I am dead and gone. nothing more that a “Stand In” because it will really piss me off again. So just leave me and my family alone. My heart was once filled with the love of you, after that it was filled with pain and despair and now for the most part, I feel nothing at all for you. I know these things seem brutal but I don’t want you to feel that I am saying them in anger, or that they, in any way stem from a desire on my part to hurt you because that is not what i desire. This is simply how I feel. I am simply reclaiming my emotional and intellectual well being. I can not be your B.F.F and live so, I chose life
Melody has saved me from myself and is my only true love and best friend forever
Remember, obsession is never about the object it is about the fixation.
Obsess no more upon me and let me go for we have each arrived at our respective futures
Be at peace and go your own way
So mote it be
I release you from the bonds of forever
So mote it be
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
Love is the law love under will
P.S. please don’t reply or email otherwise for I will not read anything from you ever again.
Subject: Do You Love It Do You Hate It Here It Is The Way You Made It
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 23:59:05 -0700
I don’t want this to seem crass or uncaring But, There are some things I have to tell you that I don’t think you are going to like very much. So any appearance of brevity herein is a direct result of nothing more that this, There are times when you just have to get in there, say a thing, and get out.
The answer to how do I live without you is quite simply to live without you. I don’t want you to feel that I bear you any ill will or at least lasting animus because for the most part
I don’t. I have allowed myself to finally get angry at you for the choices you had made, but I no longer begrudge you those choices
I absolutely hated what I had become for a while and still loathe and detest the fact that I was laid so low by the contents of my very own heart
I should be grateful that you demonstrated how easy I was to manipulate because you were right! I really was, and have since been working on that, so thanks for force-feeding reality into my un-accepting mind. I am very tired of these silly games as regards whatever stuff of mine that you may or may not still have.
In regards to that, Please observe the following request.
Whatever of mine that you do not take with you on Sunday to Thads house, please just throw it away and keep nothing because I have no intention of bleeding one more drop of blood or shedding on more tear for you, I am bled out and cried out and weary of your evident obsession with who or whatever the fuck you think I am. Don’t you dare ever again tell my daughter I am dead and gone. nothing more that a “Stand In” because it will really piss me off again. So just leave me and my family alone. My heart was once filled with the love of you, after that it was filled with pain and despair and now for the most part, I feel nothing at all for you. I know these things seem brutal but I don’t want you to feel that I am saying them in anger, or that they, in any way stem from a desire on my part to hurt you because that is not what i desire. This is simply how I feel. I am simply reclaiming my emotional and intellectual well being. I can not be your B.F.F and live so, I chose life
Melody has saved me from myself and is my only true love and best friend forever
Remember, obsession is never about the object it is about the fixation.
Obsess no more upon me and let me go for we have each arrived at our respective futures
Be at peace and go your own way
So mote it be
I release you from the bonds of forever
So mote it be
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
Love is the law love under will
P.S. please don’t reply or email otherwise for I will not read anything from you ever again.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
And still the dead lie still in wormy earth
And still the dead lie still in wormy earth
Salvation occurring only in a very narrow bandwidth
While fervent believers pontificate endlessly
They whose end results are held to be self evident
So much so that putrefaction is a far superior wager
So much so that regulatory committees were commissioned
Judaism, Catholicism, and numerous other religious extremists
Though volumes have been written regarding faith
Most became canonical texts: Bearers of absolute authority:
Titled volumes of faith
To many titles to many volumes and to many faiths
Sycophantic aspirants disambiguate upon godhead
Much the same way septic embolism happens
And still the dead lie still in wormy earth
Dave M Brackeen
June 21, 2009
Salvation occurring only in a very narrow bandwidth
While fervent believers pontificate endlessly
They whose end results are held to be self evident
So much so that putrefaction is a far superior wager
So much so that regulatory committees were commissioned
Judaism, Catholicism, and numerous other religious extremists
Though volumes have been written regarding faith
Most became canonical texts: Bearers of absolute authority:
Titled volumes of faith
To many titles to many volumes and to many faiths
Sycophantic aspirants disambiguate upon godhead
Much the same way septic embolism happens
And still the dead lie still in wormy earth
Dave M Brackeen
June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Never Fear
Death warts multiplying on the skin of your teeth
Death rattles syncopating in the hand of a baby
Lung cookies gather darkly and bitch about you in particular
Happily slaved with a sinking certainty to a free floating anxiety
Surprised by an orgasm while making a particularly convoluted point
In the middle of complex argument regarding celibacy
All of these things and more are yours my child
Blessed art thou flesh of mine flesh
As is mine, so shall yours be an life of increasing weirdness
Never fear our schizophrenia for it will bless as it bleeds you of every when
Of any possibility of love or hope or joy or maceration of true intention
The blind eye sees deepest, being un-fooled by the curse of color
Death rattles syncopating in the hand of a baby
Lung cookies gather darkly and bitch about you in particular
Happily slaved with a sinking certainty to a free floating anxiety
Surprised by an orgasm while making a particularly convoluted point
In the middle of complex argument regarding celibacy
All of these things and more are yours my child
Blessed art thou flesh of mine flesh
As is mine, so shall yours be an life of increasing weirdness
Never fear our schizophrenia for it will bless as it bleeds you of every when
Of any possibility of love or hope or joy or maceration of true intention
The blind eye sees deepest, being un-fooled by the curse of color
Softly i say
oh so softly
we aspect ourselves
with the raiment of our
need to be
whence came we to our
rapidly departing youth and humanity
Hardly i reply
but oh so softly so
since so synclasticly we
curve towards ourselves upon all sides
Really i retort to nonce
lest the illusion of disillusion
resolves and devolves
I'm afraid of that though
i don't know what it involves
oh so softly
we aspect ourselves
with the raiment of our
need to be
whence came we to our
rapidly departing youth and humanity
Hardly i reply
but oh so softly so
since so synclasticly we
curve towards ourselves upon all sides
Really i retort to nonce
lest the illusion of disillusion
resolves and devolves
I'm afraid of that though
i don't know what it involves
Daughter Of Chaos
Beware the bitch beyond embracing
She shows the shadows that she has shorn
So slowly she shows her path of intrusion
So slowly so that you swim in delusion
Aborted abortion absolved not unborn
Dave M Brackeen 06/19/2009
She shows the shadows that she has shorn
So slowly she shows her path of intrusion
So slowly so that you swim in delusion
Aborted abortion absolved not unborn
Dave M Brackeen 06/19/2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Winkless NOd To Self
Warm the skin at neck
as cold the rain
makes runnels
upon and beneath
not soon for relief
But then again, none said that it would
Long the days
at childhoods end
seem lost forever
in the dream
of our past
All the heart strings strung
some few wither, some few break
sometimes splintering for tensions sake
no few are fruitless
though some may bind
bringing numbness and with it madness
left hollowed not hallowed
lame of limb and wanting numb of mind
Dave M Brackeen
as cold the rain
makes runnels
upon and beneath
not soon for relief
But then again, none said that it would
Long the days
at childhoods end
seem lost forever
in the dream
of our past
All the heart strings strung
some few wither, some few break
sometimes splintering for tensions sake
no few are fruitless
though some may bind
bringing numbness and with it madness
left hollowed not hallowed
lame of limb and wanting numb of mind
Dave M Brackeen
Copyright ©2009 Dave M Brackeen
My friends
There have been so very many
But strangely currently there are none
My friends
Friendships are born and some never die
But strangely enough the friends themselves do
My friends
Of those with the fortune to still be alive
I don’t know where you are but I wish you well
But strangely currently there are none
My friends
Friendships are born and some never die
But strangely enough the friends themselves do
My friends
Of those with the fortune to still be alive
I don’t know where you are but I wish you well
But on the other hand perhaps the idea that we all live in a world wherein Humor Nazis relentlessly patrol the internet seeking out & torpedoing any questionable humor that may or may not offend their delicate sensibilities, Just a little to George W Bush-like
Or perhaps, an over caffeinated critic, apparently with nothing better to do becoming overwhelmed with an inexplicable & raging compulsion to mindlessly apply his not insignificant skill set, upon a foolish, unwary or certainly hapless cretin mindlessly babbling a steady of “stream of consciousness” humorous or not, onto the internet
Perhaps the following might clarify exactly what I am trying to say here.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”
”Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech”
”Or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble”
“And to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”
They are no longer servants
They are no longer representatives
They are now Authority
They are now Officials and they run things
Ironical inspiration of tyranny was certainly not the overall intent of the admittedly tacky and “what in retrospect” has become an “hoisting of my own petard” however, If in fact things have gone so far as produce Stalin like purges of jest from the internet then perhaps suicide is the only rational option because I believe that all power structures started out as critics
Or perhaps, an over caffeinated critic, apparently with nothing better to do becoming overwhelmed with an inexplicable & raging compulsion to mindlessly apply his not insignificant skill set, upon a foolish, unwary or certainly hapless cretin mindlessly babbling a steady of “stream of consciousness” humorous or not, onto the internet
Perhaps the following might clarify exactly what I am trying to say here.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”
”Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech”
”Or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble”
“And to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”
They are no longer servants
They are no longer representatives
They are now Authority
They are now Officials and they run things
Ironical inspiration of tyranny was certainly not the overall intent of the admittedly tacky and “what in retrospect” has become an “hoisting of my own petard” however, If in fact things have gone so far as produce Stalin like purges of jest from the internet then perhaps suicide is the only rational option because I believe that all power structures started out as critics
Martian & Non-Martian Rovers
Opportunity & Spirit on mars in a planet wide dust storm six months in duration
Again and a half as far from the sun as we yet, hope persists in the face of disaster
Ours is a minor planet orbiting an insignificant star on an unremarkable galactic arm
There isn’t a thing that we can not do as a species, except not kill each other
Linguistic considerations aside Deus Ex Machina, is for poets, No god from the machine
Brazil’s giant sloth’s almost made it. Hope persists in the face of disaster
Was it climatic changes or, an unfortunate intro to humankind’s appetite for flesh?
Australopithecus! Southern Ape indeed, you were curious, but I wonder about what?
Hope and your species three million years extinct what persists in the face of disaster
Seven thousand light years away in a star nursery, hope persists directly from disaster
This nurturing nursery quietly nestled in the corpse of the magellanic star that preceded it
Euripides could not have known the scale of our vision yet, as a tragedian such texture
Julius in sooth cried “Caveat Emptor” He also said there is nothing new under the sun
What would he say of riding the blast wave upon cosmic debris being hurled starward?
Again and a half as far from the sun as we yet, hope persists in the face of disaster
Ours is a minor planet orbiting an insignificant star on an unremarkable galactic arm
There isn’t a thing that we can not do as a species, except not kill each other
Linguistic considerations aside Deus Ex Machina, is for poets, No god from the machine
Brazil’s giant sloth’s almost made it. Hope persists in the face of disaster
Was it climatic changes or, an unfortunate intro to humankind’s appetite for flesh?
Australopithecus! Southern Ape indeed, you were curious, but I wonder about what?
Hope and your species three million years extinct what persists in the face of disaster
Seven thousand light years away in a star nursery, hope persists directly from disaster
This nurturing nursery quietly nestled in the corpse of the magellanic star that preceded it
Euripides could not have known the scale of our vision yet, as a tragedian such texture
Julius in sooth cried “Caveat Emptor” He also said there is nothing new under the sun
What would he say of riding the blast wave upon cosmic debris being hurled starward?
The Staircase is Dark
The staircase is dark
The way is uncertain
The only surety is, nothing is ever sure
Even in the light
I can still lose my way
The only thing that is real, is that nothing is real
No few of my lovers swore a lifetime’s devotion
Yet midnight strikes and i am still alone
Even as an absurdity it is absurd
But not as an obscenity is obscene
The difference is quite striking
Being struck by the difference
Not indifferent to being struck
I should rise up an aspect of myself
And find a personality for the day
I might find a new person there
There in the dark
And this stairwell is steep
Climbing or descending I’m not really sure
The only thing I know is that I don’t know anything
The way is uncertain
The only surety is, nothing is ever sure
Even in the light
I can still lose my way
The only thing that is real, is that nothing is real
No few of my lovers swore a lifetime’s devotion
Yet midnight strikes and i am still alone
Even as an absurdity it is absurd
But not as an obscenity is obscene
The difference is quite striking
Being struck by the difference
Not indifferent to being struck
I should rise up an aspect of myself
And find a personality for the day
I might find a new person there
There in the dark
And this stairwell is steep
Climbing or descending I’m not really sure
The only thing I know is that I don’t know anything
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
And Nihilism Begets Nialism
A term frequently used by adolescents as a misspelling of the word Nihilism, to the point of becoming a popular cliché. Mal-fortunately the term is often used to in the context of common misconceptions of the philosophy, which are usually an excuse to advocate self-destructive behaviors among their peers. Example: "NIALISM ROX" Sharply penned onto a fourteen year olds arm.
Where-as True Nihilism argues that (Philosophically?) values as such do not exist rather they are falsely invented and poorly applied and like a bad paint job are easy to spot.
Not to be confused with the synonym “anomie” which generally denotes a mood of despair at the pointlessness of existence when one ponders the realization that there are
No such things as rules, norms, laws, yet republicans still seem to flourish whereas suicide is thier only “rational option also the bogus & misspelled “nilisim? Can be contextually bent to include some of my personal favorite vein openers such as Futurism and Deconstructionism
I think that Self destructive behaviors should just be classified as themselves.
That’s right Self destructive behaviors are just that, Self destructive behaviors
Generally I feel that Nietzsche can go fuck himself however, he did fucking nail the whole “Void” thing right on the fucking head Peer into the Void long enough and the Void peers back into you
Nietzsche Stated………..
A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it is that it ought NOT to be, and of the world as it ought to be that it does not exist. According to this view, our existence (action, suffering, willing, feeling) has no meaning: the pathos of 'in vain' is the nihilists' pathos — at the same time, as pathos, an inconsistency on the part of the nihilists.
But this is not our faith, So let us stop talking crossly, now the hour is getting late
Where-as True Nihilism argues that (Philosophically?) values as such do not exist rather they are falsely invented and poorly applied and like a bad paint job are easy to spot.
Not to be confused with the synonym “anomie” which generally denotes a mood of despair at the pointlessness of existence when one ponders the realization that there are
No such things as rules, norms, laws, yet republicans still seem to flourish whereas suicide is thier only “rational option also the bogus & misspelled “nilisim? Can be contextually bent to include some of my personal favorite vein openers such as Futurism and Deconstructionism
I think that Self destructive behaviors should just be classified as themselves.
That’s right Self destructive behaviors are just that, Self destructive behaviors
Generally I feel that Nietzsche can go fuck himself however, he did fucking nail the whole “Void” thing right on the fucking head Peer into the Void long enough and the Void peers back into you
Nietzsche Stated………..
A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it is that it ought NOT to be, and of the world as it ought to be that it does not exist. According to this view, our existence (action, suffering, willing, feeling) has no meaning: the pathos of 'in vain' is the nihilists' pathos — at the same time, as pathos, an inconsistency on the part of the nihilists.
But this is not our faith, So let us stop talking crossly, now the hour is getting late
Monday, June 1, 2009
Collapsar Disclaimer
Is it true.? Could it possibly be true that in fact, all people are in the process of collapsing into the mass their own gravity? It is just a thought but, it won’t go away! It fills me with disquiet. Much like that scene from the movie “Donnie Darko” where, Donnie (Jake Gyllenaal) is trying to communicate his feeling of revulsion and absolute horror to his psychiatrist (Katherine Ross) about the idea that, absolutely every person and every creature on the planet dies absolutely alone. How isolating and lonely that concept is, as a matter of fact I try my best not to even ponder ever but, I digress The gravity question is rearing its hoary head again.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
All moments remembered
Embedded in light
So the dead are still with us
They are just out of sight
Four dimensions forever
No return no invasions
Because frustrums of cones
Are volume equations
Embedded in light
So the dead are still with us
They are just out of sight
Four dimensions forever
No return no invasions
Because frustrums of cones
Are volume equations
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Contemplations of a non reflective surface
Many are the miles from whence i came
One perspective tells me that i remain the same
Yet another one tells me I'm so far from
Ever understanding this creature that I have become
One perspective tells me that i remain the same
Yet another one tells me I'm so far from
Ever understanding this creature that I have become
Creatures of Light and Darkness
Savage joy in the core millions of years in duration
Replaced suddenly by ejection to the corona
Flung from the troposphere upon sunlight pressure
Converted after eight minutes nineteen seconds
Sensations of sharp skull rooted teeth
Taste of blood smell of prey
First incarnation as human
Or I’m dipped in shit
Particles slamming into this ion soup
Digested by the EM field
Excreted as Aurora
Light patterned from chaos
Attention diverted from complex conditioned reflex
Now a hovering desire to peer just to see
To the very verge of a question
So hard not to track the feces of foodstuff
Atmospheric displays of energy dancing
Misconception of destruction is really just Birth
Energy converting to Skin and wood
light to energy to light to heat to light to the end of time
Dave M Brackeen May 20th 2009
Ascension’s Decent
Pete and Rudy and Michael and Dave
Bigwall climbing on Stonewall they’d brave
MDA in the nose and LSD in the eye
The trail not the face the assent to “On High”
Profound the colors once up on top
Rudy spoke of drop after drop after drop
Inverted pushups by the lizards with ease
Then they’d stare in your eye
And then gone with the breeze
I thought Michael’s heart would forever expand
Perhaps it did, for he can not remand
And so now for an description
Of effete as an isim
The western worlds leading proponent
On transcendental Peteisim
For some interminable moments all were lost in that sky
For they were young & they knew that they could never truly die
I know that the akashic record holds them forever
At least as dear as I
Dave Brackeen 05/27/09
Bigwall climbing on Stonewall they’d brave
MDA in the nose and LSD in the eye
The trail not the face the assent to “On High”
Profound the colors once up on top
Rudy spoke of drop after drop after drop
Inverted pushups by the lizards with ease
Then they’d stare in your eye
And then gone with the breeze
I thought Michael’s heart would forever expand
Perhaps it did, for he can not remand
And so now for an description
Of effete as an isim
The western worlds leading proponent
On transcendental Peteisim
For some interminable moments all were lost in that sky
For they were young & they knew that they could never truly die
I know that the akashic record holds them forever
At least as dear as I
Dave Brackeen 05/27/09
Monday, May 25, 2009
For Phillip Jose Farmer & The Ethicals
Blank the page with Broken pen
Blank the mind to gaze within
Blank to all & sundry show
To all your scattered bodies go
In field, In crop, With earthen clod
And heathen to ponder forgotten god
But mostly blank that none should know
Bereft on conscience that they not show
Also Peter Jarius Frigate
Blank the page with Broken pen
Blank the mind to gaze within
Blank to all & sundry show
To all your scattered bodies go
In field, In crop, With earthen clod
And heathen to ponder forgotten god
But mostly blank that none should know
Bereft on conscience that they not show
Also Peter Jarius Frigate
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